09-23-2022, 11:34 AM
 What we have seen so far were the "old school" subliminals, nowadays techniques are a bit different. Instead of making sophisticated designs concealing the message, like the tattoo on the guy's wrist, they simply write very transparently all they want over the original image. If you have Photoshop, set the brush opacity to 3-2% and write something. It's so transparent that it's almost imperceivable, but for your subconscious it's enough. This technique is not new, we have seen it already in the Jantzen ad from 1972, but with modern technology this is the most easiest, cheapest and effective way to affect you subliminally. In early forms of embedding (1950s to late 1970s) an "artist" would lightly paint words in the background of pictures that were to be printed. Nowadays computers do this rapidly and automatically, producing a background mosaic of messages and commands. As you've read earlier the subconscious mind receives but doesn't report such insignificant stimuli.Â