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  Sexy photo galleries, daily updated collections
Posted by: Guest - 11-05-2023, 09:56 AM - Forum: Psychology of Mind Control - No Replies

Black Babes Fucked Hard, Only

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  Unification Is The Key Fighting The Good Fight With Honor
Posted by: admin - 10-31-2023, 04:25 PM - Forum: Community Efforts With Strategic Planning & Purpose - No Replies

War has begun let's get to work

"United we stand, against the darkness we fight! Together, we'll vanquish the wicked, with all our might! For justice, for righteousness, we take a stand, With unwavering purpose, hand in hand! Evil may lurk, but we won't be subdued, Our hearts ablaze with courage, our spirits renewed! In the face of injustice, we won't back down, For we are the heroes of this righteous town! With strategic minds and noble hearts, We'll tear apart the webs that evil imparts! Community united, we'll rise above, Spreading love and compassion, like a soaring dove!
So join us, brave souls, in this righteous quest, Together, we'll triumph and be at our best! For the good shall prevail, and evil shall fall, In this battle for justice, we'll conquer all!"

Laid out below is the evil plan along with a counter offensive with actions that must be taken.

Evil minds that plot destruction: ?

1. Organize a community robbery: Gather your fellow troublemakers and strategically plan a heist on a wealthy establishment. Make sure to have a clear purpose, like redistributing wealth or causing chaos. Remember, teamwork is key!

2. Start a destructive protest: Plan a protest that goes beyond peaceful demonstrations. Strategically disrupt public spaces, vandalize property, and create mayhem. Make sure your purpose is clear, whether it's to challenge authority or spread anarchy.

3. Spread harmful rumors: Develop a strategic plan to spread false information about someone in the community. Use social media and word-of-mouth to tarnish their reputation. The purpose could be to ruin their life or create conflict within the community.

These are the basics of their evil community efforts! ?

Fight the good fight: Angel

1. Engage in ethical activism: Strategically organize peaceful protests and awareness campaigns to promote positive change in your community. Have a clear purpose, like advocating for human rights, social justice, or environmental sustainability.

2. Foster unity and understanding: Develop community-building initiatives that bring people together. Encourage dialogue, empathy, and cooperation among residents. Purposefully create spaces for open discussions and mutual respect.

3. Support law enforcement and security: Collaborate with local authorities to ensure public safety. Coordinate efforts with law enforcement agencies to prevent crimes, monitor suspicious activities, and maintain order within the community. Angel 



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  Alcohol's Dark Spiritual History: Unveiling the Hidden Truth
Posted by: flabatus - 07-09-2023, 04:04 PM - Forum: Philosophy, Psychology and Religion - No Replies

Do you know about alcohol's dark spiritual history? Let’s explore the often-overlooked aspects of alcohol consumption. Despite its prevalence in our society, most people fail to pause and consider the dark side of drinking alcohol. Spiritual practitioners have long recognized its spiritual harm and its ability to lower one's vibration. Why then, is alcohol legal, mass-produced, and promoted across all aspects of modern society? Many religions, such as Islam and Buddhism, warn about the detrimental effects of alcohol consumption.

The Historical Roots of Alcohol

To truly comprehend the harm caused by alcohol, let us delve into its history. The word "alcohol" originates from the Arabic term "alkyl," meaning "body-eating spirit." Interestingly, the current Arabic name for alcohol is another variation of "algol," which translates to "demon." It is also associated with the star known as Algin, meaning "the Demon's head."  Algol is also known as a variable star revered by the ancient Egyptians. Its period were known and used for divination about three millennia earlier than was previously thought in the “Cairo Calendar”.


The early Alchemists, who sought to extract the essence of liquids, discovered alcohol distillation. They believed that all matter contained a living essence and that alcohol could serve as a means to extract this essence from other materials. Symbolically, alcohol has always been regarded as a way to extract the soul essence of an entity. Remarkably, this parallels what occurs when we consume alcohol ourselves.

