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Carbonate trial disclosure

Quote:Does this mean they're going to be more niggardly in the quality of merchandise? Plasticine dream cakes filled with creamy criminal jism?




Quote:That's racist!

What the hell is so racist about that?




Quote:Sounds like you guys are getting ready to spray the natives with some gold dust. Not the real gold, mind you, but the kind that gives emotional desires a boost. Angel dust? No? Oh, you want them all to buy the crap your overlords sell. Nothing tooooo real. Just enough to make a killing for the markets of commerce.

[Image: 0kN6klB.jpg]


Airline traffic may help create an icy haze that's brightening U.S. skies
So the scientists dug deeper, and in a provocative new analysis, not yet published, Long suggests that a high-altitude "ice haze," created by water and other emissions from aircraft, is responsible. "I'm talking about a sub-visual contrail-generated haze of ice, which we do not classify as a cloud but gives blue sky more of a whitish tint." Long said.
The finding—if verified—could mean that we are in essence already conducting a geoengineering experiment on the atmosphere, adding ice particles that change the way solar radiation reaches Earth's surface. Understanding the overall impact of those changes on warming or cooling at the surface will take more research, Long said.

Jets changing the weather? We've known these things for some time. Too bad the major media really doesn't report these things.

70 years of jets spouting out trails to deform the sky? Wonderful! God knows what kind of crap we've been breathing our whole lives. Nevermind the acid rain.



Maybe all the jet trails are experiments on terraforming a planet. Just a thought.
Oxygen Detected In Martian Atmosphere
Unlike Earth, which has an atmosphere that is almost 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen, Mars' atmosphere (what little remains) is believed to have 95 percent carbon dioxide and just 0.13 percent oxygen.
[Image: oxygen-content-atmosphere-over-last-bill...ars-lg.jpg]
Oxygen Fuels The Fires Of Time

carbonated spam


Don't know about or Believe in Chemtrails? (Don't miss this one)
Nothing is as it seems.....

Quote:carbonated spam


[Image: b0e6b339302cb86f6f9581f195ca7264763d2c62...1ef5e9.jpg]







Brought to you by Disney!


[Image: S65zoM7.jpg]


Sniff that fairy dust...breathe it in!




[Image: vFAUhsf.png]



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