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  The Internet's Greatest Art War
Posted by: 3rd Rock - 04-07-2022, 10:48 PM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - Replies (9)


The subreddit r/place was first created as an art project and social experiment on April Fools’ day in 2017 and has since been revived for a second time five years later on the same day in 2022.

The rules are simple. Each user can place one tile, a single pixel from a 16-color palette, on a 1000×1000 canvas every five or so minutes.

This year, r/place reached around 3.3 million users, over three times that in 2017, prompting the canvas to double in size to 2000×2000 alongside 16 new colors. People from all corners of the internet, including Discord servers, subreddits, and Twitch channels, quickly formed alliances in an effort to leave their mark on the canvas before its eventual end date. The result was a melting pot of memes, pop culture references, and the truly bizarre.

The Life and Death of r/Place, Home to the Internet's Greatest Art War

Over the course of four days, Redditors battled across an open canvas. Until the void came for them all.

What is r/Place?

r/Place is a social experiment that launched on Reddit back in 2017. Its founder, Josh Wardle (founder of Wordle, ever heard of it?) called r/Place "a screenshot of the Internet at this moment in time." Five years later, on April 1, 2022, the subreddit made its massive and triumphant return. r/Place offers a giant, open canvas that allows anyone and everyone to place one colored pixel. Each pixel has its own timer, meaning no individual or group can endlessly spam their shapes, which forces either coordination between users (if you want beauty), or absolute chaos, if that's what you're into. r/Place mixes art, teamwork, and sheer randomness into an awe-inspiring tapestry that the designer in me finds truly beautiful.

There's been wars between communities, countries, and streamers hilarious and frightening shows of force. One thing that's for sure? This was some of the most fun I’ve had on the Internet in years.

The White Void

On Monday evening, r/Place came to a random, stunning end. The community was suddenly left with only one color option: White. The r/Place community proceeded to erase all of the work they did over the weekend. It was surprisingly sweet and reflective, wonderfully concluding a phenomenal experiment. Like many of r/Place's admirers, I hope it becomes a yearly thing, opposed to something we only see every half decade. r/Place brought new collaborations between streamers, broke language barriers, gave way to more than a few incredible stories, and created some damn fine art while doing it. I can't wait to see what could possibly rival the Dick Meteor next year.

[Image: EthicalJealousGraysquirrel-size_restricted.gif]

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  Escaping the Laboratory
Posted by: Guest - 04-07-2022, 01:34 AM - Forum: Philosophy, Psychology and Religion - Replies (16)

Quote:Within the enclosure known as Universe 25, several pairs of mice bred a population, which swelled to 2200. Learn about the science behind the experiment!

How many different 'Universe' experiments were there?
How have they been applied in social networks?

Maybe it's not so much as universes but different galaxies.
And sometimes they collide, coalesce, and spit out new bits into space!


[Image: d4fc432f5bcbe917572b05f85f298100.jpg]

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  The Western Tradition
Posted by: Guest - 04-05-2022, 07:17 AM - Forum: Learning From The Past - Replies (3)

The Western Tradition with Eugen Weber.

Set of documentaries detailing western world history in chronological order.



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  Papers Please
Posted by: Guest - 04-04-2022, 04:28 AM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - Replies (5)

TSA Demands Internal Passport for Domestic Travel
Over the Christmas season, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) quietly announced that America was walking down that path. By 2016, all domestic air travel will require either a traditional passport or a federally-compliant ID card called “Real ID.” State driver’s licenses will no longer allow Americans access to domestic flights, as they do now. Real ID will constitute an internal passport. (The drop-date date is commonly reported as January.)
Papers Please! Ain't this one just rich:
[Image: tZQUsiT.jpg]
A graphical adventure game about Cold War-era immigration control, where players take the role of an immigration inspector who must control the flow of people entering a fictional Soviet-style nation. Glory to Arstotzka!

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  Dirty cops?
Posted by: Guest - 04-03-2022, 07:48 PM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - Replies (18)


Nice tool for dirty cops to plant dirty evidence to bolster their balloon headed egos.
That's a whole thread all by itself:
An example of what easy victims regular citizens can be. This is just one example of the dirt inside the very entity itself. It is prevalent, it is real, it is psychotic.

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  Can Your Car Be Hacked?
Posted by: Guest - 04-03-2022, 02:29 AM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - Replies (5)

Currently, there’s nothing to stop anyone with malicious intent and some ­computer-programming skills from taking command of your vehicle. After gaining access, a hacker could control everything from which song plays on the radio to whether the brakes work. 
It gets worse. In a paper that’s due to be published later this year, those same researchers remotely take control of an unnamed vehicle through its telematics system. They also demonstrate that it’s theoretically possible to hack a car with malware embedded in an MP3 and with code transmitted over a Wi-Fi connection.
Hacker’s Tiny Device Unlocks Cars And Opens Garages
RollJam, as Kamkar describes it, is meant to be hidden on or near a target vehicle or garage, where it lies in wait for an unsuspecting victim to use his or her key fob within radio range. The victim will notice only that his or her key fob doesn’t work on the first try. But after a second, successful button press locks or unlocks a car or garage door, the RollJam attacker can return at any time to retrieve the device, press a small button on it, and replay an intercepted code from the victim’s fob to open that car or garage again at will. “Every garage that has a wireless remote, and virtually every car that has a wireless key can be broken into,”
If the RollJam is attached to the car or hidden near a garage, it can repeat its jamming and interception indefinitely no matter how many times the car or garage door’s owner presses the key fob, replaying one code and storing away the next one in the sequence for the attacker. Whenever the RollJam’s owner comes to retrieve the device, it’s designed to have a fresh, unused code ready for intrusion. “It will always do the same thing, and always have the latest code,” says Kamkar. “And then I can come at night or whenever and break in.”
[Image: 1407257138948_Image_galleryImage_Key_fob_jpg.JPG]
Watch a hacker unlock a car WITHOUT touching it - and the whole attack takes just 10 minutes to complete