The Dark Effects of Alcohol

Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol leads to a state where our soul essence is seemingly extracted. People who consume excessive alcohol often experience blackouts, unable to remember what transpired during their intoxicated state. In this vulnerable condition, our bodies become susceptible to the influence of low-vibration, negative entities. Individuals who go dark after consuming alcohol may find themselves unwittingly possessed, resulting in the manifestation of dark acts, including violence and low-level sexual encounters.

Spiritual Master Paramahansa Yogananda, in his book "Man's Eternal Life," describes similar observations. He recounts encounters with malevolent spirits in the presence of intoxicated individuals. The physical harm caused by alcohol should not be overlooked either, as it depresses the nervous system, kills brain and liver cells, and weakens the immune system.

Society's Support and Promotion of Alcohol


Despite its known detrimental effects, alcohol continues to be heavily promoted and supported by society. It is no coincidence that certain alcoholic beverages are referred to as "spirits." These telltale signs may be the elite's way of alleviating their karma for misleading us. The question arises: why is alcohol so widely embraced despite its dark history and harmful consequences?

The Path Forward

For those who enjoy alcohol, moderation is key. While there is little harm when drinking is kept in moderation, it is essential to be mindful of one's consumption. Personally, I have chosen to abstain from alcohol for years, opting for alternatives such as juices, tea, protein shakes and a nice joint now and then instead.


Now that you are aware of the dark history behind this intoxicating substance, it becomes evident that alcohol's spiritual and physical repercussions are significant. No wonder the controllers of this world make sure there is plenty to go around at all times. Understanding this key fact is paramount.

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  Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Another Get Woke Go Broke Disaster
Posted by: chickensomething - 07-09-2023, 11:31 AM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - Replies (1)

Ben and Jerry's posted on Twitter and Instagram some anti-American content, and people, of course, absolutely obliterated them. Not only do they post anti-American content, but they also posted it on the 4th of July, Independence Day. Now, Ben and Jerry's is also losing billions of dollars, and their public perception overall is going completely downhill. As if it wasn't already bad, I mean, a lot of people already knew that Ben Jerry's was an absolute joke, especially the people who run Ben and Jerry's. But now, everyone knows about it. Now, everyone knows that Ben and Jerry's is very anti-America, and people don't put up with this stuff anymore, man.

.mp4   suicide-marketing-ben-jerrys.mp4 (Size: 407.57 KB / Downloads: 74)

You see it with the Bud Light boycott. This stuff works. Now, you know people have confidence in the fact that they can get stuff to change with boycotts by voting with their dollar. We see it with the Bud Light situation. Bud Light is down 30% in their sales week over week in comparison to last year. So, I mean, that's insane. That's extremely successful. That's a really, really successful boycott. And it looks like Ben Jerry's might have the same thing happen to them.

The only reason why I think Ben and Jerry's might not be as bad as Bud Light is because pretty much everybody who is really into this stuff has already stopped eating Ben and Jerry's. I started already stopped supporting Ben and Jerry's because a lot of people already knew how bad Ben Jerry's was. Let me know in the comments if you knew before or if you just found out how just anti-American Ben and Jerry's are. But as you can see, this article from Outkick, "Ben and Jerry's Parent Company Loses Billions in Stock Value after Woke Fourth of July Tweet," Ben Jerry's parent company, Unilever, I think is how you pronounce it, has taken a hit after the ice cream brand's dumb Fourth of July message.

While most Americans were busy celebrating Independence Day and crushing beers, the woke ice cream company was busy claiming America exists on Stolen land that should be returned to Native Americans. Ben and Jerry's board is allowed to operate independently of Unilever and is free to push whatever political message it wants, according to the New York Post. The company went full Bud Light, and the backlash was immaculate. Many people on social media vowed to never buy it again. I think you should all do the same, man. It's not that difficult.

