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Benson Honey Farms

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Mobile phones are 'cooking' men's sperm

Study finds sperm levels of men who kept their phones in their pocket during the day were quite seriously affected in 47 per cent of cases 
The new study shows that having a mobile phone close to the testicles - or within a foot or two of the body - can lower sperm levels so much that conceiving could be difficult.
The findings have led to a leading British fertility expert to advise men to stop being addicted to mobile phones.
Is this why my balls aren't bouncing like they should? I'm also wondering how much subjects were paid for this study to take place...
[Image: IrpdjKr.jpg]

Benson Honey Farms

Looks like the juice of life is losing it's potency. What good is the stuff  if there is no fertile jizz to hunt for easter eggs? A marketable solution has been found...


Get ready guys, looks like the food industry is looking for ingredients hand over fist...


[Image: semen-cake.jpg]


Is the protein still there or does the nutritional value diminish as well.




Benson Honey Farms

I heard the same kind of thing if you stand too close to a microwave oven. Cooks your balls and turns them into hard walnuts.




Benson Honey Farms

[Image: 18d2173d4ca82b3258e2ccd4c5a3d1d2.jpg]


Benson Honey Farms

Wait a minute.. What about woman. Does it hard boil their eggs?


[Image: 3d291373ab868244da7c4d0c7ad59ae8.jpg]



Benson Honey Farms

Never mind these mobile phones and microwaves. What about swimming in the Pacific Ocean? After that debacle at Fukashima I'm guessing it isn't safe to swim near the place...and it's spreading. What kind of effects will the radiation in the water have on my balls. I could be positive about it all and hope for the best...


[Image: superspermmail.jpg]




Benson Honey Farms

Quote:Looks like the juice of life is losing it's potency. What good is the stuff  if there is no fertile jizz to hunt for easter eggs? A marketable solution has been found...


Get ready guys, looks like the food industry is looking for ingredients hand over fist...


[Image: semen-cake.jpg]


Is the protein still there or does the nutritional value diminish as well.







Benson Honey Farms

Does it also affect people who jam cell phones up their bungs to smuggle them into places where they should not be? Or what about the freaks who like the vibrate mode and cram them up their asses for those gerbil gyrations. Prostate cancer statistics for perverts must be at an all time high.





Benson Honey Farms

Quote:Does it also affect people who jam cell phones up their bungs to smuggle them into places where they should not be? Or what about the freaks who like the vibrate mode and cram them up their asses for those gerbil gyrations. Prostate cancer statistics for perverts must be at an all time high.




Quote:You've got a dirty mind!



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Benson Honey Farms

[Image: 6566b28b19d255759a72e2f34cd45873.jpg]


Benson Honey Farms

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