The fake news network CNN hilariously got trolled big time in their New Year's close-out "celebration" for 2021. It's abundantly clear from this reality that CNN has almost nobody watching the garbage they put out daily as the trolls are the only people in their live chat or Twitter streams.
Screen names such as Ben Dover and Anita Blackman (Haha) just to name a couple came across the bottom of their screen. You gotta love those perverted Tweets for CNN. It fits nicely with their masturbating Zoom calls and child predator producers along with the departure of Chris Cuomo, that womanizing ass wiper.
Here's a video from Salty Cracker which shows how butt hurt Don Lemon is about the perverted tweets apparently this gay black man can't take.
Screen names such as Ben Dover and Anita Blackman (Haha) just to name a couple came across the bottom of their screen. You gotta love those perverted Tweets for CNN. It fits nicely with their masturbating Zoom calls and child predator producers along with the departure of Chris Cuomo, that womanizing ass wiper.
Here's a video from Salty Cracker which shows how butt hurt Don Lemon is about the perverted tweets apparently this gay black man can't take.