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  NASA's Parker Solar Probe plunged deep into the Sun's corona
Posted by: 3rd Rock - 04-20-2022, 06:40 AM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - Replies (5)

The Parker Solar Probe flew through the kinds of streamers that are visible during a solar eclipse.

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  The Brain is Now the Battlefield Of Today
Posted by: Culper - 04-18-2022, 05:56 AM - Forum: Psychology of Mind Control - Replies (10)

Dr. James Giordano: The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future

Dr. James Giordano, Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program and Scholar-in-Residence in the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics at Georgetown University, speaks to cadets and faculty about how advancements in neuroscience and neurotechnology will impact the future of war. This event was hosted by the Modern War Institute at West Point.


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  Jumpy dog art !
Posted by: Guest - 04-15-2022, 09:51 AM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - Replies (5)

Pretty good painter for a dog!
Look at that tail go...

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  Worshipping a Flying Spaghetti Monster Is Not a Real Religion
Posted by: Guest - 04-15-2022, 09:20 AM - Forum: Philosophy, Psychology and Religion - Replies (13)

Federal Judge Rules That Worshipping a Flying Spaghetti Monster Is Not a Real Religion
[Image: fsm3d.gif]
A federal judge in Nebraska has ruled that the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSMism) is not a real religion, delivering a setback to practicing Pastafarians around the country.
The spaghetti strings will ever fly in the face of giant meatballs filled with cheese. 

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  What is Neuro Linguistic Programming
Posted by: franceswj18 - 04-14-2022, 09:43 PM - Forum: Philosophy, Psychology and Religion - Replies (1)

The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future

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  India building the longest Border Wall in the World
Posted by: Guest - 04-14-2022, 05:36 AM - Forum: Suggestions For Solid Alternative Media Influencers - Replies (3)

Why is India building the longest Border Wall in the World ?
Though a border is usually defined as a physical or a sketched line separating two areas; the definition changes when it is being defined between two countries, having not-so-good relationship history. For India and any of its neighbouring country, border is the control of line between the two places where no personnel from the two countries is allowed except when they have a special permission to do so. This is why India has been on the road to build the largest border wall in the world.
[Image: DSCF0656-e1450694707105.jpg]

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  Really Bad Actors New York City Subway Shooting So Called Massacre
Posted by: admin - 04-13-2022, 09:07 PM - Forum: Suggestions For Solid Alternative Media Influencers - Replies (1)

Talk about bad actors in a movie. This is amazing!

Ask yourself a question.... Who doesn't run with shots fired in a subway?

Apparently dozens of people who only want to look at their phones

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  California Is Single-Handedly Making The Supply Chain Crisis Even Worse
Posted by: CB-nli - 04-11-2022, 10:33 PM - Forum: Suggestions For Solid Alternative Media Influencers - Replies (2)

California’s shipping backlog is, in part, caused by a “California Truck Ban which says all trucks must be 2011 or newer and a law called AB 5 which prohibits Owner Operators.”

California’s trucking regulations may have had an impact on port backups, but there’s more to it

"The NEWS says the California port situation is caused by a driver shortage," one viral post on Facebook said. "Not so fast: It is in part caused by a California Truck Ban, which says all trucks must be 2011 or newer, and a law called AB 5, which prohibits Owner Operators."

California Is Single-Handedly Making The Supply Chain Crisis Even Worse

    California introduced new regulations for the trucking industry that would worsen supply chain issues and hurt industry workers, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
    “We in the industry know that if you think there was a supply chain problem over the last year, wait until you take this many trucks out of the marketplace that are not replaceable,” Joe Rajkovacz, director of Governmental Affairs and Communications at the Western States Trucking Association, told the DCNF.

    “I’m stressing, do I downsize my company to two drivers at the end of the year because I only have two trucks, or do I have four drivers and switch them out?” Bill Aboudi, the owner of AB Trucking in Oakland, told the DCNF.

    “For months, Californians and families across the country have been dealing with supply chain issues that mean empty shelves and skyrocketing prices,” Republican California Rep. Michelle Steel, told the DCNF. “This is the result of bad policies from Washington and Sacramento that are restricting the trucking industry and contributing to the congestion felt at our ports.”

[Image: terminology.jpg]

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  The most dangerous 9/11 video ever
Posted by: Guest - 04-10-2022, 10:47 PM - Forum: Suggestions For Solid Alternative Media Influencers - Replies (1)

Reporters met with OBL long before 9/11:



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  5 ways to subvert character clichés and archetypes
Posted by: Cricket5421855 - 04-10-2022, 02:02 AM - Forum: Psychology of Mind Control - No Replies

This guest contribution by the team at Reedsy explores ways to subvert character clichés for a less predictable story.

Here are five easy ways to inject life into familiar character types:
1. Subvert archetypes to avoid character clichés

To subvert your own characters:

    Identify a list of character clichés usually associated with their type (e.g. ‘warrior’ equals ‘strong’).
    Think of how stock character types (such as “mentors”) have typical behavioural features. Dumbledore or Charlotte the Spider will always be wise and cautious.
    Then create a character to fit that mold perfectly… before revealing that, say, their “wisdom” is just stolen from a book of idioms. Subversion such as these add surprise complexity to your characters and story.

2. Parody the clichéd character archetype

Every archetype has a set of recognizable traits. That, naturally, is what makes them archetypal. Subverting them means ignoring expected traits, even though your audience may expect them. To parody them is to exaggerate those traits to their absolute extremes.

3. Deconstruct the archetype

Deconstructing a stock character gives your story emotional depth and style. It does require a lot of critical thought to pull off well. To nail it, try these three steps:

    Identify the attributes of a character type — say, the likable and frivolous Comic Relief character.
    Explain them in a surprising way — perhaps they’re not just a class clown, but use humor as a coping mechanism.
    Reveal something deeper and true about the character and archetype — (e.g. that clowns are often sad behind the joker mask). Make readers wonder if they’ve misjudged the archetype you’re portraying.

4. Lampshade the archetype

lampshading is the technique of countering your reader’s disbelief in a character’s ‘reality’ by acknowledging how blatantly they fit a cliché.

5. Imply the archetype

If a bit player only appears in a scene, they don’t have to be a deep deconstruction of every similar character ever. Instead, you can imply depth, and leave it to the reader to fill in the blanks.

Character Writing Hub

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