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The Super Meme Bridge Keeper

The Supreme Bridge Keeper - "Pontifex Maximus"
 It is certain that the title "supreme Pontiff" or "Pontifex Maximus" which the pope bears is not a Christian designation, for it was the title used by Roman emperors before the Christian Era.  The word "pontiff comes from the word pons, "bridge," and facio. "make."  It means "bridge-maker,"  The priest-king emperors of sun worship days were regarded as the makers and guardians of the bridges of Rome.  Each of them served as high priest and claimed to be the bridge or connecting link between this life and the next.
[Image: 251JanusKeyCock.jpg]

CBD Distillery Quality Products

Yeah, funny.  Bridge trolls just tax the system every time a bit of salt and trade goes across it.



CBD Distillery Quality Products

Yeah, funny.  Bridge trolls just tax the system every time a bit of salt and trade goes across it.



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[Image: yTHb7aW.jpg]



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[Image: transhuman1.png?w=590]


CBD Distillery Quality Products

....merged into the religious system of Rome. This included the idea of a Supreme Pontiff (Pontifex Maximus). Thus Babylonian paganism, which had originally been carried out under the rulership of Nimrod, was united under the rulership of one man at Rome: Julius Caesar. It was the year 63 B. C. that Julius Caesar was officially recognized as the "Pontifex Maximus" of the mystery religion—now established at Rome.
Thus, containing all the old gods under one roof!  
Nothing new under the sun!

CBD Distillery Quality Products

Is this where the discourses on Livy come in?



CBD Distillery Quality Products

Quote:Is this where the discourses on Livy come in?



Foundational myth concerning Rome
- Arcadian mythological fantasy - perfection!
[Image: 32fdde2ff3de9f8ce7cb826111026fb5.jpg]
Mountainous landscape of Greece.  
Rumours of migration to form original inhabitants of Rome.
Specifically, the werewolf cult in Lyceum!  
Lupa Myths....oh my!
[Image: myths-legends-global_crisis-romulus-wolf...54_low.jpg]
Themis - the right way of doing things.
First thing...
Where is the water coming from and where does it go?
[Image: hydro-cyc2-400x273.jpg]
Rome - Greek meaning 'strength' (military)
Evander - Meaning 'well man'
Evander who?  
[Image: X222kzH.jpg]
- Apollo Creed!

CBD Distillery Quality Products

Apollo's Creed?


[Image: 0802166a7782a850c40931ff46e0243a.jpg]





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