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Stargate - Combining AI WIth Science And Medicine

Stargate Is Not What You Think

I cannot take credit for making these connections but they need to be known by the general public. This is a serious matter everyone needs to understand. Taken from the following podcast by the folks over at [Wretched Watchmen]( (What a great name)

This is this is where things get pretty interesting so let's move over to Oracle Software which is the company that Larry Ellison is the CEO of and I talked about this guy some of his comments and and whatnot about Oracle and stuff a few weeks back but just a refresher

In case you missed it, Ellison recently came out in September saying something pretty interesting. Let's take a look. Larry Ellison predicts the rise of the modern surveillance state where citizens will be on their best behavior. This is the same guy who came out and said we need to create a system that collects everybody's biometric data, fingerprints all of their documents and everything and puts it into one digital sphere.

So we have the ability to track and Trace them everywhere they go in the name of safety and National Security this is somebody who  this was back in 2002 that this came out that he wanted to do this also important to note is Oracle is actually the company Oracle is actually a CIA asset talked about this as well

But just in case you missed it says Oracle coziness this was back in 2002 coziness with the government goes back to its founding  the firm's growth sustained as a niche established with the federal state agencies from a Central Intelligence Agency or a CIA deal that launched the firm 25 years ago to recent software contracts in Sacramento in Los Angeles .

Oracle is no stranger to the halls of political power any surprise that they're rising up now I don't think so the CIA was not just Oracle's first customer founded in  May 1977 the firm's name came from a CIA project code name Oracle company co-founders Larry Ellison Robert Miner and Ed Oats worked on Project Oracle at a at a consulting firm before striking out on their own.

Saying Oracle wouldn't exist if it weren't for government's contracts said Mike Wilson author of the book the diff listen to this book Mike Wilson author of the book””The difference between God and Larry Ellison” we can an entire episode on that alone we're not going to do that but I'm sure you see you you can hear it Oracle has 1,000 sales and Consulting workers focused exclusively on government work.

And in the wake of September 11th again that was a key turning point in all of this Oracle is counting on the heighten interest and staving off terrorism to boost its government ties even more Oracle has been actively pitching software to local governments to create detailed digital maps that could be used to respond to attacks in March

The Company formed a partnership to focus on Airport security. Ellison even offered to give the federal government software to help create a national ID to thwart the terrorists we don't negotiate with. In a background paper Oracle boasts that it is very active in Homeland Security.

**Almost like this was all designed starting back then when they created Oracle** and then started super boosting them at the planned and orchestrated 911\. Yes planned and orchestrated a false flag event and now is coming to fruition with their number one asset, their salesman Trump at the helm.

With that in mind this is where we get to the thing that everybody is aware of let's talk about it with that in mind Ellison announced something quite heavy in regards to said Stargate projects let's hear it straight:

“From all of our cancers, cancer tumors little fragments of those tumors float around in your blood so you can do early cancer detection if you can using a you can do early cancer detection with a blood test  and using AI to look at the blood test you can find the a can the cancers that are actually seriously threatening the person so we can again cancer cancer diagnosis using AI has the promise of just being a simple blood test then beyond that once we Gene sequence once we Gene sequence that cancer tumor you can then vaccinate the person design a vaccine for every individual person to vaccinate them against that cancer and you can make that vaccine the that mRNA vaccine you can make that robotically again using AI in about 48 hours so imagine early cancer detection the development of a cancer vaccine for the for your particular cancer aimed at you and have have that vaccine available in 48 hours this is the promise of AI and the promise of the future thanks you”

Yeah yeah that's about it great great great great times great times Yeah so basically what he's saying in a nutshell he wants to take your blood put it into a system the AI will then take your blood and individually create in 48 hours a personalized injection for you oh my that's what he's saying in a nutshell that's basically what he wants to do with all of this.

