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The Big Tech Censorship Boomerang Effect and Mass Formation Psychosis

The term "Mass Formation Psychosis" has been coined by leading scientists and thinkers of the day. Most notably Dr. Robert Malone, a leading researcher, virologist, and one of the developers of the RMA vaccines being used for Covid 19.

This renowned scientist and respected doctor in the medical industry since the early 1980s is sighted in countless medical journals spanning nearly 40 years. One could say he knows what he's talking about, to put it lightly.

In this upside-down world of ours, Twitter and its infinite wisdom decided to ban Dr. Malone permanently for no reason as he was voicing his concerns on how the technology and vaccines he helped develop are being used in a disturbing fashion.

Dr. Robert Malone suggests we are living through a mass formation psychosis.

He explains how and why this could happen, and its effects.

He draws an analogy to 1920s/30s Germany “they had a highly intelligent, highly educated population, and they went barking mad”

This has set off a chain reaction of epic proportions. December 30, 2021, Dr. Malone was banned from Twitter for sharing a video on the Pfizer vaccine being harmful. It seems Twitter is the expert on such matters.

A couple of days later Dr. Malone had a radically viral podcast interview with Joe Rogan lasting a little over 3 hours. During this interview, he outlined his observations and professional conclusions regarding the events surrounding Covid 19, the vaccine, and history in the field of medicine dating back to the Aids crisis in the 1980s.

During the interview with Joe Rogan, Dr. Malone mentioned Gettr ( ), a free speech Twitter alternative to Joe Rogan who was unaware of it. The next day he joined the site immediately garnering 8 million followers in a little over 24 hours.

Since this turn of events, a mass exodus of Twitter users has moved to Gettr to the tune of over 1 million new registrations in just a few days.

In addition, big tech platforms have stepped up their relentless assault on free speech banning many high-profile personalities like Marjorie Taylor Greene and several other Republican congresspersons.

The number of people starting to “wake up” has increased dramatically since this interview across all spectrums. It’s an amazing spectacle to watch individuals finally see the confusion and lies clear as day.

At the same time, this has intensified the social media environment and reality dramatically. The coming days, weeks, and months shall be an interesting thing to watch. Funny how Big Tech's banning of free speech has resulted in the opposite of what they intended ending in a "boomerang" right back in their face. Reminds me of the old cartoons when the evil villain ends up screwing himself rather than the hero.

For those interested in the interview mentioned, a link is below.

Speaking of a boomerang effect, what about a boomerang reality. Just recently a New York Times editor gets social media making a post on how proud he is of getting his vaccine booster shot.

Literally, 24 hours later that post and HE'S FUCKING DEAD! Don't believe me, here's the proof -

You can't make this shit up!

(01-08-2022, 01:16 AM)Comlink Wrote: Supreme Court is hearing vaccine and mask requirements today.

[Image: VFY1ua6.jpeg]

Fact Check-No evidence of pandemic ‘mass formation psychosis’, say experts speaking to Reuters

By Reuters Fact Check

“Mass formation psychosis” is not an academic term recognized in the field of psychology, nor is there evidence of any such phenomenon occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic, multiple experts in crowd psychology have told Reuters.

The phrase does not appear in the American Psychological Association (APA) Dictionary of Psychology (, ( nor does it appear in the PsycNet database of published research articles

Numerous psychologists have also told Reuters that such a condition is not officially recognized.

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

This video was made in collaboration with Academy of Ideas. They create videos explaining the ideas of history's great thinkers in order to help supply the world with more knowledge, to empower the individual, and to promote freedom. Please check out their youtube channel for more brilliant content. or visit their website to learn more

In this video we are going to explore the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics, the mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions. Such a phenomenon is not a thing of fiction. Two examples of mass psychoses are the American and European witch hunts 16th and 17th centuries and the rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century.

(01-10-2022, 10:12 AM)3rd Rock Wrote: Fact Check-No evidence of pandemic ‘mass formation psychosis’, say experts speaking to Reuters

By Reuters Fact Check

“Mass formation psychosis” is not an academic term recognized in the field of psychology, nor is there evidence of any such phenomenon occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic, multiple experts in crowd psychology have told Reuters.

The phrase does not appear in the American Psychological Association (APA) Dictionary of Psychology (, ( nor does it appear in the PsycNet database of published research articles

Numerous psychologists have also told Reuters that such a condition is not officially recognized.

I suppose social engineers at Cambridge don't like to talk about large psychological studies on the population. Especially in a corporate environment ripe for programming individuals to follow the rules.

Schizer .. because we care about our profits

[quote pid="12969" dateline="1641784813"]
(01-10-2022, 10:12 AM)3rd Rock Wrote: Fact Check-No evidence of pandemic ‘mass formation psychosis’, say experts speaking to Reuters

By Reuters Fact Check

“Mass formation psychosis” is not an academic term recognized in the field of psychology, nor is there evidence of any such phenomenon occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic, multiple experts in crowd psychology have told Reuters.

The phrase does not appear in the American Psychological Association (APA) Dictionary of Psychology (, ( nor does it appear in the PsycNet database of published research articles

Numerous psychologists have also told Reuters that such a condition is not officially recognized.

I suppose social engineers at Cambridge don't like to talk about large psychological studies on the population. Especially in a corporate environment ripe for programming individuals to follow the rules.

The antidote to the process of propaganda is the process of finding factual truth. The best way we have for doing that is through scientific inquiry, which referees competing claims systematically based on evidence. The propagandist process subordinates the facts to an agenda, even at the price of distorting or ignoring the facts altogether. For science, factual truth is the agenda; it follows the evidence wherever it might lead. Anything counter-factual, anything that obscures or distorts the truth is anathema to the scientific project. propaganda knows how to sell a product. Science knows how to shop smart.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden literally tells social media companies to censor people outright.

Thought he was supposed to defend the Constitution? What a shit show!

mass formation psychosis


What would you do for a Klondyke bar!


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