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El Chapo Mocks the US!

A comprehensive review on El Chapo.  Drug kingpin of the world.

My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

This guy makes Pablo Escabar look like a gnome.  He owns all the drugs the world over.  At least it's made to look that way.


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

He uses drones and submarines, too!


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

This guy must have spy networks like that would make old J. Edgar Hoover proud. Better even. Probably got dirt on every politition, competitor, lobbyist, anyone in his way.


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Quote:This guy must have spy networks like that would make old J. Edgar Hoover proud. Better even. Probably got dirt on every politition, competitor, lobbyist, anyone in his way.

Professionals of all sorts.  Doctors, lawyers, undertakers, etc...even janitors.


[Image: 3480e-el-chapo-revista-forbes-288x350.jpg?w=230&h=280]




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There's rumours that he works for the DEA?!
[Image: law-order-fairytale-fairy_tale-fairy_sto...27_low.jpg]

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Think about how the poor the people are down in Mexico.  This monster takes full advantage..

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Donald Trump demands apology from his critics after escape of El Chapo claiming it is proof his attacks on Mexico are justified as he threatens to kick the drug lord's 'ass'
    Donald Trump continues to speak out over escape of Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman
    He threatened to kick the drug lord's 'ass' and said his escape proves his anti-Mexican attacks are true
    Trump also demanded an apology from his critics 
    Trump has said 'cunning' Mexico offloads criminals and rapists on the U.S.
    Despaired at 'unbelievable corruption' and said 'USA is paying the price'
    Guzman made audacious escape Sunday from prison west of Mexico City 
Read more:
[Image: 2A7E9C5A00000578-3158578-image-a-18_1436790127073.jpg]

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The Donald is breathing easier now!




Twitter Trolls Donald Trump After 'El Chapo' Captured News




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el chop the spam

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