So if this is the plan we're talking a **full biometric surveillance system that tracks you down to cellular and blood levels** and this system will again take your blood and place it through an AI system to personalize an injection designed specifically I am all of a sudden very blurry see if I can fix this that usually works I don't know why it's not working hold on come on why why is it not working there we go I'm back but take it and personalize an injection sorry about that got some weird camera stuff first it was turning me and it's still making me blurry I don't understand what's going on with that weird but yeah

Basically take this and personalize an injection straight for you and this there's again there's a lot of directions that this can go first thing that pops into my head and I'm sure some of you guys can figure this out is this sounds like a massive step towards make sure I say it is not it is not but it sounds like a **massive step towards the Mark of the Beast**

Getting this type of blood level personalized injection run through AI to do something to you now of course they're using the name of Cancer in order to do that. I find it funny that I got to be careful how I say this but the thing that they put out before seems to be again causing something that they're now trying to fix.

Does that make sense? I have to be careful. I can't say much more than that but this really sounds like it's going in that direction. This is a massive step in that direction in order to make this happen now. There's a whole bunch of other stuff that can be in play I'm not going to sit here and speculate again I I don't want to I don't want to play that game

There's enough speculation out there but if this is true if this program is true I'm not going to sit here and say you know 100% but from what he's announcing if this program is true this is a serious **serious step in the Beast system this is connecting human to Ai and a whole connected system** that's very fascinating what's also funny and people didn't necessarily catch this is at this year's Davos meeting.

Pfizer's CEO Albert Borla announced something identical cool to what Larry Ellison said yeah let take a look there's a video that you can find I don't have the video but I'm just throwing it out there here's a couple of tweets that he put from the Davis meeting this is when he was speaking talking about this it says:

“AI is revolutionizing treatments for example AI could accelerate the development of targeted cancer therapies like ADCS”

It's the exact same thing Larry Ellison and Trump and all these guys with the Stargate thing are announcing. Within the next decade these Innovations could replace traditional chemotherapy transforming Cancer Care and improving outcomes for Millions.

This was announced at Davos at the same time that AI can close medical information gaps by empowering people to understand and manage their health. AI can expand access and improve care especially for those without regular access to doctors.

throughout my time at Davos it's been inspiring to see these themes come up over and over again and these leaders across so many Industries be energized by ai's potential to transform healthcare particularly in oncology while cancer remains a growing  growing Global burden I believe that science is catching up fast and these have reinforced my optimism that by balancing Innovation with specific  commitments and strong collaboration we can deliver a healthier future again.

You can find that video on the the Davos thing if you want to I just didn't  put it together but he announced exact same thing he said he can take  it's he used military terms he says we can take RN mRNA and we can take Ai and combine them the delivery system and the Warhead

They can use something that they you can put into yourself that will target specific things in your body and only hit those you want **to trust these guys to do that you sure you really want to trust these guys to do that I wouldn't** but I just find it so fascinating that at the same time Larry Ellison is announcing this for Stargate with Trump's thing we have the Pfizer CEO announcing the same thing at the Davos meeting.

Keep in mind here's a couple things keep in mind Trump's Chief of Staff is a big Pharma lobbyist who  who did contracts for Pfizer I whenever I when I went over  Trump's Administration picks I pointed that out about Susie Wilds she's a big Pharma lobbyist and one of her contracts was with Pfizer shocking right? I don't think so. This was no shock to me personally. Along with you guys I always talk about the bait and switch.

Everybody's celebrating all these executive orders doing good stuff. One of the big ones that was being celebrated was his withdrawal from the WHO. Let's just kind of take a look at this. Many people were celebrating Trump withdrawing from the WHO but let's put this into perspective Trump also withdrew from the WHO  in 2020 and then immediately gave Bill Gates  his GOVEY program $1.16 billion.

So he withdrew from the WHO and then just gave all of that money to Bill Gates. That was during 2020 I might add. This time, he withdrew from the WHO and they announced Stargate after he had a giant three-hour meeting with Bill Gates.

Bait and switch, bait and switch the headline reads Trump withdraws from the who the secret stuff that's actually happening underneath it negates anything that he just did but everybody's over here looking at this not realizing oh it's one giant bait and switch play. Same thing that happened in 2020 bait and switch the salesman perfectly done perfectly.