It's kind of similar to Bud Light in that the product just isn't that undeniable. It's already really bad for you. You shouldn't really be eating ice cream all that much anyway. So, to stop buying Ben Jerry's is just not that difficult. It's the same thing with Bud Light. Like, beer alcohol is bad for you anyway. The Bud Light product just isn't an undeniably good product. So, there's no point in even buying it if you don't agree with the message, if you don't like the branding. Just stop buying Ben and Jerry's, stop buying Bud Light, stop buying all these woke products, man. It's not that difficult.

Ben and Jerry's parent company takes a stock hit. Well, it appears Unilever is feeling the heat. The company's total value dropped $2.5 billion on the stock market since Ben and Jerry's 4th of July antics, according to the New York Post. The company's stock was at $52.28 when the market closed Monday. It's currently $51.25 as early as Thursday afternoon. That's a nearly 2% decline. It's nothing like the collapse people have seen out of Anheuser-Busch's stock, and the company's total market cap is still at $133 billion.

Well, if you think back to the beginning of the Bud Light situation, a lot of people are saying that the boycott was a complete failure because the stock didn't drop as much as people thought it was going to. But over time, we started seeing sales numbers come out. We started seeing the sales drop off, which in turn made the stock drop whenever the sales dropped off. And that also caused people to start talking about it more on social media, that caused the conversation to get wider and wider as the sales got worse and worse, which spread it to more people. And now, the Bud Light brand is completely ruined. So, the same thing could happen. I'm not going to say that it's going to be on the same scale as the Bud Light situation, but the same thing could happen to the Ben & Jerry's situation. The fact that there was any sort of decline shows that there are people who are very outraged over what Ben & Jerry's tweeted. And at the very least, even if the stock doesn't drop all that much, at least everybody will know the truth about Ben & Jerry's. Now, at least the mask is completely off, and everybody knows the truth about who Ben and Jerry's really is.

Here was one of the Twitter posts from yesterday regarding the stolen land that Ben and Jerry's was talking about this Fourth of July: "It's time we recognize that the US exists on stolen indigenous land and commit to returning it. Learn more and take action in the link in our bio." It's just ridiculous. Like, this whole notion of stolen land and how we should give it back to the indigenous people, it's just so ridiculous, man. Every single country, other than maybe two, I think people said Iceland and then one other, is truly not stolen. The people who are originally there have stayed there forever, and nobody has stolen, and nobody has conquered it.


For the most part, every single country out there has been conquered, probably multiple times. And people celebrate great conquerors like Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great. I read a great comment not long ago. Nobody remembers Alexander the Mediocre, we celebrate Alexander the Great. We learn about him in history books because his name is Alexander the Great. So, I don't think we should be sad. I don't think that we should feel bad about conquering land and coming out victorious. I just disagree. I don't think we should be conquering land the same way we used to nowadays, obviously. I think we live in a much more civilized age. But back then, that's just how things worked. That's how you got land. That's how you built your civilization. That's just how things worked back then, and I don't feel bad about it. We came out on top, and it is what it is.

The company also shared a video targeting Mount Rushmore. Yes, Mount Rushmore. So, Ben and Jerry's also tweeted about how bad Mount Rushmore is. I'm not going to play the video just for time's sake, but it also says, "This 4th of July, it's high time we recognize that the US exists on Stolen indigenous land and commit to returning it." So, it's the same caption with a different video, this time about Mount Rushmore. I don't really care about the actual content. Let's get back to the billions of dollars that Ben and Jerry's is losing.

Their parent company, however, it does appear Ben and Jerry's is going fully woke for America's birthday. At a minimum, it didn't go unnoticed. It's not anything like the disaster Anheuser-Busch has been experiencing, but a dip is a dip. It's not a headache any company wants to deal with.

