That blob blavatsky got those thulers interested in bringin over the vriltcher chtulus over. Then they got the faith hailers and the echto echoes from the fascinating glare of ego power. Feeding their demon selves with the bloody sacrifice of hearts and souls. Using war memorials to feed their greedy flow with the spiritual essence it once lost. Crafting interest by inserting spiritual games to stir more frequency frenzies.
The desire to know what's on the other side drives the curiosity forward. Easy bait for evil spirits to suck in juicy sin to feast on. Especially after great blood lettings. This gives the living a desire to question and seek answers for lost loved ones. Channeling the other side with questions by ritualistic means and glaring showmanship. Trickery designed to influence a desired emotion for maximum profit. Calling it a game opening a cacophony of spiritual pandemonium. Continuing the cycle....