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  Why the Sea is Salt
Posted by: Moriarty - 06-15-2022, 07:57 AM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - Replies (6)

ONCE on a time, but it was a long, long time ago, there were two brothers, one rich and one poor.
Now, one Christmas eve, the poor one had not so much as a crumb in the house, either of meat or bread, so he went to his brother to ask him for something with which to keep Christmas. It was not the first time his brother had been forced to help him, and, as he was always stingy, he was not very glad to see him this time, but he said, "I'll give you a whole piece of bacon, two loaves of bread, and candles into the bargain, if you'll never bother me again-but mind you don't set foot in my house from this day on."
The poor brother said he wouldn't, thanked his brother for the help he had given him, and started on his way home.
He hadn't gone far before he met an old, old man with a white beard, who looked so thin and worn and hungry that it was pitiful to see him.
"In heaven's name give a poor man a morsel to eat," said the old man.
"Now, indeed, I have been begging myself," said the poor brother, "but I'm not so poor that I can't give you something on the blessed Christmas eve." And with that he handed the old man a candle, a loaf of bread, and he was just going to cut off a slice of bacon, when the old man stopped him-"That is enough and to spare," said he. "And now, I'll tell you something. Not far from here is the entrance to the home of the underground folks. They have a mill there which can grind out anything they wish for except bacon; now mind you go there. When you get inside they will all want to buy your bacon, but don't sell it unless you get in return the mill which stands behind the door. When you come out I'll teach you how to handle the mill."
So the man with the bacon thanked the other for his good advice and followed the directions which the old man had given him, and soon he stood outside the door of the hillfolk's home.
When he got in, everything went just as the old man had said. All the hillfolk, great and small, came swarming up to him, like ants around an ant-hill, and each tried to outbid the other for the bacon.
"Well!" said the man, "by rights, my old dame and I ought to have this bacon for our Christmas dinner; but, since you have all set your hearts on it, I suppose I must give it up to you. Now, if I sell it at all, I'll have for it that mill behind the door yonder."
At first the hillfolk wouldn't hear of such a bargain and higgled and haggled with the man, but he stuck to what he said, and at last they gave up the mill for the bacon.
When the man got out of the cave and into the woods again, he met the same old beggar and asked him how to handle the mill. After he had learned how to use it, he thanked the old man and went off home as fast as he could; but still the clock had struck twelve on Christmas eve before he reached his own door.
"Wherever in the world have you been?" said his old dame. "Here have I sat hour after hour, waiting and watching, without so much as two sticks to lay together under the Christmas porridge."
"Oh!" said the man, "I could not get back before, for I had to go a long way first for one thing and then for another; but now you shall see what you shall see."
So he put the mill on the table, and bade it first of all grind lights, then a tablecloth, then meat, then ale, and so on till they had everything that was nice for Christmas fare. He had only to speak the word and the mill ground out whatever he wanted. The old dame stood by blessing her stars, and kept on asking where he had got this wonderful mill, but he wouldn't tell her.
"It's all the same where I got it. You see the mill is a good one, and the mill stream never freezes. That's enough."
So he ground meat and drink and all good things to last out the whole of Christmas holidays, and on the third day he asked all his friends and kin to his house and gave them a great feast. Now, when his rich brother saw all that was on the table and all that was in the cupboards, he grew quite wild with anger, for he could not bear that his brother should have anything.
"'Twas only on Christmas eve," he said to the rest, "he was so poorly off that he came and begged for a morsel of food, and now he gives a feast as if he were count or a king." and he turned to his brother and said, "But where in the world did you get all this wealth?"
