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Thinking Historically

History is only taught as a game of trivial pursuits. The wisdom of history is slowly defined through experience and spirit.


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

You mean looking inward?


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Quote:You mean looking inward?

Yes. Looking back at ones own trivial pursuits is a start. The highs and lows of ones own personal life is a microcosm of the greater society. Nations live and die but the ideas they create keeping rolling around in new paradigms of time...Sometimes old ideas brought back from the abyss to wreak a little havac to stir up the natives. Taking the space available and reorganizing the time of all inside its sphere of influence. 

My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Do the owners of the house have divine right?


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Quote:Do the owners of the house have divine right?

What of it? How has the idea behaved throughout its incarnation?


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Quote:Do the owners of the house have divine right?

[Image: 08d.jpg]




My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Quote:History is only taught as a game of trivial pursuits. The wisdom of history is slowly defined through experience and spirit.

An old geezer, who had been a retired farmer for a long time, became very bored and decided to open a medical clinic. He put a sign up outside that said: Dr. Geezer’s clinic. “Get your treatment for $500, if not cured get back $1,000.”
Doctor “old,” who was positive that this old geezer didn’t know anything about medicine, thought this would be a great opportunity to get an easy $1,000.
So he went to Dr. Geezer’s clinic
This is what happened.

My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

[Image: 8a11fc142c174e6c26697e4f27c8a719.jpg]


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

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