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I, Robot - MERGED - Updated 2022

Robotic Drug Dispensers

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[Image: msn-emoticon-robot-194.gif]

My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Maybe I shouldn't laugh. At least there is a practical use for a defective robotic arm.

[Image: SL_6jy.gif]

My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Transhumanism Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology - Building Gods

This film by Ken Gumbs tackles the issue of pending greater-than-human artificial intelligence and the possible ramifications. Different individuals with different backgrounds are interviewed on the subject, including a theologian, a philosopher, a brain builder and a cyborg. A wide spectrum of topics are discussed, including trans-humanism, mind-machine mergers, uploading, and artificial super-intelligence.

My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Yeah. It'll be great. All that hardware installed into your body and none of it will you own. Oh the lovely software. All of it designed to control your thoughts with consumer driven programming. Connected by waves of electric shock therepies to keep all the bots rolling in a uniform line! None of it owned by you. Only rented!


Row, row, row your bot...

Gently down the stream...

Merrily, merrily, merrily....



My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Much of our technology is spread to our brains thru the use of the screen! Flicking, dominating, hypnotic screens...

Questions We Should Have Asked About Technology

People are taught or rather programmed to look with awe to corporate baubles that may actually be leading to their own destruction. It never occurs to them to ask the crucial questions about a technology before it is unleashed on humanity. Barely anyone throughout history has asked, “but won't this also bring on such and such? They buy the slogans and accuse questioners of paranoia. They turn on the unbelievers, accusing the“Luddites of being heretics, cavemen and even murderers. It doesn't occur to ask “why do things get worse if things are so “advanced?

Afterward, the people who are the most affected by the cozy relationship between government and the corporatocracy are told “it was oversight, but now there's no putting the genie back in the bottle.

My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

An "Emotional AI" Is Being Developed By A Team Of Russian Researchers


One of its roles is as an “acto in the most literal sense of the word taking on roles of various people in group discussions. Instead of being programmed to understand people, it would set itself questions and seek out the answers for itself.

[Image: Data+Mr.+Tricorder+2.gif]


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Quote:Yeah. It'll be great. All that hardware installed into your body and none of it will you own. Oh the lovely software. All of it designed to control your thoughts with consumer driven programming. Connected by waves of electric shock therepies to keep all the bots rolling in a uniform line! None of it owned by you. Only rented!

Row, row, row your bot...

Gently down the stream...

Merrily, merrily, merrily....


Quote:Anything ever posted lives forever in a vault of potential embarrassment.
[Image: e7e2c25a761f865714db563ac5046786.jpg]


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Quote:Early Robots and Automatons

Modern electronic robots can trace their roots to primitive automatons and other mechanized contraptions that first came about in the Middle Ages and the ancient world. Many of these creations were mere curiosities, but others were working humanoid and animal robots that used weights, water or ingenious clockwork systems of springs and levers to perform rudimentary tasks.

[Image: 70018e5b3a051783d27bc3fc96198e66.jpg]

History of Mechanical Automata

I've always been impressed by automata. But I can only begin to imagine the reaction of people in 1585 no, that date isn't a typo when Hans Schlottheim's ship first sailed across a table. While automata can be disturbing because they very explicitly upset the boundaries between animate and inanimate, living and dead, human and inhuman, would these early examples have been seen as clever artifice or would their viewers have been briefly fooled by what they saw?


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

[Image: 9d73315c142cb49aa5f5719db2b2e502.jpg]




My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

[Image: 478f2cd4776b8fcf4863c8301027e5ca.jpg]


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

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