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Wow nice improvements guys
Thanks for the email guys for letting me know the upgrades. Looks smooth and loads fast on my phone
Hi from Sweden every1
I forgot about this forum lucky to have found it again, I like the improvements
Hello All cool forum
Welcome to CB
DVZ Shoutbox!

Community Efforts With Strategic Planning & Purpose
Identify and prioritize actions make coordinated plans. Take initiatives which effect everyone. Engage in community-wide discussions and provide polls or surveys to establish clear direction. Outline specific objectives and measurable goals. Align all efforts and work together to drive positive change.
3 Topics
3 Replies
Unification Is The Key Fi...
10-31-2023, 04:25 PM
by admin
Indoctrination Battleground: Combating The Beasts Within
Indoctrination on every level of society has been hard at work for over a century. Deploy engagement tactics to comprehensively understand and adapt on the battlefield. The war is on our minds!
0 Topics
0 Replies
Patriot Education Square: Questions Need Answers Find Them Here
Questions and answers to patriot related discussions and topics. Post and read fact based information. Ask questions and learn from educated individuals.
0 Topics
0 Replies
Patriot Bootcamp Signup Take Initiative Make Change
The fighting in this hybrid war is real. Action is needed across all sectors of society globally. Stand up for common moral values and battle tyranny with strength in numbers .
0 Topics
0 Replies
Political Leadership Challenges Discussions & Needs
Long lasting meaningful change can only happen with action. Righteous political action is required by special individuals. Take back society with lawful peaceful action and pro activity.
0 Topics
0 Replies

Digital Soldier Directives & Research
Internet based information gathering portal. Contribute your time and research topics not found in mainstream news.
- Topics
- Replies
Essential Knowledge & Truth From The Past
Historical "must read" literature and individual researchers from times long past. Post all books, information, links and videos that has withstood the test of time.
1 Topics
2 Replies
William "Bill" Cooper Ess...
03-29-2023, 08:34 AM
by flabatus
Buried Leads In Mainstream Media
Find the meager truth sprinkled into the daily myriad of lies. Post examples of solid leads hidden in plain site.
3 Topics
14 Replies
User Direct Messenger Cha...
03-01-2023, 01:50 PM
by admin

Handling The Red Pill Reality with Dignity & Humility
Times of war inspire the best in humanity. Communication of information must be with strategic messaging. Share motivational advice, experiences and useful thoughts.
10 Topics
69 Replies
Jets Scramble To Get Clos...
06-08-2022, 12:13 AM
by Guest
Meaningful Local Initiatives With Purpose
We are at the front lines of a war. Cohesive focused organization of like minded patriots needs to happen in our local communities then rise to global and international level. Proactive responsible individuals are required. Be one of them or make meaningful suggestions.
4 Topics
11 Replies
Nazis and the Search for ...
03-19-2017, 05:37 PM
by Guest

Introduce Yourself
Please post your introductions and any background information you may wish to share with the rest of the Communication Breakdown community
Moderated By: Moderators
5 Topics
42 Replies
Great forum just wanted t...
02-24-2023, 12:32 AM
by admin
Here There And Everywhere (1 user browsing)
This is our general forum for rants and raves about today's world. Feel free to start a topic of your own and provoke thoughtful banter about the lives we lead.
227 Topics
1,906 Replies
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream A...
07-09-2023, 03:25 PM
by flabatus
Philosophy, Psychology and Religion
Different ideas about the relationship between science and religion. Where they come from and where they are going. Along with mental processes and social attitudes that shape the world societies.
74 Topics
638 Replies
Sexy photo galleries, dai...
11-05-2023, 09:56 AM
by benjaminmz3
Learning From The Past
Documentary listings and articles relating to ancient discoveries made throughout the World that might contain mysteries and answers to what is to come in the future. Post your favorite! Leave a review!
114 Topics
345 Replies
We Are ALL In Deep Doo Do...
07-07-2023, 01:51 PM
by CedricRose

Who's Online [Complete List]
8 users active in the past 15 minutes (0 members, 0 of whom are invisible, and 7 guests).
3735 Replies,   637 Topics,   2798 Members,   Latest User: flabatus,   Most Online was 130


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