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Online Ouija Board

[Image: ouija-board1.jpg]
Contrary to popular belief, “Ouija” is not a combination of the French for “yes,” oui, and the German ja. Murch says, based on his research, it was Bond’s sister-in-law, Helen Peters (who was, Bond said, a “strong medium”), who supplied the now instantly recognizable handle. Sitting around the table, they asked the board what they should call it; the name “Ouija” came through and, when they asked what that meant, the board replied, “Good luck.” Eerie and cryptic—but for the fact that Peters acknowledged that she was wearing a locket bearing the picture of a woman, the name “Ouija” above her head. That’s the story that emerged from the Ouija founders’ letters; it’s very possible that the woman in the locket was famous author and popular women’s rights activist Ouida, whom Peters admired, and that “Ouija” was just a misreading of that.
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Have you ever talked to the spirits?

[Image: 741e8cd0a6197cdcb863da928ab219106dc24544...44bf04.jpg]


Here's the only weedja board you'll every need!


[Image: 2465ebff275ca8e15d282cf736967e10.jpg]


Better than drinking spirits...





Don't forget the happy meals....



[Image: 4c5baeebfa382eb3f33650c5d61cf633.jpg]


I always knew Ronald was the Devil. Maybe that's how they conjured up the clown to begin with.






Here's my first post on this site! Does anyone like the ouija board? My interest is also in the Tarot and I sometimes do readings. Maybe I'll do some for this site, too!




But, for now if you would like to see an online ouija here's one:


Speak your question out loud. The spirits can hear you. Please be patient, as it can take some time for the spirits to gather enough energy to respond.

Girl, you play with the Ouija board! That shit is crazy! I've seen those things do some crazy batshit stuff to one of my friends. She believed in it so much she went out of her mind. She was on drugs, too. So, I guess that causes bad shit too. Anyways, that tarot and Ouija stuff is out of site. It ain't good for the inside, if you know what I mean.

Quote:Girl, you play with the Ouija board! That shit is crazy! I've seen those things do some crazy batshit stuff to one of my friends. She believed in it so much she went out of her mind. She was on drugs, too. So, I guess that causes bad shit too. Anyways, that tarot and Ouija stuff is out of site. It ain't good for the inside, if you know what I mean.

I learned the how to read to tarot from my old granny. My mother thought it was bullshit, too. She always got mad at her when she would show me her cards. Your'e right, though. It's not good to do those hard drugs and do readings. Strange things do happen when you do that.

I saw the booger man once when i was trippin on the acid cubes. you ever do the ouijer on acid. way out! way out there in the ozone of god.


Quote:I saw the booger man once when i was trippin on the acid cubes. you ever do the ouijer on acid. way out! way out there in the ozone of god.

or how about cocaine? once me and a bunch o friends got a whole giant pile of that killer rock hard cocaine. we cut it real fine into lines and honked on that and we started gabbin bout demons and shit. you know how you get when the cocaine kisses your brain. all gabby like. can't stop talkin. anyways, them demons were wearing the smiles that night cuz one dude got out one of those old ouiger board games.  we was laughin and snortin and chokin on weed and then Jerry brings out that ouiger board. now i already done my acid trip and was familiar with those things. so I just took the straw and blasted the pile once again and watched. those 2 dudes started the routine with it and Jerry asked his question. I forget what it was but just when there was supposed to be answer with that moving triangle, Ron let out the biggest blast i done heard in my whole life. It sounded like giant thunder up close to the ear drum. And the stench?! shitfire! yep, it was worse than shitfire. stank like crappy charcoal. A true fart from hell! Well, we had to get out of the room cuz it got so bad so fast. our eyes started watering. swear to god. we waited like an hour (which is a long time when you want another line) before we went back in the room. The stench still lingered a bit but the coke was still good.




Cocaine! Acid! You and your friends are crazy. It's a big mistake to play with things like that, especially when you're on drugs. Have you ever been to rehab? Talked to a doctor or something?


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