Ah, a thread on eugenics and trans humanism! Ever read a Brave New World by Aldous Huxley? Julian Huxley, his brother, was director-general of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in the 1940s....before that he wrote extensively on eugenics:
The Vital Importance of Eugenics (1933)
Sterilization of the unfit and identification of carriers of defective genotypes
Huxley argued that the principle goal of eugenics in the short term should be to ensure that mentally defective individuals cease having children. He advocated in particular for:
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Prohibition of marriage of the unfit
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Segregation of institutions containing degenerate individuals
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Sterilization of the unfit
However, Huxley was not particularly concerned with the specifics of how short-range eugenics were implemented, so long as degenerate individuals were stopped from reproducing as quickly as possible.
He additionally lamented that the process of eliminating feeble-mindedness from the population would be a particularly difficult task, due to the recessive nature of certain genes coding for mental defects. Therefore, he proposed that one of the long-term goals of eugenics should be the discovery of a method through which carriers of genes for mental deficiency could be accurately diagnosed, though these individuals do not exhibit defective traits themselves. If carriers could be identified before they reproduced, Huxley argued, then eugenicists would have yet another tool at their disposal with which to stop degenerate germ plasm from infiltrating future generations (Huxley, 1933: 325).
We know where these kinds of ideas flourished in a big way! The experiments the German scientists were conducting were not just rockets and technology. But, ideas in medical experimentation with the mind as well as the body. Operation Paperclip brought in more kinds of scientists than what the public generally knows.