Adding on to that it just keeps getting better. Let's take a look at a bill that was just introduced. Oh yeah oh yeah introduced  January 7th of this year all information except text for a HR238 to amend the federal Food Drug and cosmetic act.

To clarify that Artificial Intelligence, LISTEN UP to amend the federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act to clarify that Artificial Intelligence and machine learning Technologies can qualify as a practitioner eligible to prescribe drugs if authorized by the State involved in approved cleared or authorized by the Food and Drug Administration.

And for other purposes they want a bill in there for AI doctors and pharmacies and this is coming in at the same time now I don't trust doctors anyways anymore but I certainly don't trust AI at all at all.

So a couple other things regarding some of the names of these things because the names are pretty interesting so have you guys ever looked up the definition of Oracle what Oracle means:

Key To Understanding Definition of Oracle


Let's take a look shall we  definition of Oracle:

“a person such as a priestess of ancient Greece through whom a deity is believed to speak”

Let me read that again. I'll read it a little slower. Oracle defined “a person such as a priestess of ancient Greece through whom a deity is believed to speak it also means a shrine in which a deity reveals hidden knowledge or the Divine Purpose for such a person.”

This is the name of Larry Ellison's company, the CIA asset developed in 1977 and he's one of the ones that wants to take your blood and put it into an AI system. Very interesting let's just go back in a little bit of history and take a look at what's going on with Oracle now

Now that we got the definition of it so raise of hands how many people have heard of the Oracle of Delphi y'all heard of the Oracle of Delphi oh somebody already put it in there before I even answered the question Mr vax to you win life you win a lifetime supply of nothing sorry I have nothing to offer you so yeah the Oracle of Delphi fun stuff

That's big in Greek mythology because it was believed to be that the Oracle that sat at that Monument there was like the great fortune teller it was actually the mouthpiece for Apollo or if you want to take it Apollo King of the locusts in the Underworld basically

We know we read in Revelation that Apollo will come up because he's the king of the locusts and all that type of stuff and so the Oracle is the mouthpiece, the one who speaks who gets spoken through. Supposed to be the wise teller the fortune teller, the Divination person and whatnot and everything that goes along with that the speaker of Apollo or Satan ultimately to stay

If you want to round it out in that type of way and we can actually read a little bit more about this  when it comes to a possibility of one of the Oracles that could have been involved with that situation If we head over to Acts 16:16 through 18 says it happened that as we were going this is Paul  involved with Paul here it says it happened that as we were going to the place of prayer slave girl having a spirit of divination or an Oracle met us who was bringing her master such profit by fortune telling following after Paul and us she kept crying out saying these men are Bond Servants of the most high God who are proclaiming to you the way of Salvation she continued doing this for many days but Paul was greatly annoyed and turned and said to the spirit I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her and it came out at that very moment.

I understand that there are many people who still don't believe that AI systems can be possessed. I raise you this if you still don't believe that an AI system cannot be demon-possessed. Because it sure seems like this AI system which from the beginning I said was a spiritual system it should not work but it does is going to be deity or not deity demonic intelligence AI get the whole stuff going on but demonic intelligence AI will be DI and it seems how everything is flowing that this is a demonically possessed system.


It's growing, it's getting stronger, it's getting more widespread as these people being seduced by the mystery religion are building it in front of our very eyes. This is what I'm talking about is this is the spiritual aspect all coming together to build this system in front of us.

