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Humanity Wake Up Call From An Icon Of The Past

This is a very profound speech that holds true today more than ever about the fading human condition. Charlie Chaplin was way ahead of his time. This YouTube Video really accentuates this brilliant speech from the "Great Dictator"


This was from 1940. Makes you wonder how people got so stupid over the last 77 years. Progress for humanity? I think not.




CBD Distillery Quality Products

[Image: giphy.gif]


Humanity has always seemed to be 'modern' when the pride of economics is concerned. This giant machine of industry created over the eons has provided humans with a means to trade with each other en masse. Logically, one can figure that the system could support the basics for all men and women. All the extras can be got with trade. Too bad the few at the top believe they own the whole world and have used the machine dishonestly to support their own beliefs of happiness. 


Will this machine of precision and quantification be a monument to the demise of all mankind?


Not everything runs perfectly. Someone has to go in and do the dirty job when the mechanisms fail. 


The upgrades continue...


[Image: tumblr_inline_nq44uvQcyF1r4j8j1_500.gif]










CBD Distillery Quality Products

The scene in the barbershop is classic. It shows how huge egos compete with each other to get themselves in the higher position.

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Greasing the wheels of time and space with our blood and spirit.
Giving forth our lives to serve an illusion created by selfish beings hell bent on keeping their power.  
Algoryrythyms of predicted programming pummeling the mind with consumer madness.
Sit here...
Eat this...
Buy that...
Follow the crowd of individualality...
[Image: 2XyTEa.gif]

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After getting mistaken for a Communist demonstrator, the Tramp is thrown in the clink. In the prison mess hall, a hulking prisoner sitting next to him refuses to let him have any of the communal bread. Meanwhile, the shifty looking guy on the other side of him dumps a bunch of “nose powder” into a saltshaker before getting hauled away by the prison guards. Chaplin sprinkles liberal amounts of this “salt” on his meal and soon he starts showing all of the telltale symptoms of cocaine use – bugged out eyes, excessive energy and unshakeable self-confidence. He also shows some less common side effects like compulsive twirling and a propensity to jam food in his ear.
With his newfound chemical courage, Chaplin not only faces down this thuggish neighbor but he also single-handedly thwarts a prison break. The authorities are so pleased with Chaplin’s coke-addled heroics that they release him. So remember, kids, drugs can get you out of (and more likely back into) jail.

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Icons on film. How many of these do people get their ideas from?


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