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Feds dangle $12,000 bonus to firms that hire foreign students

DHS, by defining a recent college grad as a student, takes both the worker and the employer out from under payroll taxes — thus penalizing the Social Security and Medicare trust funds directly, and our elders indirectly. Congress did not make this decision, at least not directly; but since foreign students and their employers have privileges denied to citizens and green card holders alike, the bonus has been created.

My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

*****thus penalizing the Social Security and Medicare trust funds directly.....




My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Couple that with a common core down grade adjustment to serve the machine and you got something!


[Image: Obama-Borg.jpg]


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived


DHS, by defining a recent college grad as a student, takes both the worker and the employer out from under payroll taxes — thus penalizing the Social Security and Medicare trust funds directly, and our elders indirectly. Congress did not make this decision, at least not directly; but since foreign students and their employers have privileges denied to citizens and green card holders alike, the bonus has been created.


This kind of this has been going on for years and years.  It can clearly be seen if one takes a breathe to look around.
US college students face high debt, shattered dreams
While Germany makes university tuition free, the US allows for-profit colleges to prey on low-income students
Do a rollback of the clouds and find the threads...
[Image: giphy.gif]

My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Powerpoint slides work best for this kind of shit!  Good thread, OP.  old Americans are screwed for the future even before they're born.


[Image: loan_debt_lead-thumb.gif]


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

This story looks interesting. As it affects American College grads directly


The Rise Of The Temp Economy: More U.S. Employers Than Ever Want A "Disposable Workforce"


Looks like all those students loans will take a lifetime to payback!


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12000 federal boner spammer


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