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Coping with Grandiosity in Our Lives

Robert L. Moore — Coping with Grandiosity in Our Lives. LECTURE 1:  The Flood.

Presented at the Oblate School of Theology’s 2014 Summer Institute conference, Coping with Grandiosity in Our Lives: The Deity and the Dragon Inside Us, continues Dr. Robert Moore’s important research on the growing epidemic of grandiosity and unregulated energy, and what we can do about it. Each of the following presentations includes a lecture followed by question and answer session with the audience.

LECTURE 1:  The Flood: Facing the Growing Global Epidemic of Grandiosity
LECTURE 2:  Understanding Our Need for a Psycho-Spiritual Ark
LECTURE 2:  Understanding Our Need for a Psycho-Spiritual Ark
LECTURE 3:  The Real Ark: Building the Followship of the Golden Dragon
LECTURE 3:  The Real Ark: Building the Followship of the Golden Dragon

Older institutions are collapsing and being replaced by a scientific one. Creating another blanket authority of dogma to follow.

Personal, political, and cultural dragons of chaos (archetypes) flood each of us with emotional jargon filling us all with discord.

#carljung #psychology #socialstudies #history

It's theorized that digitization degrades personal relationships and personal heart connections.

The lectures offer ways to control human anxieties and destructive emotions with an emphasis on Jungian psychology to pick apart chaos in the human psyche.

Information overload can happen! lol
Approaching this subject matter with a sense of humor is paramount.

People do need to learn more about psycho therapies and how the system uses cultural archetypes against us to take advantage of human desires for profit.

(06-29-2022, 08:07 AM) Wrote: Information overload can happen! lol
Approaching this subject matter with a sense of humor is paramount.

Chuckle Balloons Popcorn 

[Image: 1gegad.jpg]

The book of the it by Georg Groddeck

He preceded Sigmund Freud in developing the classical ID, Ego, and Superego concepts.

Freud concluded that the power of the IT(ID) is the main power driver of all human psyche. An active unconscious desire that thinks itself to be god. Aggressive energies and strong appetites accompany the ID. According to Freud the big IT causes all our anxieties. If one lets the whole of the ID control the self a monster would result.

The ego would deny this. Behind every inferiority complex is a hidden superiority complex. One must stop organizing their world thinking they are better than others.

Alfred Adler

Adler's theory suggested that every person has a sense of inferiority. From childhood, people work toward overcoming this inferiority by "striving for superiority." Adler believed that this drive was the motivating force behind human behaviors, emotions, and thoughts.

Tribalism is worse than psychology.

[Image: business-commerce-tribal-polarized-polli...85_low.jpg]


[Image: 52958385.jpg]

According to Carl Jung archetypal self is the sun in the unconscious.
The ego is the center of subjectivity of the conscious mind.
The ego provides a defense against the numinous (unconscious) self.
One must be a friend to the archetypal self (ID)
The primacy of the self is the Big IT

[Image: The-One-You-Feed-Shades-of-Blue-Logo-350x350-opt.jpg]

Thumbs Up 
(06-29-2022, 08:09 PM) Wrote: According to Carl Jung archetypal self is the sun in the unconscious.
The ego is the center of subjectivity of the conscious mind.
The ego provides a defense against the numinous (unconscious) self.
One must be a friend to the archetypal self (ID)
The primacy of the self is the Big IT

[Image: The-One-You-Feed-Shades-of-Blue-Logo-350x350-opt.jpg]

Popcorn Chuckle 

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