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The Missing Comma...

A victory for the law and order of logical grammar and bullshit rhetoric. 
Ohio appeals court ruling is a victory for punctuation
[Image: xSwzTPK.jpg]

CBD Distillery Quality Products

I guess even the pros have a hard time when confronting the language of legalese. They may know their rhetoric, perhaps even a bit of logic. But, their grammar leaves something to be desired.
Too many damn words in legalese. All inculcated with definitions of  'common' words defined differently from what Merriam-Webster has to offer.
Kudos to the judge!

CBD Distillery Quality Products

It's funny how a comma can change the effects of the word as regulated by law. 


CBD Distillery Quality Products

Punctuation isn't the only thing to look for. The 'letter' of the law is important!


[Image: 33793fd085fcd017d8104bd041705fb1.jpg]





CBD Distillery Quality Products

Seems like the comma is fine in this one:


[Image: Punctuation-301.jpg]


Light up, guys!





CBD Distillery Quality Products













































[Image: 9e16111ea1955c22a641093dfc93e3a1.jpg]




CBD Distillery Quality Products

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