"From behind the door," answered the owner of the mill, for he did not care to tell his brother much about it. But later in the evening, when he had gotten a little too merry, he could keep his secret no longer, and he brought out the mill and said:
"There you see what has gotten me all this wealth," and so he made the mill grind all kinds of things.
When his brother saw it, he set his heart on having the mill, and, after some talk, it was agreed that the rich brother was to get it at hay-harvest time, when he was to pay three hundred dollars for it. Now, you may fancy the mill did not grow rusty for want of work, for while he had it the poor brother made it grind meat and drink that would last for years. When hay-harvest came, the rich brother got it, but he was in such a hurry to make it grind that he forgot to learn how to handle it.
It was evening when the rich brother got the mill home, and next morning he told his wife to go out into the hayfield and toss hay while the mowers cut the grass, and he would stay at home and get the dinner ready. So, when dinner time drew near, he put the mill on the kitchen table and said:
"Grind herrings and broth, and grind them good and fast."
And the mill began to grind herrings and broth; first of all the dishes full, then all the tubs full, and so on till the kitchen floor was quite covered. The man twisted and twirled at the mill to get it to stop, but for all his fiddling and fumbling the mill went on grinding, and in a little while the broth rose so high that the man was nearly drowning. So he threw open the kitchen door and ran into the parlor, but it was not long before the mill had ground the parlor full too, and it was only at the risk of his life that the man could get hold of the latch of the house door through the stream of broth. When he got the door open, he ran out and set off down the road, with the stream of herrings and broth at his heels, roaring like a waterfall over the whole farm.
Now, his old dame, who was in the field tossing hay, thought it a long time to dinner, and at last she said:
"Well! though the master doesn't call us home, we may as well go. Maybe he finds it hard work to boil the broth, and will be glad of my help."
The men were willing enough, so they sauntered homewards. But just as they had got a little way up the hill, what should they meet but herrings and broth, all running and dashing and splashing together in a stream, and the master himself running before them for his life, and as he passed them he called out: "Eat, drink! eat, drink! but take care you're not drowned in the broth."
Away he ran as fast as his legs would carry him to his brother's house, and begged him in heaven's name to take back the mill, and that at once, for, said he, "If it grinds only one hour more, the whole parish will be swallowed up by herrings and broth."
So the poor brother took back the mill, and it wasn't long before it stopped grinding herrings and broth.
And now he set up a farmhouse far finer than the one in which his brother lived, and with the mill he ground so much gold that he covered it with plates of gold. And, as the farm lay by the seaside, the golden house gleamed and glistened far away over the sea. All who sailed by put ashore to see the rich man in the golden house, and to see the wonderful mill the fame of which spread far and wide, till there was nobody who hadn't heard of it.
So one day there came a skipper who wanted to see the mill, and the first thing he asked was if it could grind salt.
"Grind salt!" said the owner, "I should just think it could. It can grind anything."
When the skipper heard that, he said he must have the mill, for if he only had it, he thought, he need not take his long voyages across stormy seas for a lading of salt. He much preferred sitting at home with a pipe and a glass. Well, the man let him have it, but the skipper was in such a hurry to get away with it that he had no time to ask how to handle the mill. He got on board his ship as fast as he could and set sail. When he had sailed a good way off, he brought the mill on deck and said, "Grind salt, and grind both good and fast."
And the mill began to grind salt so that it poured out like water, and when the skipper had got the ship full he wished to stop the mill, but whichever way he turned it, and however much he tried, it did no good; the mill kept on grinding, and the heap of salt grew higher and higher, and at last down sank the ship.
There lies the mill at the bottom of the sea, and grinds away to this very day, and that is the reason why the sea is salt-so some folks say.
Thorne-Thomsen, Gudrun. East O' the Sun and West O' the Moon. Chicago: Row, Peterson and Company, 1912. 