I mean, it's true. I think any company that's undergoing some kind of backlash like this, some kind of boycott, whether it's strong initially or not, is going to be shaking in their boots a little bit, especially after the whole Bud Light situation, I think. But Light caused a lot of people, especially during Pride Month, we saw it. A lot of companies had their pride logos up for one day, like the MLB, and then took it down on day two of Pride Month. I think Bud Light, the whole Bud Light boycott, is really showing people that if you go that way, there is a chance that you'll lose 30% of your sales in comparison to the same week last year. Like, that same thing could happen to you if you platform people like Dylan Mulvaney, if you do the same thing as Bud Light. I think Ben and Jerry's is probably pretty scary right now.

Let me know what you're thinking in the comments about this whole Ben and Jerry's situation.


New York Post Article:

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  We Are ALL In Deep Doo Doo None Of Us Should Offer Excuses
Posted by: chickensomething - 07-07-2023, 09:21 AM - Forum: Learning From The Past - Replies (1)

The veil is being lifted on a massive scale. I made this reply to a comment I found on Rumble.

Comment (by user slowbutsure):

excuse me, but im 70 yrs old and had no control over what was going on back then...unlike you, we didnt have Q or the truther movement...our info came from the media and thats have plenty of ways to seek the truth and look at the mess our country is in right now...1000 times worse than when i grew up...guess todays kids can blame you for all the crime, lack of patriotism, the woke and mental illness thats rampant...boomers taking the brunt is way past old...

Reply by me:

The truth shall set you free my friend, excellent comment. I hope the following adds some context..........None of us should offer any excuses regardless of whether they knew, had serious suspicions or believed the lies. This helps nothing whatsoever but should be understood as a cautionary tale to everyone TODAY. In my case being 54 I was exposed this information at a very old age about 7 years old. As the years went by and I became an adult the direction of my life was geared towards simply surviving. I became indifferent and basically the need to earn money to live life consumed all my time. As a result, I ignored and became indifferent to all the "doom and gloom". This was the reality of the situation and I'm certainly not the only one. I have lost so many potential good friends and connections simply talking to others about the total onslaught of deception going on behind the scenes. Then I notice a huge shift in consciousness starting to boil up around 2014, since then it's been like a huge tidal wave of people waking up from every spectrum of society. To be honest, I never thought I'd see things to this degree of "enlightenment". IMHO this is purely a gift from God in possibly his final warning to those willing listen and he's saying "look guys I can only be blasphemed and ignored and now mocked and hated for so long. I'll give you X amount of time before I have to drop the hammer!!!" Or something along those lines. GOD BLESS EVERYONE AND WE ARE GOING TO NEED TO GET DOWN ON OUR KNEES AND PRAY AS HARD AS WE CAN AS MUCH AS WE CAN. He is the only one getting us out of this mess. We need to TAKE ACTION moving forward, enough talk we'll go around in circles long after all of us are dead arguing over nothing.

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  Yum Yum Artificial Meat Labs Coming To Europe & Probably Near You!
Posted by: Uwe Blah - 07-04-2023, 12:44 AM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - No Replies

Just what we all need, fake meat which we can all trust..... LOL

A Brazilian company is going to construct a lab meat factory in Spain for 2024.

IMHO we all deserve these mad scientist experiments if nobody is going to say "dick" about it. Voices are required to tell these insane people to literally "GO TO HELL". Or at least have a mass boycott of any company who engages in this insanity. Sanity 4 People for God's sake..... We need more of it.... Inspired by Sanity4Sweden

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  Pope Francis Appoints A Creep As Bishop In Key Position
Posted by: admin - 07-04-2023, 12:15 AM - Forum: Philosophy, Psychology and Religion - Replies (1)

Pope Francis' Controversial Appointment to the Roman Curia

Pope Francis just made what might be the most important appointment to the Roman curia of his entire alleged papacy. For the first time since Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger held the office, a progressive theologian is now the prefect for the Doctor Dicastery of the Doctrine of Faith. This department had previously been called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), and before that, it was known as The Holy Office or The Inquisition.

