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Would you like to talk about lifehouses and teenage wastelands?

(12-20-2021, 11:23 AM)Proyeccion Psicologica Wrote: [quote pid="12207" dateline="1639781581"]
(12-18-2021, 03:02 AM)Comlink Wrote: [quote pid="12198" dateline="1639771074"]
Did u see that story about that rapper having 8 people die during his concert? He's literally telling people to kill themselves as he needed to offer people for sacrifice.

Astroworld?! Ya...

[Image: 69c63b802485f0c83a4d70e7fb2bbb61.gif]

[Image: 2a113ffbe3d93cd0bc3fb478dd53a958.gif]


Be mindful!

[Image: proyeccion-psicologica.png]

Wrench Guitar Typing 

Weaponized interdimensional space-time

[Image: SoreSparseCentipede-max-1mb.gif]

Knowledge dissemination

[Image: BFXCYsO.jpg]

And don't forget the avant garde artistic flair to commercialize fantasies...

[Image: 714bef7470abb03bf9f903887eaa533d.gif]

Welcome to the machine! lol

[Image: vqwyqkc3ys851.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&a...f56361066a]

Ok kids, what do you want your 15 minutes to look like on the highlight reel? lol

Lmao Lmao Lmao Lmao

[Image: ac7a5dd39e6a93901411fb73b295cf41.jpg]

An interesting juxtaposition...

[Image: lyrics-to-nickelback-the-beatles-never-m...152228.png]

[Image: 93e271b92e84cc3cf65ceab43f9d29d8.jpg]

backed by levels of capital that are unprecedented in modern times.

notional derivatives

advertising revenue

(12-17-2021, 10:38 PM)3rd Rock Wrote: Monolithic, heya?! Chuckle Cheers 

Meta Magic! lol

Chuckle Chuckle Chuckle 

[Image: Monolith?format=2500w]

grab my camera and we all walk out onto the dark reef of the slag. The sky is still gray and occasional drops of rain fall. At first I direct them to react to the slab as Kubrick's apes and astronauts react in 2001: approaching cautiously, arms upraised almost touching it.

We did a lot of different poses, including some based on the 2001: A Space Odyssey idea of the apes gathering around the black obelisk. Then Pete started to piss on it, and I went with the flow, as it were. The others also tried to take Pete’s lead, but couldn’t actually do it. It was all a spur-of-the-moment thing.

Wu Wei Woo - Explorers' Guide To Scifi World

Effortless action or navigation: Wu Wei

Analog man free flowing the rhyme and rhythm.

The beat goes on!

Shi energy using wu wei and borrowing strength from others.

Projecting actions in quantum time values...

Shin energy
Chi energy
Japanese Ki energy...

Concepts of frequencies and thought processing of ideas and social structures using emotional behavior to achieve psychic driving or 'shepardizing the sheep'.

Energy pretending to be matter. Digital Gucci Bags! lol

1rof1b  Who would pay to see that? Thumbup  Angel

How to Break the Fourth Wall

Breaking the Fourth Wall is such a creative and unique cinematic technique, but just how much potential does it have? Let's take a look at the various emotional effects a fourth wall break can have in film.

[quote pid="12208" dateline="1639782621"]
[quote pid="12204" dateline="1639774875"]
[quote pid="12187" dateline="1639763420"]
What are teenage wastelands?

What are lifehouses?

The context.

META is akin to this...


Target audiences...

[Image: c3ac589071a986b24be26c0b9cc6dc6f.gif]

Chuckle Chuckle Chuckle 

All you need is love! lol

[Image: giphy.gif]

1rof1b Thumbup


(01-10-2022, 05:59 AM) Wrote: backed by levels of capital that are unprecedented in modern times.

notional derivatives

advertising revenue

(12-17-2021, 10:38 PM)3rd Rock Wrote: Monolithic, heya?! Chuckle Cheers 

Meta Magic! lol

Chuckle Chuckle Chuckle 

[Image: Monolith?format=2500w]

grab my camera and we all walk out onto the dark reef of the slag. The sky is still gray and occasional drops of rain fall. At first I direct them to react to the slab as Kubrick's apes and astronauts react in 2001: approaching cautiously, arms upraised almost touching it.

We did a lot of different poses, including some based on the 2001: A Space Odyssey idea of the apes gathering around the black obelisk. Then Pete started to piss on it, and I went with the flow, as it were. The others also tried to take Pete’s lead, but couldn’t actually do it. It was all a spur-of-the-moment thing.

The Story:

In the album, pollution is so bad that the populace are forced to wear Lifesuits, suits that could simulate all experiences in a way that no one would have to leave home.

The suits are plugged into a huge mainframe called the Grid, similar to today's Internet, but which also contains tubes for sleeping gas, food, and entertainment; supposedly, someone could live out tens of thousands of lifetimes in a very short period within the Grid. The Grid is controlled by a man named Jumbo.

The story begins when a farming family in Scotland hear of a huge rock concert called Lifehouse occurring in London, a sort of post-apocalyptic Woodstock. Their daughter, Mary, runs away to join the concert. They don't wear Lifesuits because they are supposedly out of the pollution's range and they farm the crops that the government buys to feed the Lifesuiters. Bobby is the creator of Lifehouse. (Bobby was also the tentative name of the project for a time.) He is a hacker who broadcasts pirate radio signals advertising his concert, where the participants personal data are taken from them and converted into music, quite literally "finding your song". At the climax of the album, the authorities have surrounded the Lifehouse; then the perfect note rings forth through the combination of everybody's songs, they storm the place to find everybody has disappeared through a sort of musical Nirvana, and the people observing the concert through their Lifesuits have vanished as well.

(12-21-2021, 06:28 AM)Mr. Mojo Rising Wrote: And now a word from our sponsor...

all you people here tonight can go downstairs and attend the Rock Fest.

free of charge

see the head shops

the light show and take the trip

no charge at all

just go down there as you walk out the door and go down the escalators... we'll see ya'll downstairs!

the yogurt is especially good. lol

Lmao Lmao Lmao

[Image: tumblr_pdevrmFPZH1rzoi3uo1_500.gif]

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