The Possibilities of Mass Communication
<span style="font-weight: bold;" class="mycode_b">This thread will explain the possibilities of propaganda.</span><br />
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Here we will breakdown communication media to its most basic levels.<br />
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These ideas are not new...<br />
<br />
We’ve been through these concepts through and through.<br />
We’ve seen its re-birth, its pseudo-life, its resurrected death.<br />
You might recall all the rest….<br />
Did you have a good world when you cried?<br />
Enough to base a story on?<br />
All these are possibilities in propaganda.<br />
<br />
Interpreting what the is is is the key to understanding how to spin a fact.<br />
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<img src="" loading="lazy" alt="[Image: posterizedpropaganda.04.2021.jpg]" class="mycode_img" /><br />
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<a href="" target="_blank" title="propaganda" class="smartlink_2">\#propaganda</a> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Communication" class="smartlink_3">\#communication</a> #psychology #socialmedia #internet #meta
<span style="font-weight: bold;" class="mycode_b">This thread will explain the possibilities of propaganda.</span><br />
<br />
Here we will breakdown communication media to its most basic levels.<br />
<br />
These ideas are not new...<br />
<br />
We’ve been through these concepts through and through.<br />
We’ve seen its re-birth, its pseudo-life, its resurrected death.<br />
You might recall all the rest….<br />
Did you have a good world when you cried?<br />
Enough to base a story on?<br />
All these are possibilities in propaganda.<br />
<br />
Interpreting what the is is is the key to understanding how to spin a fact.<br />
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<img src="" loading="lazy" alt="[Image: posterizedpropaganda.04.2021.jpg]" class="mycode_img" /><br />
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<a href="" target="_blank" title="propaganda" class="smartlink_2">\#propaganda</a> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Communication" class="smartlink_3">\#communication</a> #psychology #socialmedia #internet #meta