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The Effects of Subliminal Advertising on the brain

Subliminal Advertising Leaves Its Mark On The Brain

University College London researchers have found the first physiological evidence that invisible subliminal images do attract the brain's attention on a subconscious level. The wider implication for the study, published in Current Biology, is that techniques such as subliminal advertising, now banned in the UK but still legal in the USA, certainly do leave their mark on the brain.




Subliminal Advertising


The birth of subliminal advertising as we know it dates to 1957 when a market researcher named James Vicary inserted the words "Eat Popcorn" and "Drink Coca-Cola" into a movie.

The words appeared for a single frame, allegedly long enough for the subconscious to pick up, but too short for the viewer to be aware of it. The subliminal ads supposedly created an 18.1% increase in Coke sales and a 57.8% increase in popcorn sales.

How TV can brains of tiny tots

Several studies demonstrate that very old children may be affected less by what they are propped up to watch on “Teletubbies or “SpongeBob SquarePants, or even “Sesame Street, than by the programs their parents watch with the little people playing at their feet with squeaky toys, panda bears or building blocks. This is truly a scary thought.

Here's more on the subject!

How Background TV Affects Children

Kids are affected by TV they aren't even watching

Not surprisingly, adults talk less to their children when the TV is on. It is difficult for adults to tune out TV and focus on their children, especially when TV content is interesting to them. In another study (link is external), researchers found that when background TV was on, parents were less likely to interact with their infants and toddlers compared to when it was off.

Not only TV but cell phones, ipods, and video games contribute a lot to the attention grabbing machines sucking the mental and spiritual vitality out of todays kids.



Many Disney Cartoons Start Like This... Must See!

This is the style many creators of cartoon characters are using to promote subliminal sexual and satanic messages to hypnotize the minds of children from an early age... its a tool used specially in some disney cartoons...


The Age of (Self) Manipulation 
Unless you are the rare communications Luddite who shuns social networks or hides from all forms of marketing or media, chances are you have reacted to messaging at some point in your life. A reaction could include voting for a candidate in an election, buying a product, or simply clicking on a link to watch a video or read a post – and let’s face it, you probably clicked on a link to find this article.
A study by The New York Times Customer Insight Group surveyed people to understand their motivations for sharing information online. Most people (93%) suggested they think carefully about how useful information is before sharing it. This consideration is in large part due to the fact that when people share online, it is more about themselves than it is about their recipients. According to the study:
84% share because it is a way to support causes or issues they care about
78% share information online because it lets them stay connected to people they may not otherwise stay in touch with
69% share information because it allows them to feel more involved in the world
68% of people share to give people a better sense of who they are and what they care about
[Image: cc1978dbc5e333fdf89169482d4d477b.jpg]

[Image: Subliminal%2BMessages%2B1.jpg]


There are two simple ways in which subliminal messages could be sent on the unconscious- Visible and auditory. Due to the fact no less than the fifth century B.C., the early Greeks made the science of rhetoric to be a technique for influencing people today. By infusing parts of intellect-persuading details into sentences people can be manipulated by the language they use.

[Image: cKqXJk5.jpg]

We've got cause to believe that subliminal messaging is effective based on conclusions in historic contexts. An illustration of auditory subliminal messaging dates back towards the 1920s in the event the BBC commenced broadcasting on radio for The very first time. The people of your period imagined the radio was so sinister, they deemed it to become the voice of the Satan. The BBC required to alter this Perspective, so they put selected phrases employing backward masking inside their jingles.

Can you hear the pop an fizz of that coke bottle opening?

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