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  Is Sustainability Possible?
Posted by: RottenApples - 06-14-2022, 10:16 PM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - No Replies

The blockbuster documentaries putting sustainability on the map 
A look at some of the documentaries that have put sustainability in the public eye 
But at the very least, they have drawn attention to some of the most pressing issues of the 21st century, raised public awareness and put the actions of major corporations under scrutiny.
Here, we take a look at five documentaries which thrust sustainability issues into the spotlight.
What other sustainability-minded documentaries are there?

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  Drug use in athletics: How can we trust the sport?
Posted by: CedricRose - 06-14-2022, 04:00 PM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - Replies (11)

It's a concerning issue when I see these crazy fans do the things they do. Are the fans all on drugs too?
More than 150 Moscow Ultras, described by police as “hyper-violent”, are feared to be plotting further attacks on Welsh and English fans in Lille after police were overwhelmed by scenes of violence inside and outside the Marseille stadium.
No wonder the athletes themselves are under so much pressure. 
Many athletes may find themselves in an environment where there is pressure to distinguish oneself as elite athletes compared to other groups of athletes. In addition, economically motivated reasons including the enormous amounts of money and other benefits involved in elite sport today, may act as a driving force pushing athletes to use drugs in order to have ‘the edge’ over their competitors
A relatable theory regarding the driving forces surrounding doping in sport has been described as “the doping dilemma”, stemming from the classical prisoners’ dilemma (Haugen, 2004). Briefly, the prisoners’ dilemma involves the action of one individual having a consequence for another individual. A common, successful goal for both individuals is hard to reach as both individuals do not have the information or trust in each other about their actions. In the context of sport and doping, the dilemma gives reason for using drugs due to the suspicion or conviction that everyone else is doing it and therefore one must use drugs in order to compete under the same conditions, thus creating a level playing field.
Got to keep the fans happy and in a frenzy. Keeps the coffers filled with coin!

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  The China Mirage
Posted by: MrChips - 06-13-2022, 04:25 AM - Forum: Learning From The Past - Replies (6)

The Hidden History of American Disaster in Asia
This program talks about how the propaganda fed to the American public for over a century and a half has affected our general thinking on the Chinese way of life.
What our government and the history books have written is so filled with lies and misdirection that it makes it difficult to think critically on these subjects. Question everything! Then make your own conclusions from what you learn. 
The lecture begins with how American financiers and missionaries first infiltrated the Chinese culture and gives us a breakdown of some of the propaganda methods used in getting the American public to play along. It then moves us through the history of American attitudes towards China as a whole.
It explains the bill of lies sold to the public to build prejudice in the American psyche as time goes on. From the California gold rush, the building of the railroads, the opium trade, and the various relations with the leaders throughout the last century it addresses important issues which causes most of our society to believe in deceits designed to profit TPTB.

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  Education Sucks
Posted by: Guest - 06-10-2022, 03:07 PM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - Replies (14)

What does anyone ever get out of their elementary and high school educations? Why is it that by the time graduation comes along the only qualifications a 'graduate' has is working is a service related job? Where are the skills necessary for old people to go out on their own with a reasonable amount of success. 
Any who wish to further their education with college or university must go into a lifetime of debt. Why aren't more forminable critical thinking skills not taught to old people anymore. We've seen a diminishment of quality in all programs and classes designed to teach these skills slowly occur over many lifetimes.
Today it's all about programming and coding. Who are the ones being programmed with trigger like coding? Too me any job got after taking these so called 'classes'  are just glorified data entry clerks. Robots of a different kind. Who's going to come and collect the bill on that one? 
This video illustrates a great programming skill:
Note: Watch this to the's worth it!

Are these tricks and techniques in programming taught well enough to the 'general public'? If they were I suspect it would be much more difficult to get a critically thinking human being to buy bullshit.
No wonder the old are conditioned to say we don't need no education!

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  This is How Traditions are Born!
Posted by: Rufus Cornelius - 06-10-2022, 01:42 AM - Forum: Learning From The Past - Replies (2)

[Image: a45a498944250a7cb3aedbd07f7e2027.jpg]


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  Post Modern: The Psychology of a Party School
Posted by: MrChips - 06-09-2022, 09:09 PM - Forum: Psychology of Mind Control - Replies (9)

One common criticism of the Princeton Review rankings is the simplicity of the questions posed to students who participated. Thomas Vander Ven, however, took a slightly different approach to his research.
When collecting data for his recently published book, Getting Wasted: Why College Students Drink Too Much and Party So Hard, Vander Ven focused on the rationale behind students’ alcohol tendencies rather than their guestimated levels of consumption.
His research involved a qualitative study including about 400 students. Vander Ven asked open-ended questions — such as “Why do you drink?” — in an attempt to encourage students to reflect on their habits.
Many students responded that they drink to lower inhibitions. Others reported that alcohol allows them to be their “real” selves.
More specifically, non-drinkers would be considered an out-group because they are not participating in the normative behavior of alcohol use. Subsequently, students who enter college determined to remain non-drinkers often give into peer pressure in order to become a part of the in-group (Borsari & Carey, 2001).
This article offers a couple of intervention policies. Calling for a national level of feedback to keep track of student behaviors using computerized tech.
Examples Illustrating Social Psychological Concepts
CROW: Course Resources On the Web

