Communication Breakdown Asking Difficult Questions
Nobody ever wants to ask to difficult questions at the right time. Especially in times like these. Communication Breakdown is simply asking for answers. The forum found herein is meant to save souls. This site isContinue Reading
Animated Character Archetypes
Scripted and animated character archetypes! Time for a few notes about character and animated archetypes. Without them the reading process would be for naught. What makes them interesting, why are they fascinating, and what makesContinue Reading
Trite and Trivial Trivium Truth
The common trivial steps in the trivium Trivium truth may seem trite at times but it is not trivial. First off, we’ll start simple and begin with some basic definitions on general rhetorical terms. TheseContinue Reading
Snarky Logical Sarcasm
Snarky Logical fallacies are loaded with sarcasm everywhere These little nutcrackers always get in the way of decent discourse. Many people are ignorant of their usage in all the media forms. Too bad, too. So,Continue Reading
Shall We Play a Game?
Shall we play a game with reality? Shall we play a game with reality or not? To Be or Not to Be? Yes, those questions. 😀 💡 Verisimilitude 💡 What games in reality are realismContinue Reading
The History of the Tequila Sunrise
Tequila and its history goes way back! Making a great cocktail is an art form. A good bartender knows the history of a great tequila sunrise and does his best to provide the perfect drinkingContinue Reading
Would you like a reading?
Expanding the definition of artful reading. Artful reading enlarges our sense of language and understanding. How would you like to fulfill your reading expectations? Most of today’s reading is done to extract information and discardContinue Reading
Moderating Net Neutrality
I recently read a few articles about moderating net neutrality on Facebook. Some of the jobs these people have to do are downright hazards to the heath. Here are links to a couple of them:Continue Reading
Here is the News
The News is Here… Propaganda’s main task is to furnish a collective with ideological motivation and drive individuals to action. Sentimental motivations and nostalgia play an important part in this endeavor. A man must beContinue Reading
So you want information?
Rinse and Repeat – So you want information? Propaganda forms culture and in a sense is culture. We all want information. The idealist illusion is that mass media of communication will create a mass culture.Continue Reading