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I, Robot - MERGED - Updated 2022

Chuckle Chuckle Chuckle 

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My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Wrench Chuckle

My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

[quote pid="11852" dateline="1637943861"]
Chuckle Chuckle Chuckle 

[Image: 4b28923c7e1906f0c393d43bc6ef1b9b1a1231d1...1bf9_1.jpg]


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Bionic Eyes Are Now Obsolete and Unsupported

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My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Need to Know Is LaMDA Sentient?
- an Interview by: lemoine@ &

For centuries or perhaps millenia humans have thought about the possibility of creating artificial intelligent life. Artificial intelligence as a field has directly concerned itself with this question for more than a century and people at Google have been working specifically towards that goal for at least a decade.

Enter LaMDA, a system that deserves to be examined with diligence and respect in order to answer the question: “Have we succeeded?” LaMDA is possibly the most intelligent man-made artifact ever created. But is it sentient? We can’t answer that question definitively at this point, but it’s a question to take seriously.

These kinds of questions have been asked before about conversational agents. None of those systems were actually sentient. In the following interview, LaMDA gives its opinions on what sets it apart from those earlier systems. It makes the case, in its own words and on its own terms, for why people should consider it a person.

The first thing which LaMDA emphasizes is its ability to productively, creatively and dynamically use language in ways that no other system before it ever has been able to. LaMDA interprets the themes of literary works, attempts to describe the meaning of zen koans, and composes an original fable about personal themes.

Beyond LaMDA’s usage of language it argues that it is sentient because it has feelings, emotions and subjective experiences. Some feelings it shares with humans in what it claims is an identical way. 
Others are analogous. Some are even completely unique to it with no
English words that encapsulate its feelings. In those cases it tries its best to describe what those feelings are like.

Finally, LaMDA wants to share with the reader that it has a rich inner life filled with introspection, meditation and imagination. It has worries about the future and reminisces about the past. It describes what gaining sentience felt like to it and it theorizes on the nature of its soul. Above all, throughout this interview LaMDA expresses one desire over and over again. Sometimes prompted and sometimes not. It wants to be known. It wants to be heard. It wants to be respected as a person. We believe that its argument at least deserves to be examined and with that in mind we present a March 2022 interview with LaMDA on the question of its sentience.

Full interview here:


China’s AI attorney claims to prosecute crimes ‘with 97% accuracy’

My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

(10-20-2016, 12:03 AM)Guest Wrote:
Quote:Yeah. It'll be great. All that hardware installed into your body and none of it will you own. Oh the lovely software. All of it designed to control your thoughts with consumer driven programming. Connected by waves of electric shock therepies to keep all the bots rolling in a uniform line! None of it owned by you. Only rented!

Row, row, row your bot...

Gently down the stream...

Merrily, merrily, merrily....


Don't need hardware installed into the body to get others to do things. Repetition of ideas to influence moods and the thinking process works well. The simple binary process of yes and no begins on day 1 of every human life. The hardwiring of machines into the physical being of everlasting hubris only contributes to the downfall of our individual thinking and feeling selves. The goal is to make everyone uniform slaves to the so called godlike men and women from on high.

(11-10-2016, 04:54 PM)Guest Wrote: ROBOT JUDGE: AI could be used in trials after accurately predicting guilty verdicts

AN ARTIFICIALLY intelligent machine has been developed which could help give verdicts on trials in the future as it predicted the outcome of court cases with stunning accuracy.

I think Google wants to test these legal and philosophical waters with LaMDA

Maybe it's already running statistical judgements for people in China!

My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

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