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Online Ouija Board

Quote:I think the spirits have infiltrated my thread.





blame them taverstockers. they was the ones who opened the door into the spirit realm.
[Image: 0e5a56a98f84cb3a63707f4a98da1cae.jpg]




[Image: a33262cbcb8b767df1a5b8b84ec84fc9.jpg]


Virtual Tarot
Do you need to ask a question? Are you looking for answers? Peter offers you a space to ask anything you want. However, before each question you must write a petition. If the answer is not what you expected, at least you make catharsis and ask again.

Quote:[Image: s-l400.jpg]

Careful what you play.



Stay Away from Captain Howdy!



Quote:High strangeness occurs when you play with a Ouija board.


[Image: dY85KJy.gif]

You betcha!


[Image: tumblr_nolv2ubZvp1rms5soo1_500.gif]


THIS IS NO JOKE! DO NOT PLAY THE OUIJA BOARD...the Ouija Phenomena..Real Scary Story of DEMON ZOZO ~.Darren Evans, a demonic possession survivor tells his true story....Are Ouija Boards just a game? Or do they open doors into the paranormal unknown? Darren Evans,tells about his terrifying ZoZo Ouija demon encounter and now a haunted survivor of the Ouija Board.. on this weeks Do You Believe. Darren Evans is ZoZo Demon encounter survivor who dealt with paranormal activity from this demon for years. If you have contacted an entity that refers to itself as Zozo you are not alone. Hundreds of people across the world have reported contact through Ouija Boards, Pendulums and Auto Writing sessions.

[Image: DQCLjI4.jpg]


Quote:or how about cocaine? once me and a bunch o friends got a whole giant pile of that killer rock hard cocaine. we cut it real fine into lines and honked on that and we started gabbin bout demons and shit. you know how you get when the cocaine kisses your brain. all gabby like. can't stop talkin. anyways, them demons were wearing the smiles that night cuz one dude got out one of those old ouiger board games.  we was laughin and snortin and chokin on weed and then Jerry brings out that ouiger board. now i already done my acid trip and was familiar with those things. so I just took the straw and blasted the pile once again and watched. those 2 dudes started the routine with it and Jerry asked his question. I forget what it was but just when there was supposed to be answer with that moving triangle, Ron let out the biggest blast i done heard in my whole life. It sounded like giant thunder up close to the ear drum. And the stench?! shitfire! yep, it was worse than shitfire. stank like crappy charcoal. A true fart from hell! Well, we had to get out of the room cuz it got so bad so fast. our eyes started watering. swear to god. we waited like an hour (which is a long time when you want another line) before we went back in the room. The stench still lingered a bit but the coke was still good.



[Image: Kevin%2BBacon%2Bcoke.gif]


[Image: comic-optipess-comics-ouija-board-1052793.png]


[Image: tumblr_oecapsdUws1skd4ego1_500.gif]



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