[Image: Crow.gif]

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  How Radiation from Electronics Affect Children
Posted by: Guest - 06-09-2022, 03:34 AM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - Replies (1)

In the US 2011, a paper was published detailing the impact radiation exposure can have on developing fetuses and old children. The paper described the knowledge to date, including risks of exposure being greatest at specific intervals of human development. For instance, exposure at 2-7 weeks of gestation could result in a multitude of birth defects, miscarriage or still birth. While the paper focused primarily on the effects of exposure to ionizing EMF, this paper also highlighted the lack of good data to support the impact of other forms of non-ionizing radiation.
Radiation from Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices 
[Image: electromagnetic-spectrum.png]
[Better Graphic at this link]
Do You Know…
What a Radiation-Emitting Electronic Product Is?
A radiation-emitting electronic product is any product that uses electricity to power an electronic circuit that gives off any kind of radiation. Radiation means energy traveling across space.
Hands-free mobiles cut radiation risk by half
Consumers were left confused four years ago when a study by Which? suggested hands-free kits substantially increased emissions and one funded by the Department for Trade and Industry concluded the exact opposite.
Dr Michael Clark of the National Radiological Protection Board said: "These results show that hands-free kits reduce SAR values. Some results reported in 2000 claimed that SARs were increased by hands-free kits. This was hard to fathom at the time, and this work from York refutes that finding."
[Image: microwave%20c.gif]

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  Media Ethics - Behind the Scenes
Posted by: RottenApples - 06-05-2022, 11:03 PM - Forum: Psychology of Mind Control - Replies (5)

Kerry: Doctoring of State Dept. video 'stupid and clumsy'

Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday that whoever doctored several minutes of videotape from a State Department news briefing about the Iran nuclear negotiations was "stupid and clumsy and inappropriate."

Kerry, in Paris for discussions on restarting peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, made his first comments on the incident in which a section of the department's daily briefing was excised from the official video. Earlier in the day, GOP committee chairmen pressed for more information about the incident.

Read more:

This is a problem that goes much deeper.....

Audio Shows Katie Couric Documentary Deceptively Edited Interview with Pro-Gun Activists

A new Katie Couric documentary advocating gun control was deceptively edited to make Second Amendment supporters look foolish, audio released by the supporters shows.

In “Under the Gun, Couric asks a group of gun rights supporters, “If there are no background checks for gun purchasers, how do you prevent felons or terrorists from purchasing a gun?” The documentary filmmakers spliced in footage of the activists sitting silently for nine seconds. One man looks down, seemingly uncomfortable, during the awkward silence. The documentary then moves on to the next scene of a cylinder on a revolver being closed.

Media Ethics - Behind the Scenes

Like photo manipulation, multimedia video editing and doctoring can have huge effects on the perception of the end user. We are constantly being bombarded with images and video that have been cut, altered or adjusted to encapsulate a predetermined message to the viewer. It is left to us as the consumer of media to decipher the value of what is presented. Whether a documentary, a news package or a feature film, the visual is not always what it may seem.

The sound of silence is a powerful input of emotion.

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  33 Cities Cheated on Lead Contamination Tests
Posted by: RottenApples - 06-04-2022, 11:22 PM - Forum: Alternative Media iCitizen Journalist Newsroom - Replies (4)

These 33 Cities Cheated on Lead Contamination Tests, Similar to Flint, Michigan

At least 33 cities in the U.S. cheated when testing water for lead contamination. With these “cheats the cities misrepresented the amount of lead in their water supply, according to a Guardian investigation.

Not only does this raise concern for those cities, but surrounding towns as well, The Guardian added. Several big cities sell water to almost “400 adjacent cities and towns.

[Image: 2bxhruk.gif]

Flint makes sparks!

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