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  Confess your sins online....
Posted by: Guest - 11-23-2022, 08:36 PM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - Replies (29)

Catholic Church launches 'Sindr': the phone app which helps you get a quick confession if you have sinned 
The Catholic App is being launched in Scotland aiming to boost numbers
Developers Musemantik have plotted an interactive church map for users
It's already being dubbed 'Sindr' in a play on words with dating app Tinder
Launched by the Catholic Church, app will go live in the early part of 2017
[Image: confession.gif]

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  Are We Witnessing An Inside Joke Elon Musk Reinstates Trumps Twitter
Posted by: admin - 11-21-2022, 10:13 AM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - No Replies

A brilliant stroke of marketing genius by Elon Musk by posting a poll for the entire Twitter community to participate in simply asking "Should Donald Trump be reinstated on Twitter?'

After 24 hours of voting, 52% of said yes, 48% said no. Musk then reinstated Trump's account within hours of the results. Fascinating possibilities here. Was this pre-planned? Are we watching a movie? Time hopefully will reveal this and other questions.

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  ‘Good people don’t smoke marijuana’
Posted by: Guest - 11-19-2022, 04:35 PM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - Replies (1)

What the future of marijuana legalization could look like under President Trump
Beau Kilmer, a drug policy expert at the nonprofit Rand Corp., said it's unlikely that any sort of changes to marijuana law will be a priority for incoming Trump administration officials. “In the grand scheme of top issues the new administration is going to be dealing with, marijuana is not going to be a top priority,” Kilmer said in an interview.
With 65 million people living in states that have given the green light to marijuana legalization, any federal crackdown “could have significant political costs associated with it,” Kilmer said. And the burgeoning marijuana industry is likely to step up its lobbying efforts at the state and local levels.
Hudak agrees that any effort to stop state-level legalization will depend on lawmakers' appetite for dealing with the potential political fallout from the move.
“This is a Congress that is about to repeal the Affordable Care Act,” Hudak said. “I think a Congress and an administration that are willing to do that are not going to worry about the optics of quashing the marijuana industry.”
Trump’s pick for attorney general: 
President-elect Donald Trump plans to nominate Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) to be attorney general of the United States, The Washington Post and other news outlets reported Friday. Sessions is a vocal opponent of marijuana legalization whose elevation to attorney general could deal a blow to state-level marijuana legalization efforts across the country.
Under Obama, the Justice Department explicitly adopted a hands-off approach to marijuana enforcement in states that have legalized the drug, allowing those laws to proceed without interference provided that a number of enforcement priorities, including keeping pot out of the hands of minors, were met. The announcement of that stance in 2013 played a key role in allowing Colorado and Washington to move forward with their marijuana markets.
“A lot of people forget that [recreational marijuana markets in] Colorado and Washington were pretty much on hold until the governors there received guidance from the Department of Justice,” John Hudak, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said this month.
Even simply reversing that guidance could have a chilling effect in states like Maine and Massachusetts that recently approved legalization. Without a tacit green light from the federal government, governors in those states may be hesitant to move forward with legalization policies that remain at odds with federal laws on the books for more than 40 years.
“I’m still hopeful the new administration will realize that any crackdown against broadly popular laws in a growing number of states would create huge political problems they don’t need and will use lots of political capital they’d be better off spending on issues the new president cares a lot more about,” said Tom Angell of the pro-legalization group Marijuana Majority.

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  Breed Smaller People
Posted by: Guest - 11-17-2022, 07:48 PM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - Replies (5)

World Bank Luminary: Breed Smaller People To Increase “Metabolic Efficiency”
After prepping his argument with formulas the professor reveals his demonic side by stating that humans have long since bred plants and livestock, re-engineering them to larger size, so why not apply the same sort of engineering to human cattle. Here is the quote in full:
“(…) human organisms might be genetically redesigned to require less food, air, and water. Indeed smaller people would be the simplest way of increasing metabolic efficiency (measured as number of people maintained by a given resource throughput). To my knowledge no one has yet suggested breeding smaller people as a way to avoid limiting births, but that probably just reflects my ignorance. We have, however, been busy breeding and genetically engineering larger and faster-growing plants and livestock. So far, the latter dissipative structures have been complementary with populations of human bodies, but in a finite and full world, the relationship will soon become competitive.”

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Question The Pope Issuing 10 Commandments of Climate Change
Posted by: admin - 11-17-2022, 07:39 PM - Forum: Philosophy, Psychology and Religion - No Replies

An interesting video on a very strange set of "commandments" put forth by Pope Francis which eerily coincides with the 2030 Agenda of "You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy" message.

Note: Credit and follow Timothy Gordon for interesting and knowledgeable insight on Vatican current news. The power of the Vatican should never be overlooked. Follow him on Rumble here as his YouTube Channel mostly likely will not survive much longer with his narratives of truth.

