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Terror Threat In Southeast Asia September 15 2021

I live in Bangkok Thailand, have been for the better part of 30 years originally from Los Angeles, California. It's ridiculous how in today's World some fake news is magnified especially by Facebook. There was an article in yesterday's Bangkok Post (Local Thailand Western news rag) regarding a possible terror threat in Western-owned areas -

To make things worse and perhaps (no doubt) as a scare tactic, you have people on Facebook posting watch out and places like the Philippines English language GMA NEWS perpetuating this rather useless piece of information. Why is this information useless you might ask? Because the streets are dead and there are almost no Western-owned places open or tourists around to die in them!! You gotta laugh at some of the garbage found in Asian news outlets in English language. Expats like me know very well these are rags #fakenews #asia #expat #informationwarfare

Here's a screenshot of the garbage you find on Facebook as outlined above:

[Image: CBheGZC.jpg]

Chicken little: ..................the sky is falling..................the sky is falling.......................  1rof1b

Western owned small businesses are dead? What about Thai owned small businesses?

What Thai owned small businesses? They are essentially dead as well.

What about civil unrest? The curfews must be driving many stir crazy.

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