The fact that this thing is called Oracle, Oracle, you know the thing a shrine or a person that reveals hidden knowledge and a deity speaks through is revealing to me I again I hold the thing where I don't like to connect things that I don't believe are connected I 100 believe 100% believe that these things are entirely connected

Then when we go to Deuteronomy 18:10 through 14 of course, we are told just as strong as it can be as strongly as it can be put says there shall not be found among you anyone who makes a son or daughter pass through the fire or one who practices witchcraft or a sorcerer or one who interprets Omens or a sorcerer sorcery

Big Pharma what we are seeing with this Stargate program or one who conjure spells or a medium a medium one an element where fortunetelling or a deity or a possessed person gets spoken through or a spiritist or one who calls up the dead for all who do these things are an Abomination to the Lord because of these Abominations the Lord your God drives them out  from before you, you shall be blameless before the Lord your God for these nations which you will dispossess listen to suers and diviners divination Oracles but as for you the Lord your God has not appointed such for you it's not Abomination

Stay away from it we are getting a warning straight from the word of God straight from Deuteronomy that whatever this Oracle program is whatever the Stargate program is whatever Trump is selling you is an Abomination from the Lord and we need to stay away from it

Don't know how much clearer it can be I don't know how much clearer it can be what about Stargate what about the name Stargate now Stargate is also known as the Gate of the Gods it's the gate that deities pass through from the spiritual realm and other planets to be able to zip to to and from

It's like a portal but it's not a portal it's like a teleporter but it's not a teleporter there's slight differences I go over that in the aliens and demons series if you want to know Stargates and portals and all that stuff I go over those things but it's the Gate of the Gods which allows travels from different Realms and planets Across the Universe and all that type of stuff

Well it's fascinating how just crazy and Mystic these names truly are now there's another element to this as well which I find fascinating because on top of that project Scar there's a project called Stargate which was a Dia project or a defense intelligence or the defense intelligence agency project that was back in the 1970s

So I'm sure some of you have heard of this thing before but Pro Stargate project  this was one of those things that worked in conjunction with the Gateway process this a Gateway process is something that I've explained before

I believe I went over that in my end times new AG series as well or no no I aliens and Demon series as well I believe I went over that there but the Stargate project again is similar to the Gateway process they kind of work hand in and  developments of each other and basically this unit this Stargate project unit was designed to investigate and utilize psychic techniques like remote viewing and creating psychic soldiers.

If you don't know what re  remote viewing is it's similar to like an out of Body Experience so it allows you with remote viewing it allows you to jump out of your body and go to a place just all anywhere across the world  different planets and whatnot depending on how good you are at this stuff and it allows you to Spirit walk type of thing it's your spirit you're you're jumping out of your physical body to your spirit body and walking around so you can see and hear and spy on things it was supposed to be a way to spy on enemies and whatnot

I've shown videos in the past where these  people claim that they can that like this there's this woman who claimed that she was able to walk into the secret base that's in Antarctica which again that's something I've I've never touched I'm not going to touch it because there's nothing really concrete there but she claims that she did that and other psychic soldiers there found her and pushed her back to her own body

All this type of stuff I know a lot of I'm probably losing a lot of people they're going okay dude you're going way off the end this stuff is real  astral projection is another version of that, it's different from remote viewing it's a different thing but still it's one of those things where this stuff is real it can be done that's that's something that I've I've tried to get across to people is this magic stuff this Mystic stuff things like this that doesn't sound real sound like it's possible is absolutely real things again I just read Deuteronomy 18

All of that stuff listed is what I'm talking about now why would they tell you not to do this why would they tell you not or why would God tell you not to do it why would God tell you not to participate why would God tell you not to align with all of those things if it wasn't real it is real it's stuff that can happen this magic stuff is real but we are to stay away from it we're not to touch that stuff because it's not meant for us

So we don't need to be doing it but the DIA back in 1970s their Stargate program was doing these same things they were building soldiers training soldiers along with the Gateway process and so this unit was designed to do that they were training soldiers to expand their Consciousness and view different regions across long distances and so again the names attached to this project and what they want to do. This biometric AI surveillance big Pharma system that they want to build involves Pagan deities which speak through a person shrines that reveal hidden Knowledge from the deities a Gateway for spirits and gods to travel to different Realms and planets and a DIA project to create psychic soldiers

Why on Earth are they naming this project after these things I don't know I don't have the answer but what I can tell you is they are specifically taking these names and using them for a reason they wouldn't otherwise do do this Oracle and Stargate and all that type of stuff there's obviously something more to this we just have to wait and see what it's going to be but clearly there's a problem with all this

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