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Priming the Media Circus

Chuckle Chuckle 

[Image: 53274970.jpg]

In contrast to agitation is the propaganda of integration

Overview of Media Priming Theory

Priming is a theory that takes its roots from psychology. Media priming is enhancing the effects of media by implanting an earlier stimulus to influence later communication. In essence, priming says that the media can control the interpretation of new information we receive, because of previous information we have learned before. This previous information generates a prior context, thus through whose lens all new information will be perceived. The priming effect works through activation of association in our memory. Case in point, the "say [word] ten times fast" joke is a rudimentary example of priming. For instance, having someone say "coast" ten times, following by "boast" ten times, and then asking the person, "What do you put in a toaster?" The respondent's mind has been repeatedly primed with words ending in "-oast" that they are likely to say "toast" is put in a toaster instead of bread. Furthermore, media messages may help us recall old ideas, knowledge, information, or experiences. This can lead to a substantial effect on judgments, new decisions, and thought processes. The priming effect is an unconscious process and generally involuntary. This means that using media priming, messages in the media can unknowingly affect audiences and influence behaviors without having the person or consumer aware of it. Moreover, media priming businesses are able to implement certain messages and ideas to their audiences indirectly, and without being overtly apparent. For example, if audiences are exposed to concepts that are say sexual or violent, there is a possibility they may act out in behaviors likewise. Media priming is used as a psychological tool for many advertisers globally. It is safe to say that all media consumers have experienced effects of media priming in some degree without even knowing it.
dead link

[Image: reverse-psychology-button.jpg]

Manipulation Revealed: Influencing Intelligence via Priming and Placebo Effects?


That does't say anything about the Prime Directive!


[Image: NAohfft.gif]


Or does it?




Quote:That does't say anything about the Prime Directive!


[Image: NAohfft.gif]


Or does it?





[Image: tumblr_ogcuy7CDS91tyu27ro1_500.gif]


[Image: 59ec49652a53752b89fec539ac57bd88.jpg]


Online Social Behaviors and Priming

Maybe these things should be taught on the elementary level. That and more. Give the kids a chance to think for themselves and know the techniques used to influence their minds and thoughts.

The Psychology Behind of the Best Damn Car Commericial Ever

The car commercial is for Lexus... the title of the spot is "Moments". We hear a poem narrated aloud in conjunction with some beautiful imagery. The commercial ends with a car shot and a tagline for Lexus.

The commercial uses a psychological principle called "The Kuleshov Effect". This is a mental effect which happens whenever video is edited. By cutting two seemingly unrelated images together, we create a story and an emotion in the minds of our audience.

video gone but not forgotten

Quote: :Laughing-rolf:


[Image: tumblr_ogcuy7CDS91tyu27ro1_500.gif]


[Image: temporalprimedirective.gif]




This is a 'deep' subject.


Some websites consider this to be a taboo subject.

I wonder why....

The video below discusses how the media shape perceptions and use propaganda, and show that the mainstream media should be regarded with great caution when covering certain topics and stories. Just how much are our thoughts steered by the media? TV, advertisements, films, newspapers all have more influence over us than we realise.


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