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Benson Honey Farms

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Idiots Delight

Idiot believers fooling themselves by committing acts of atrocious violence.


The attackers themselves aren't the ones who are really important.


They get overblown in their image.


It's the ones who use the psychological influences to promote a larger agenda that are concerning.


Anyone willing to puppet another for extreme purposes is even more dangerous.


Believers are like fish.


old, dumb, and full of cum.


So the saying goes....


Easy to net for those with the resources and the where with all to tempt the dark desires.




Benson Honey Farms

It leads people down a wicked path.


Assigning names on who to hate.


These groups are pieces in a game from above.


These teams are used against each other on purpose.


Reasons to motivate hate are a great way to promote propaganda.


All for profit and control of resources. 




Benson Honey Farms

[Image: e9273be5ae924f3ddcb81031b54c0d88.jpg]


Benson Honey Farms

All pieces in a game for those who belong in a certain kind of club. One that most people will never belong.


Benson Honey Farms

Quote:All pieces in a game for those who belong in a certain kind of club. One that most people will never belong.

You mean the stakeholders?



Benson Honey Farms

Quote:All pieces in a game for those who belong in a certain kind of club. One that most people will never belong.


Quote:You mean the stakeholders?

Yeah. They have their own boxes to live in too. Only they're bigger and loaded with monuments to themselves and their prodigy. Even they must play their parts in the great game.


Benson Honey Farms

The natural world isn't prejudice. People are.


Benson Honey Farms

Quote:You mean the stakeholders?

[Image: stakeholder_saliencemodel_1.png]


Benson Honey Farms

[Image: to-live-a-creative-life-we-must-lose-our...960169.png]


Benson Honey Farms

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