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How should I experience LSD for the first time?

I've heard so much about it from my friends.  How lights and sounds change.  What should I do when I take it?  I've read up on it and now I think I'm ready to try it.  Any suggestions?


<div>I've heard so much about it from my friends.  How lights and sounds change.  What should I do when I take it?  I've read up on it and now I think I'm ready to try it.  Any suggestions?


Just drop those sugar cubes into your tea and shut yer gob!


What are you looking for?  A good time or some kind of transcendence?


Quote:What are you looking for?  A good time or some kind of transcendence?

Both.  They say it's great with a lot of things and I've read up on the nightmare parts.

“Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms and the autumn moon is bright.”


Drink your tea, chickenshit!


[Image: 431859-chickens-drinking-tea.jpg]



Be careful.  It's both good and bad.  Goood in the sense that it does change your perceptions around.  Maybe even a bit too much.  Bad if you over do it and give it too much power in your mind.



<div>I've heard so much about it from my friends.  How lights and sounds change.  What should I do when I take it?  I've read up on it and now I think I'm ready to try it.  Any suggestions?


It's a narcotic numbnuts.  That's illegal!

The artificial quality of LSD must be addressed.  Definitely not something to play with.  Natural methods are best. If you are on a vision quest it is better to use peyote or mushrooms.  



Quote:The artificial quality of LSD must be addressed.  Definitely not something to play with.  Natural methods are best. If you are on a vision quest it is better to use peyote or mushrooms.  

One must be careful with strange states of altered meaning.  Any interpretation of vision and idea takes time and practice.  Different reflections and perceptions change over time. 



It's a narcotic numbnuts.  That's illegal!




Hey Nimrod!  You do realize that kids are going to do these things no matter how much you push against it!  Better they know WTF they're getting into rather than meet a cop in a dark ally, at night, high on whatever it is they take now a days. 


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