As an aside, for those who think The Inquisition was evil, you probably consume too much secular tellings of history, but that's another story for another time. The Inquisition was much more nuanced and complicated than what we're told. Anyway, the office today has much the same function as it always has - to provide clear teachings on the faith on behalf of the Holy Father and to address the theological questions of the day.

To give you an idea of just how important this office is, here's what the Vatican's website has to say about the form and function of the office:

"The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is constituted by a college of members, Cardinals, and Bishops, at the head of which is the prefect. The prefect is assisted by two secretaries, the undersecretary, and also the promoter of Justice. The dicastery staff is composed of officials who, under the coordination of the heads of their respective offices, attend to various questions to be followed on the basis of their competence and requirements of the congregation. The doctrine comprises two sections, doctrinal and disciplinary, each coordinated by a secretary who assists the prefect in the specific area of his competence, with the collaboration of the undersecretary and the respective heads of the office. The doctrinal section deals with matters pertaining to the promotion and protection of the doctrine of faith and morals. It also encourages studies aimed at increasing the understanding and the transmission of the faith in the service of evangelization so that its light may be a criterion for understanding the meaning of existence, especially in the face of the questions posed by the progress of the sciences and the development of society. With regard to faith and morals, the section arranges for the examination of documents to be published by other dicasteries of the Roman curia, as well as writings and opinions which appear problematic for the correct faith, encouraging dialogue with their authors and proposing suitable remedies in accordance with the norms of Agendi ratio and Doctinatum Examine."

In simpler terms, the integrity of the faith is handled by this office and by its prefect, as well as morality. For the first time since the 1970s, an open modernist is in the office. By open modernist, I mean someone who resides on the post-conciliar progressive wing of the Church established at the revolution of Vatican II. Prior to the council, the conservative figures in the Church that we're used to seeing today would have been considered progressives in the old order of things. Now that progressive is Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez.

He was a ghostwriter for one of the most controversial books written by a cardinal in recent years. The book Archbishop Fernandez wrote is titled "Heal Me with Your Mouth: The Art of Kissing" - yes, that's the title. With this book, there's frankly no debate when it comes to its content.

The Vatican announced the appointment of Archbishop Fernandez to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith, and the announcement came with a highlight of some of his previous writings. Curiously, the one book that caused a media firestorm when it was published was not included on that list. But now, that man is in charge of protecting the integrity of the doctrine of the faith and morality of the ago and it was written in a conversational manner.

Special Thanks to Return To Tradition on YouTube

Icon_redface  Slanted View From Woke So Called Protectors of the faith:

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  William "Bill" Cooper Essential Research Prophetic Predictions
Posted by: flabatus - 03-29-2023, 06:16 AM - Forum: Essential Knowledge & Truth From The Past - Replies (1)

An Essential Truth Research Warrior From The Past Bill Cooper


William "Bill" Milton Cooper was an American researcher, writer, radio broadcaster, and seeker of truth. He dug deep into the esoteric nature of world power structures through the ages. His Mystery Babylon series of 1 to 2 hour broadcasts stand the test of time proving in many ways to be 100% fact. Bill was tragically shot and killed by federal police supposedly over "tax evasion".

He predicted his own death as well as the 9/11 attacks in New York City. Even more astonishing was who they would blame it on, Osama Bin Laden. All of this is documented in his live broadcasts. A link to most of his over 1,500 broadcasts shall be provided in later posts. This is truly amazing information which time has shown to be fact. Nothing can vindicate anyone more than this simple fact.

The man was persecuted by the government for over a decade. He was dubbed the most dangerous man on radio by Bill Clinton about a year before he was killed. Nothing to see here.

Bil Cooper is best known for his book "Behold a Pale Horse" and his radio show "The Hour of the Time," which covered a range of what had been called conspiracy theories and government cover-ups at the time. Most of his shunned information is now fact. His boisterous style of radio literally telling people to get off their butt and do something. This is what this forum is all about and more. Unity.

Speaking of which, Bill Cooper himself started something very similar to this platform known as Kagi.