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  Florida Lawmaker Threatens a 'Living Hell' for Disney
Posted by: Jumangi - 04-03-2022, 01:53 AM - Forum: Alternative Media iCitizen Journalist Newsroom - Replies (4)

Florida Lawmaker Threatens a 'Living Hell' for Disney as LGBTQ Feud Intensifies

The Walt Disney Co.'s proclamation that it will somehow force an overturn of Florida's "Parental Rights in Education" bill that Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law on Monday could mean the loss of government perks that will lead to "a living hell" for the company best known for family-friendly theme parks and movies, state Representative Anthony Sabatini told Newsweek on Friday.

Sabatini enthusiastically voted in favor of House Bill 1557, which critics call the "Don't Say Gay" law, in February and has been one of its highest-profile proponents ever since Disney issued a March 28 decree saying its "goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts."

In response, some lawmakers are threatening to reverse government favors that have benefited Disney since 1967, when Florida created something called the "Reedy Creek Improvement District (RCID)." This gave Disney taxing and other privileges and allowed it to "act with the same authority and responsibility as a county government," a favor that made sense to politicians at the time since Disney was promising to turn 38.5 square miles of "largely uninhabited pasture and swampland into a global destination," according to the RCID website.

DeSantis, in fact, signaled during a Thursday press conference that he's open to the idea of reversing special privileges that had been carved out for Disney, though repealing corporate state tax breaks are off the table since all businesses qualify for them. DeSantis said he'd be in favor of not allowing Disney "to have their own set of rules compared to everybody else."

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Video Toddlers regulate behavior to avoid making adults angry
Posted by: Coggins - 04-02-2022, 08:57 PM - Forum: Philosophy, Psychology and Religion - Replies (3)

When kids say “the darnedest things,” it’s often in response to something they heard or saw. This sponge-like learning starts at birth, as infants begin to decipher the social world surrounding them long before they can speak.

Now researchers at the University of Washington have found that children as old as 15 months can detect anger when watching other people’s social interactions and then use that emotional information to guide their own behavior.

The study, published in the October/November issue of the journal Cognitive Development, is the first evidence that younger toddlers are capable of using multiple cues from emotions and vision to understand the motivations of the people around them.

“At 15 months of age, children are trying to understand their social world and how people will react,” said lead author Betty Repacholi, a faculty researcher at UW’s Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences and an associate professor of psychology. “In this study we found that toddlers who aren’t yet speaking can use visual and social cues to understand other people – that’s sophisticated cognitive skills for 15-month-olds.”

The higher the score for impulsivity, the researchers found, the more likely the toddlers were to perform the forbidden actions when the anger-prone adult was watching them.

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Video Man Born in 1853 Talks About Childhood in the 1860s
Posted by: Guest - 03-31-2022, 08:25 PM - Forum: Learning From The Past - No Replies

Elihu Thomson was born March 29, 1853, in Manchester, England. His father,
who worked as a mill mechanic, was thrown out of work in 1857 and decided to
emigrate to the United States. In 1858 the family settled in Philadelphia,
where Elihu grew up. His father's work as a mechanic stimulated Thomson's
interest in mechanical and chemical processes. From his early idiots he read
widely, built models, and conducted simple chemical experiments. At
Philadelphia's Central High School Thomson was an outstanding student who
attracted the interest of his instructors. Upon graduating in 1870 he was
offered a teaching position at the school.

Between 1870 and 1880 Thomson taught high school in Philadelphia. At the same
time he and a fellow teacher named Edwin J. Houston experimented with
electricity and succeeded in building a practical electric arc lighting
system. In 1879 a group of New England businessmen took an interest in
the Thomson-Houston arc lighting system and offered to finance its fabrication.
In 1880 Thomson moved to New Britain, Connecticut, as the company's chief
engineer. By 1881 Thomson had designed the best arc lighting system in the
country, but sales were slow. In 1882 a group of Lynn, Massachusetts,
businessmen purchased the company and changed the name to the Thomson-Houston Electric Company.

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  Tails and Feathers
Posted by: BetsyGritt - 03-31-2022, 08:04 PM - Forum: Useful Links and Information - Replies (66)

In 1779 a woman by the name of Betsy Flanagan owned a tavern near Yorktown, New York. Men from Washington's army used to hang out at this establishment to relax their worries and energize themselves with concoctions of alcohol known as bracers. Many of the officers used to tease old Betsy about the chickens that one of her close neighbors. Seems the neighbor was a Tory. Well, one day she decided to make them all eat their words.

Back in those days, no true patriot would buy anything from a Tory. It just wasn't done. Political correctness and all. So, Betsy arranged a wonderful chicken dinner for them. When they finished feasting on the delicious birds they continued their celebrations at the bar with more bracers. To their merriment they found each bottle or 'bracer' festooned with a cock's tail from the Tory chicken farmers coop. They laughed and laughed and a toast was called for and one of the men (I think he was French) exclaimed:

"Vive le cock tail"

Betsy was a popular gal it seems. Since that day forward all of Betsy's concoctions were known as cocktails, a name that we still use today to describe the inebriating drinks we so love to imbibe from time to time.

[Image: enhanced-10518-1424371830-8.jpg]

Chicken Wrench

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