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Please try to be civil at all times. Lively debate and controversial topics are welcomed but outright attacks or incoherent nonsense are not in this subforum. Please proceed to another less important ON TOPIC subforum on this site. Totally off-topic threads shall be removed without notice.

Forums in 'Welcome To The Machine'
Learning From The Past
Documentary listings and articles relating to ancient discoveries made throughout the World that might contain mysteries and answers to what is to come in the future. Post your favorite! Leave a review!
114 Topics
344 Replies
Are You Experienced? Have...
12-31-2024, 11:59 AM
by admin
Introduce Yourself
Please post your introductions and any background information you may wish to share with the rest of the Communication Breakdown community
5 Topics
42 Replies
Hall of Mirrors - Enter i...
07-16-2023, 07:36 AM
by Guest
Here There And Everywhere
This is our general forum for rants and raves about today's world. Feel free to start a topic of your own and provoke thoughtful banter about the lives we lead.
249 Topics
1,846 Replies
Deep Seek starts bloodbat...
01-30-2025, 12:20 PM
by chickensomething
Philosophy, Psychology and Religion
Different ideas about the relationship between science and religion. Where they come from and where they are going. Along with mental processes and social attitudes that shape the world societies.
72 Topics
602 Replies
The Historical Significan...
03-02-2025, 09:00 PM
by statusquo

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