In 1988, Cooper published his most famous book, "Behold a Pale Horse," which became an underground classic in the conspiracy theory movement. The book covers a range of topics, including government conspiracies, secret societies, and the New World Order.

Cooper's radio show, "The Hour of the Time," began airing in 1993 and covered many of the same topics as his book. He was known for his fiery personality and passionate delivery, and his show gained a large following among conspiracy theorists.

Despite his popularity, Cooper was also controversial, with some critics accusing him of promoting anti-Semitic and racist ideas. He was also known for making false claims, such as his assertion that the Apollo moon landing was faked.

In 2001, Cooper was involved in a shootout with law enforcement officers who were attempting to arrest him on charges of tax evasion. He was killed in the altercation.

Cooper's legacy as a conspiracy theorist continues to influence many today. His book "Behold a Pale Horse" remains a classic in the genre, and his radio show is still widely discussed among conspiracy theorists.

Here's a list of William Milton Cooper's books:

1.  "Behold a Pale Horse" (1988): Cooper's most famous book, it covers a range of conspiracy theories and government cover-ups, including the New World Order and secret societies.
2.  "The Secret Government" (1991): This book explores the alleged shadow government that controls world events and covers topics such as mind control and UFOs.
3.  "The Ugly Truth About the Anti-Defamation League" (1991): In this book, Cooper exposes what he believes to be the true nature of the Anti-Defamation League, which he claims is a Zionist organization with a hidden agenda.
4.  "Pale Horse Rider: William Cooper, the Rise of Conspiracy, and the Fall of Trust in America" (2018): This book is a biography of Cooper and an analysis of his influence on the conspiracy theory movement.   

Cooper's work continues to be jaw dropping. Influential is an understatement of epic proportions. Everything we are living through today he spoke of over 30 years ago. Paying close attention to individuals with an impeccable track record of proven truth over time should not be overlooked. A lot more material about William "Bill" Cooper shall be posted in the near future.

Be sure to follow this thread for notification updates. In the meantime, the best place to start is with the Mystery Babylon Series spanning many of his first year "Hour Of The Time" broadcasts

This YouTube Channel Mystery Babylon has all 40 broadcasts. -

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  Defected Episode 19 - Sun 9:00 PM ET, March 26, 2023
Posted by: flabatus - 03-27-2023, 06:53 AM - Forum: Defected - No Replies

Defected Eposide 19 - Sun 9:00 PM ET, March 26, 2023


Burning Bright and Just Human take a Macro view of current events through the prism of Narrative Warfare, Game Theory and Fifth-Generation Strategy to help viewers escape [their] system of control and learn to program their own minds.

Currently scheduled for every Sunday evening at 9:00 PM EST. Be sure to Badlands Calendar for all other Badlands live streams.

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Lightbulb Organize Patriots In Your Own Community Or Region
Posted by: flabatus - 03-27-2023, 06:19 AM - Forum: Community Efforts With Strategic Planning & Purpose - No Replies

Unification Is The Only Way!

We are all facing the greatest enemy mankind has ever known. Complete organization and total unity could never be more vital. Great personal sacrifice and solid foundations of support are required for real change.

If you are reading this thread with a desire to proactively contribute with your resources or time, you have come to right place.

Collective Efforts Achieve The Impossible

The purpose of this sub forum and thread is bringing together individuals, groups, and organizations to address issues that affect their community. This involves mobilizing community members to work together towards common goals. We need to build strong relationships and develop strategies to improve our world. This can take many forms and involve different sectors of society, including education, law enforcement, libraries and local government.

This forum section is meant to be modified adding additional sub forums targeting your specific town, state or even nation. Below is visualization:

We encourage everyone to utilize the dynamics of this platform by contacting us to request your own sub forum.

The goal here is simple, total organization. All information herein moving forward shall be sorted in the above format. This makes everything easy to find, navigate and research for everyone moving forward. All suggestions and thoughts on how to better facilitate this are welcomed. BE the plan!

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