02-04-2023, 03:01 AM
Blame the weather for government controlled food exports.
Considering these vegetables can be grown in mutiple countries, it takes a governing bodies such as NATO, the UN, and EU to pass legislation that only Spain is allowed to make trade deals exporting these goods.
Severe Vegetable Shortage Deprives Europeans of Spinach, Broccoli | Heat Street
Remember you voted to starve people when the food shortages get worse.
Just like Venezuela, we'll learn alot about how Europe will react to controlled population starvation. It's been awile since the Ukrainian grain shortage, and we need to modernize the way people view death.
Now be sure to show how PC you are so nobody picks up that you're liers who support government slowly killing the western populace. Why deal with ISIS now when weak women and betas can fight them later.
Considering these vegetables can be grown in mutiple countries, it takes a governing bodies such as NATO, the UN, and EU to pass legislation that only Spain is allowed to make trade deals exporting these goods.
Severe Vegetable Shortage Deprives Europeans of Spinach, Broccoli | Heat Street
Remember you voted to starve people when the food shortages get worse.
Just like Venezuela, we'll learn alot about how Europe will react to controlled population starvation. It's been awile since the Ukrainian grain shortage, and we need to modernize the way people view death.
Now be sure to show how PC you are so nobody picks up that you're liers who support government slowly killing the western populace. Why deal with ISIS now when weak women and betas can fight them later.