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Penalized for Excessive Bathroom Use!

Clock out to brown out!
Chicago company penalized employees for excessive bathroom use, says union
“Our point of view is that anyone can go to the washroom when they need to but what bothers us is extended periods of time and multiple trips that cause lost productivity,” he said.

To enter the bathroom, workers need to swipe their ID cards, allowing the company to know just how long they spend inside the restroom. Workers are also complaining that 19 people have been given warnings for using up more than the allotted six minutes, which they say is simply not enough time for an entire day.
Six minutes! Bad for the business end of things to rush out a good purging crap. What if you're constipated.

My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Constipated? Try this?


[Image: toilet-paper-spider-1.jpg]




My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Employees must wear diaper at all times! Save time and energy. Do it at the register.



My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

[Image: funny-astronaut-space-man-moon-where-wil...s-pics.jpg]



My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

Have you heard about corporate microchips that record everything? They say they don't work in the bathroom. Don't believe it. Every fart, every grunt, every snort will be recorded. Better push out that turd in record time or your paycheck will feel the burn.


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

[Image: ZJaINeu.jpg]


My Pillow 2 Has Arrived

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