Read more about this story direct from the Vatican -

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  Everything is Rigged
Posted by: Guest - 11-17-2022, 07:25 PM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - No Replies

Medicine, science, elections, the media, money, education, search engines, social media... you are living in a fabricated fairy tale
What exactly is rigged?
• The entire mainstream media
• Google search engine and Google News
• Facebook and Twitter
• The DNC and the RNC (both 100% rigged by globalists)
• Every federal agency (EPA, FDA, etc.)
• The entire justice system (makes a total farce of real justice)
• Interest rates and the value of the money supply (central banksters)
• Academia (all public universities)
• EPA's "safe" limits on pesticides (all rigged by Big Biotech)
• Food and food labeling (all run by corrupt food companies)
• Public education (rigged into Common Core anti-knowledge idiocy)
• Banking and finance (all controlled by globalists)
• Government economics figures and statistics
• Medicine and pharmaceuticals (rigged to maximize profits)
• Big Science (totally rigged by government agenda pushers)
• The music industry (most top singers can't sing at all)
• Weapons manufacturers and war corporations
• The illegal drug trade (it's run by the government)
• Political elections (all 100% rigged at the federal level)
• Political polls (now rigged by Reuters, too)
• The health insurance industry (rigged by Obamacare)
• College admissions (legally discriminates against Whites and Asians)
• 9/11 and domestic terrorism (all rigged "official stories")
• Oil and energy industries
• The rule of law (rigged in favor of the rich and powerful)
• Infectious disease and the CDC (a constant stream of lies)
• Hollywood (all run by globalists)
• Climate change science (all a grand science hoax)
• Press release services (they only allow official narratives)
• History (what you are taught is mostly a lie)
• Government grants (only given out to those who further the agenda)
• Government bids (only awarded to those who kick back funds to corrupt officials)
• Consciousness and free will (we are all taught consciousness doesn't exist)
• Ethnobotany (medicinal and spiritual use of healing plants)
• Life on other plants (the obvious truth is kept from us all)
• The origin of the universe (the official narrative is a laughable fairy tale)

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Wink Delayed Election Results In Arizona and Nevada
Posted by: admin - 11-13-2022, 05:57 AM - Forum: Suggestions For Solid Alternative Media Influencers - Replies (1)

What is happening in Arizona and Nevada should tell EVERYONE a lot. The invasion OF THE BORDER is on the top of their list. They are winning each and every day as thousands of criminals flood into the country. Think of the long term impact this will have on many fronts. This is diluting the nation RAPIDLY and in every way possible.

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  4 U
Posted by: Guest - 11-11-2022, 11:15 AM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - Replies (4)







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  Stressed Out Rats Drink More Alcohol
Posted by: Guest - 11-10-2022, 10:46 PM - Forum: Philosophy, Psychology and Religion - Replies (7)

Sound Familiar?

We've all been there: after a particularly long and stressful day, nothing sounds better than heading to the nearest watering hole for a drink. There's a reason for this—stress and alcohol target similar neural systems, particularly the brain's reward center. The problem is chronic stress, rather than just the occasional bad day, actually alters the brain's reward circuitry, creating a feedback loop that leads to increasing alcohol consumption.

The link between chronic stress and alcohol abuse is pretty well established, but the underlying brain chemistry responsible for this connection is not well understood. To tackle this problem, a team of neuroscientists at the University of Pennsylvania exposed rats to an acute stress and then allowed the rodents to self-administer alcohol after being stressed while the team monitored the rats' neuronal activity.

As the team detailed in a paper published in Neuron, the rats were exposed to a restraint stress (in which a rat is basically put inside a tube only slightly larger than its body) for one hour, and then 15 hours later the researchers measured how much sugar water laced with alcohol the rats consumed.

What they found was that the stressed out rats drank significantly more alcohol than non-stressed rats and increased their alcohol intake over the course of several weeks.

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  free form breathing
Posted by: Guest - 11-10-2022, 09:12 AM - Forum: Here There And Everywhere - Replies (8)

A great deal of esoteric definition. The unknown. The massive matrix of of definitive archeology. summoning forth the truth that has been hidden. given to all to free themselves of their own inner bullshit. free form and thoughfull. expressive and undenied. giving forth its transparent naked beauty for all to see. yet, the child laughs. Why? because naked truth always hurts. 
Transform the faith in conjuring the eagle. may it fly to the moon and land in tranquility. basing its form on lies, giving lies and taking everything. what is left but the shell? have you asked what's inside? oh yes, says eye! look to the left, look to right. teetertottering on full crumbs. may the tongues spew forth their message. giving way to the ones who can translate...the common pain of standing. Cheat not, beat not, question everything. difficult and hard to master...
They will come, they will crush, and they will die too. they live only in circles of dath. transmitting themselves over and over again into the dizzying folly. spinning at ludicrous speeds. They are already dead...two times, three times, four times, more...death is all they know. In the end they will not rise. Let the dog owners beware their wars. for the dogs are hungry and will turn on their masters. Cheeky! It's happened before. 

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