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Pope Francis Appoints A Creep As Bishop In Key Position

Pope Francis' Controversial Appointment to the Roman Curia

Pope Francis just made what might be the most important appointment to the Roman curia of his entire alleged papacy. For the first time since Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger held the office, a progressive theologian is now the prefect for the Doctor Dicastery of the Doctrine of Faith. This department had previously been called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), and before that, it was known as The Holy Office or The Inquisition.

As an aside, for those who think The Inquisition was evil, you probably consume too much secular tellings of history, but that's another story for another time. The Inquisition was much more nuanced and complicated than what we're told. Anyway, the office today has much the same function as it always has - to provide clear teachings on the faith on behalf of the Holy Father and to address the theological questions of the day.

To give you an idea of just how important this office is, here's what the Vatican's website has to say about the form and function of the office:

"The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is constituted by a college of members, Cardinals, and Bishops, at the head of which is the prefect. The prefect is assisted by two secretaries, the undersecretary, and also the promoter of Justice. The dicastery staff is composed of officials who, under the coordination of the heads of their respective offices, attend to various questions to be followed on the basis of their competence and requirements of the congregation. The doctrine comprises two sections, doctrinal and disciplinary, each coordinated by a secretary who assists the prefect in the specific area of his competence, with the collaboration of the undersecretary and the respective heads of the office. The doctrinal section deals with matters pertaining to the promotion and protection of the doctrine of faith and morals. It also encourages studies aimed at increasing the understanding and the transmission of the faith in the service of evangelization so that its light may be a criterion for understanding the meaning of existence, especially in the face of the questions posed by the progress of the sciences and the development of society. With regard to faith and morals, the section arranges for the examination of documents to be published by other dicasteries of the Roman curia, as well as writings and opinions which appear problematic for the correct faith, encouraging dialogue with their authors and proposing suitable remedies in accordance with the norms of Agendi ratio and Doctinatum Examine."

In simpler terms, the integrity of the faith is handled by this office and by its prefect, as well as morality. For the first time since the 1970s, an open modernist is in the office. By open modernist, I mean someone who resides on the post-conciliar progressive wing of the Church established at the revolution of Vatican II. Prior to the council, the conservative figures in the Church that we're used to seeing today would have been considered progressives in the old order of things. Now that progressive is Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez.

He was a ghostwriter for one of the most controversial books written by a cardinal in recent years. The book Archbishop Fernandez wrote is titled "Heal Me with Your Mouth: The Art of Kissing" - yes, that's the title. With this book, there's frankly no debate when it comes to its content.

The Vatican announced the appointment of Archbishop Fernandez to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith, and the announcement came with a highlight of some of his previous writings. Curiously, the one book that caused a media firestorm when it was published was not included on that list. But now, that man is in charge of protecting the integrity of the doctrine of the faith and morality of the ago and it was written in a conversational manner.

Special Thanks to Return To Tradition on YouTube

Icon_redface  Slanted View From Woke So Called Protectors of the faith:

none of this is surprising. The one world religion or what they are calling it now, the Abrahamic Family house is being constructed in Abu Dhabi. Three separate house formed in the shape of a pyramid.
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