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The Brain is Now the Battlefield Of Today

Dr. James Giordano: The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future

Dr. James Giordano, Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program and Scholar-in-Residence in the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics at Georgetown University, speaks to cadets and faculty about how advancements in neuroscience and neurotechnology will impact the future of war. This event was hosted by the Modern War Institute at West Point.


Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and WarDr. Charles Morgan speaks to cadets and faculty at West Point about a range of topics, including psychology, neurobiology, and the science of humans at war. Dr. Morgan's neurobiological and forensic research has established him as an international expert in post-traumatic stress disorder, eyewitness memory, and human performance under conditions of high stress.

The event was organized and hosted by the Modern War Institute at West Point.

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Weapons that use energy to disable or destroy equipment or people are referred to as energy directed weapons. Examples include lasers, high-power microwave weapons, and charged particle beam weapons.

EXCLUSIVE: Doctors Reveal Details of Neuro-Weapon Attacks in Havana

Neuro-weapons can take the form of biological agents, chemical weapons — and in the Havana case — directed energy, and possibly a combination of different methods, Giordano said. The effects can be latent, durable, highly disruptive and attribution is difficult. They are not “weapons of mass destruction,” but they have the potential to disrupt everything from individual cells in a body, to societies and geopolitics, said Giordano, who authored a 2014 book, Neurotechnology in National Security and Defense: Practical Considerations, Neuroethical Concerns.

Giordano said directed energy weapons can cause these injuries by creating “cavitation,” or air pockets, in fluids near the inner ear. The shape of the inner ear amplifies sounds and waveforms to cause the effect. The process creates air bubbles, or cavities, that eventually burst.

Near the inner ear are two pathways carrying blood to the brain — the cochlear aqueduct and the vestibular aqueduct. The bubbles can travel rapidly up the aqueducts into the brain where they can “function as a stroke,” Giordano said.

All demographic, biological, social, and psychological data is in your jacket. Classifying everyone! And yes, this data is collected by every big nation on Earth.

The more known about an individual, a group, and a population the better. The data can be used to create narratives, icons, and semiotics (symbols) to influence emotions and behaviors in all categories within a society. (Jade Helm)

Drugs are manufactured to help the processing along. Precision pathologies are used to train specific individuals.

Bidirectional central and peripheral nervous system interfaces are used toward the transformation and advancement of human-machine interactions. (remote controlled thought control)

Drugs, bugs, toxins, and devices all used as weapons!

[Image: mo6oGIB.jpeg]

Also used extensively in marketing.

DARPA looking to master propaganda via 'Narrative Networks'

Called the “Narrative Networks” project, DARPA has released a solicitation for research proposals by those that have both the know-how and the technology to implement such a program, which is divided into two parts. The first part would involve analyzing what happens to people when they hear or see a message. It’s thought that certain messages or images actually cause a change in the brain to accommodate the new ideas.

The second part of the study, quite naturally, would involve developing a means for taking advantage of what is learned in the first part. Or, in other words, to come up with a way to find out who is vulnerable to messaging, and then to blast them with a message that would overwrite any undesirable brain changes that occurred as the result of that person being subjected to “bad” messages, so that they would behave themselves.

What can be done to ours and what can be done to others?

Battlefield applications

- Operators/Warfighters
  - Advanced neuro-psychopharmacologics
  - Computational brain-machine interfaces
  - Closed-loop brain simulation approaches
  - Neuro-sensory augmentation devices

Performance optimizations, enablements, enhancements, and maximization's.

This all depends on what the definition of 'good' means. Your good, my good, their good...yadda yadda yadda!

[Image: HRpDkRb.jpeg]

DARPA is specifically interested in evaluating the underlying systems which contribute to the following conditions as described by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders:

- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Major Depression
- Borderline Personality Disorder
- General Anxiety Disorder.

DARPA also seeks to evaluate the representation in the central nervous system of:

- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Substance Abuse/Addiction
- Fibromyalgia/Chronic Pain.

The work will require development of novel medical hardware, complex modeling of human neural systems, clinical neurology and animal research. DARPA expects that successful teams will span across disciplines including psychiatry, neurosurgery, neural engineering, microelectronics, neuroscience, statistics and computational modeling.

"Speaking of a future at most only decades away, an experimenter in intelligence control asserted, 'I foresee a time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain.'"

Zbigniew Brezinski, Between two ages, America's Role in the Technotronic Era, 1970

[Image: zbigniew-brzezinski-385588.jpg]

Looks like a major shift in narrative is happening before our eyes with Elon Musk purchasing Twitter and Truth Social going online a month or so prior. Trump magically announced he would be posting on Truth Social within the week when the announcement of Musk's purchase of Twitter was finalized.

Now the liberal echo chamber is going stark bat shit crazy. Interest Elon Musk posted a tweet today stating that Truth Social is the #1 Apple Store download currently and Twitter is now #2.

If one takes this a step further back, it's interesting Trump company (Trump Media) is set up as an acquisition corporation with serious funding behind it. A deal has already been made with Rumble to integrate their cloud services and video platform into Truth Social.

Speculation abounds about a possible acquisition/merger of Twitter or cross-platform integration. It would be groundbreaking if they could somehow compare trends or topics to improve the overall users' perspective into a more broad landscape. That would be a win-win dynamic and add more value for advertisers as well with ad intelligence. Multiple ways to monetize in many directions.

Either way, it's certainly looking like this entire situation was planned on several levels of reasoning and even strategically. One thing is for sure, at the moment this has a positive potential for free speech.

This is literally removing the bull horn from the bounty of bullshit shoveled out on mainstream news outlets and social media platforms. Disabling their ability to completely control the narrative. Time will tell the impact.

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