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Tails and Feathers

Have you ever tried a Moscow Mule?
[Image: rsz_1russian_standard_bar_marylebone_london.jpg]

[Image: m-mule-001.jpg]

What's the best cheese for elegance and wine?

[Image: x6sFXDd.gif]

Believe it or not, the world most expensive cheese doesnt come from cows or goats, but from donkeys. Made on a farm in Serbia, Pule Cheese is made from Balkan donkey milk and costs a hefty $1,000 per pound! It is a crumbly white cheese, apparently popular for its intense flavor and natural saltiness.

Cheese is good!


[Image: d39aa3c0897fc575623b11652c635da5.jpg]


How about some barbecue beer-can chicken to go with that cocktail.

Gotta cook those Tory chickens just right.  :happy:

All you need do is stuff a can of beer up a chickens ass to get that full moist flavor.
Here's a recipe!
[Image: drukinchicken.gif]

Vodka infused Watermelon!



Quote:In 1779 a woman by the name of Betsy Flanagan owned a tavern near Yorktown, New York. Men from Washington's army used to hang out at this establishment to relax their worries and energize themselves with concoctions of alcohol known as bracers. Many of the officers used to tease old Betsy about the chickens that one of her close neighbors. Seems the neighbor was a Tory. Well, one day she decided to make them all eat their words.

Back in those days, no true patriot would buy anything from a Tory. It just wasn't done. Political correctness and all. So, Betsy arranged a wonderful chicken dinner for them. When they finished feasting on the delicious birds they continued their celebrations at the bar with more bracers. To their merriment they found each bottle or 'bracer' festooned with a cock's tail from the Tory chicken farmers coop. They laughed and laughed and a toast was called for and one of the men (I think he was French) exclaimed:
"Vive le cock tail"

Betsy was a popular gal it seems. Since that day forward all of Betsy's concoctions were known as cocktails, a name that we still use today to describe the inebriating drinks we so love to imbibe from time to time.

That's a good story! Had to do a little skimming...In those days taverns were meeting houses to foment conspiracies of all kinds. 

The Original Green Dragon

Coined by Daniel Webster as the "Headquarters of the Revolution", the original Green Dragon Tavern served as the general meeting place and think tank for events that would eventually shape our great nation to this day.

It started in the Green Dragon Tavern. If a man ordered tea, he was a Tory. If he ordered coffee, he was a Patriot. It is not strange that no one could be found to identify the Mohawks. It was the same the year before in Rhode Island. Some Patriots dressed as Indians attacked the Gaspee in long boats. The British claimed that Brother Abraham Whipple (St. John's Lodge, No. 1, Providence) was the leader. They promised to hang him. Brother Whipple said they would have to catch him first.

George Washington, at age 22, was asked why he became a Mason. He said it was because he found them to be Leaders in the community.

Faneuil Hall and the Old South Meeting House still stand in Boston. The Green Dragon Tavern burned down years ago. The heritage lives on in a picture made in 1773. The artist had the fortitude to sign his name to the words: Where we met to Plan the Consignment of a few Shiploads of Tea. Dec 16, 1773. If Leaders in the community ever meet at the Green Dragon Tavern and sing the Rally Mohawks song for a television show, let them be sure that their makeup is on straight.


[Image: green-dragon-tavern-1773-granger.jpg]

[Image: 27CDCFD400000578-3048439-image-m-11_1429606865644.jpg]

The rest of the whine hacks can be found at this link:

Make your own wine!

Biodynamics & Wine: Or, What Poop, Crystals, and the Moon Have in Common

[Image: ChampagneProduction-620x478.jpg]

What's with all the whining and dining lately? Try some Irish Yoga to get yourself centered.

[Image: drunks_in_garden.jpg]

Works every time

[Image: know-your-limits-evolution.jpg]


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