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Private Economy with Public Magnificence

Quote:After the 7 years war with the French, the booty and land grants were granted mostly to British officers according to rank and privilege. The gentry of the British system of control. There is a prejudice within...Colonial officers and lower rankers were treated with a sense of being less than a citizen of the Empire. It made the colonists feel neglected by the British constitution.  Prejudice for your ones own kind.  Or jealousy...whatever! It's a secular division from within.


Earlier, the Spanish displayed these tendencies towards their own kind as well. Example being a pure blood Spaniard born in the mother country was superior in nature to a full blooded Spaniard born in Mexico.

Is this a behavior one should look up to as an example of being human? I think not!

These behaviors are the ones that have been propagated towards the different kinds of flocks out there in harvest land.


I agree. They are not behaviors to look for good examples.


Timelines and Liberty Trees!







Quote:I guess it's a matter of accumulating all the pieces to show this invisible war. Of course, there is another veil to the mystery and that involves the deeper war to control the overall spirit of mankind. The veil this thread seems to penetrate is the great and secret show of inner deeds done to force economic control over an entire populace. Veils covering more veils...


[Image: jOeuumM.gif]


The symbolic nature of lady liberty runs deep!


It looks like the forefathers of America saw the 'industrial revolution' coming. They saw the 'top' men of commerce in Britain for what they were. Therefore, I think the more affluent Americans wanted to rise up and equal that kind of power. Geared toward more rights for property holders. 

Not only equal that power...


But surpass it.


Property holders of everything. Just an elite few get that kind of power on this earth. 


Never forget the deeper spiritual war for the soul of all mankind. 


Quote:Not only equal that power...


But surpass it.


Property holders of everything. Just an elite few get that kind of power on this earth. 


Never forget the deeper spiritual war for the soul of all mankind. 

<div>....and who were those magnificent property holders who financed everything?

Paul Johnson writes "[T]he Rothschilds are elusive. There is no book about them that is both revealing and accurate. Libraries of nonsense have been written about them... A woman who planned to write a book entitled Lies about the Rothschilds abandoned it, saying: ‘It was relatively easy to spot the lies, but it proved impossible to find out the truth.’" He writes that, unlike the court Jews of earlier centuries, who had financed and managed European noble houses, but often lost their wealth through violence or expropriation, the new kind of international bank created by the Rothschilds was impervious to local attacks. Their assets were held in financial instruments, circulating through the world as stocks, bonds and debts. Changes made by the Rothschilds allowed them to insulate their property from local violence: "Henceforth their real wealth was beyond the reach of the mob, almost beyond the reach of greedy monarchs."



[Image: O2KHoLl.gif]



Quote:Fear is in the way.  



Look at L.A.



Resources to promote home schooling would go a long way to mitigate any fear associated with these powerful injections of media controlled ideologies! What is this fanatical frenzy doing these old minds? What kind of fear and fantasy will they face 25 years from now?


Not to mention the values of consumerism and what that contains.  Economical Values?  King George III was driven to madness and destruction from the debt incurred upon his subjects and then himself. 



Provide the keys to self sufficiency!



Thomas is a Paine in the ass!




Quote:That's a good point! The Madness of King George the III.  How much of the total national economy was devoted to fighting the wars during his reign? How many of his subjects, at home, became indentured and sent to the colonies? Seems as if his subjects were treated like currency to serve a wider, more wicked purpose than that of the Monarch. Who's soul authority is supposed to be divinely inspired to serve the well being of everyone, as best as possible. All well and good, the British constitution. Only, it became infiltrated by those who quantify everything. Who holds their covenant of the 'divine'?

It's all about how the economics of the world flow. Reminds me of the circulation system within a body. A black hearted collective group of veins and arteries pumping its lifeblood through the system. Who knows what the masters inject into the system from time to time! Perhaps they're removing ribs to form another entity. Taking economic DNA to form another body...


[Image: 56eab131c36188c2418b4599.jpg]


spam is economic


Nice thread OP. Interesting thread on American history. Although, I believe the battles fought in the revolutionary war are circular. Look at the term 'revolution' as an example. Principalities of greedy control take over and come to power then lose it. Then it comes around again in a constant revolution dizzying our senses. Keeping history as a subject is all important to break this mundane cycle of chaos. Yes, that old saying 'we are doomed to forget' seems to work its magic. Why? Because you're told it is so. Dumbing us all down by watering history to form fearful ideas of control. The more one learns the more questions get asked. A better informed society makes it difficult for any power to prevail. Although, in the end, any principal structure of control will defend itself with violence or the threat of sanction to survive. Actually punishment for articulate questioning cannot be allowed by greedy men and their fear of losing power.


Essentially the history described in this thread shows a circle of power changing hands. Always the upper class of high society taking advantage of the common man. This documentary displays the same attitudes of behavior the British had towards the Kings subjects in America. Only a break away was established so the American upper class could take advantage of the vast resources of the land and everything in it. For themselves, just like the Crown's attitude. Except, the Crown did fight back...but, that's a whole different kind of thread!
Plutocracy is the first documentary to comprehensively examine early American history through the lens of class. A multi-part series by filmmaker Scott Noble, Part I focuses on the the ways in which the American people have historically been divided on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex and skill level.
Plutocracy: Divide et Impera (Divide and Rule) includes sections on Mother Jones, the American Constitution; the Civil War draft riots; Reconstruction; Industrialization; the evolution of the police; the robber barons; early American labor unions; and major mid-to-late 19th Century labor events including the uprising of 1877, the Haymarket Affair, the Homestead strike and the New Orleans General Strike. The introduction examines the West Virginian coal wars of the early 20th Century, culminating in the Battle of Blair Mountain.

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