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Benson Honey Farms

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History of Big Pharma and the Major Players

Toddlers on Amphetamine: History of Big Pharma and the Major Players (Full Documentary)

This is Era of Wisdom’s first full length documentary, “Toddlers on Amphetamine: History of Big Pharma and the Major Players.” It documents the full history of allopathic medicine, the hidden history of what we call “big pharma,” and how the world generally came to be the way it is today. It examines the history of chemicals, poison in particular, disease, power, and psychopathy.

Benson Honey Farms

Thalidomide victims say drug company's apology is an insult

Grünenthal Group's apology to victims of morning sickness drug 'meaningless without financial compensation'

The Grünenthal Group released a statement on Friday stating that it "regrets" the consequences of the drug, which led to babies being born without limbs during the 1950s and 1960s.

But the apology was dismissed by Thalidomide Agency UK, which represents people affected by the drug in Britain, as "insufficient". The Grünenthal Group needed to "put their money where their mouth is" rather than simply express regret, the charity's head consultant, Freddie Astbury, said.

Benson Honey Farms

You'll find the same entities involved in this thread also.

Big pharma is connected to it all. Control the medical practices and minds of doctors and you control the world.

Benson Honey Farms

This video certainly strikes a nerve OP. Liars cheating and poisoning people for profit. Such a rancid disease. It needs to be irradiated. The paperclippers of the past are not the great men we all heard about in school. Their works are continuing to destroy human beings in so many ways. All for the glory of profit.


Thanks for the find.

Benson Honey Farms

Quote:Thalidomide victims say drug company's apology is an insult
Grünenthal Group's apology to victims of morning sickness drug 'meaningless without financial compensation'

The Grünenthal Group released a statement on Friday stating that it "regrets" the consequences of the drug, which led to babies being born without limbs during the 1950s and 1960s.

But the apology was dismissed by Thalidomide Agency UK, which represents people affected by the drug in Britain, as "insufficient". The Grünenthal Group needed to "put their money where their mouth is" rather than simply express regret, the charity's head consultant, Freddie Astbury, said.

Sickening behavior! Don't forget about the Ritalin kids. Their brains shrink and they're mental issues increase with age.

Benson Honey Farms

Ideas of DNA and genetics are important to consider. At its heart is the idea of eugenics. Early 20th century minds began making the tools to selectively destroy those whom aren't considered proper human beings. Mental health issues, class, pauperism, race, creed...

Benson Honey Farms

[Image: medical-pharma-pharmacies-pharmaceutical...89_low.jpg]


Benson Honey Farms

Bombing the Mind, The Pentagons Drug War

In The Futurological Congress (1971), Polish writer Stanislaw Lem portrayed a future in which disobedience is controlled with hypothetical mind-altering chemicals dubbed “benignimizers. Lems fictional work opens with the frightening story of a police and military biochemical attack on protesters outside of an international scientific convention. As the environment becomes saturated with hallucinogenic agents, in Lems tale the protesters (and bystanders) descend into chaos, overcome by delusions and feelings of complacency, self-doubt, and even love.
If the Pentagons Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD) has its way, Lem may be remembered as a prophet.

The Advantages and Limitations of Calmatives for Use as a Non-Lethal Technique, a 49 page report obtained last week by the Sunshine Project under US information freedom law, has revealed a shocking Pentagon program that is researching psychopharmacological weapons. Based on “extensive review conducted on the medical literature and new developments in the pharmaceutical industry, the report concludes that the development and use of [psychopharmacological weapons] is achievable and desirable. These mind-altering weapons violate international agreements on chemical and biological warfare as well as human rights. Some of the techniques discussed in the report have already been used by the US in the “War on Terrorism.

Failed Drugs: The report points out that pharmaceutical candidates that fail because of excessive side-effects might be desirable for use as weapons: Often, an unwanted side-effect will terminate the development of a promising new pharmaceutical compound. However, in the variety of situations in which non-lethal techniques are used, there may be less need to be concerned with unattractive side-effects Perhaps, the ideal calmative has already been synthesized and is awaiting renewed interest from its manufacturer.

Benson Honey Farms


Benson Honey Farms

Big Pharma Cashes in on DSM-5

More Disorders than Ever Before
The new edition of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) has now been released, and there are some very surprising and interesting changes that have many people asking a lot of questions.

This publication has long been considered the bible of the mental health community. This is the first major update and revision in almost 20 years. Weighing in at almost 1,000 pages, there is certainly a lot to go through even a number of additional problems, conditions, and situations that are now being classified as types of mental illness.

Consider some of the recent changes. A child that has extreme and frequent tantrums is now suffering from 'disruptive mood dysregulation disorder.' They have actually created a new diagnosis for a toddler being a normal toddler!

More and more disorders? Can't wait for the next upgrade.

Everybody is crazy!


Benson Honey Farms

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