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Silence Can Be Used Against You

Court: Silence can be used against suspects 
“It’s a very dangerous ruling,” Zilversmit said. “If you say anything to the police, that can be used against you. Now, if you don’t say anything before you are warned of your rights, that too can be used against you.”
The state Supreme Court in a 4-3 ruling said Tom needed to explicitly assert his right to remain silent — before he was read his Miranda rights — for the silence to be inadmissible in court.

My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

"Good day officer, my name is ________, these are my papers, and I invoke my right to silence"
Then just keep your mouth shut

My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

[Image: 4cRDoiZ.gif]




My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

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