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Janus – Illuminati God Of Chaos and Deception

The irony is that people not only know their rulers and society overall are two-faced, they expect it. Whether consciously or subconsciously we all know lying and deception are inherent to the matrix that’s been foisted upon us.
Another irony is that even in the definition of Janus there are two very different versions as to whom this mythological character really was.
[Image: JanusKeyCock.jpg]
…the Illuminati secret formula for world revolution and deceit. This is how and why Satan is making such incredible progress. The Janus Factor is Satan’s hidden method. The two-faced Roman god Janus was known as “Keeper of the Keys” and as “Interpreter of the Mysteries.” Throughout history, Janus operatives—Darwin, Hegel, Freud, Marx, Lenin, Obama, and others—have successfully employed the Janus method to psychically and culturally churn global events and overturn all standards of morality and human dignity.
An Initial View of the Nature of Interpretation: Conservation and Creativity
As might be expected, as a result of these different (although often intertwining) intellectual backgrounds and sources of interest in interpretation, legal theorists approach this subject with very different questions and concerns to which they give concomitantly different answers. For all this, however, a surprising number of legal theorists agree—at least at an abstract level—about one central characteristic of interpretation, namely that interpretation is a Janus-faced concept, encompassing both a backward-looking conserving component, and a forward-looking creative one. In other words, an interpretation of something is an interpretation of something—it presupposes that there is a something, or an original, there to be interpreted, and to which any valid interpretation must be faithful to some extent, thus differentiating interpretation from pure invention—but it is also an interpretation of something, i.e. an attempt not merely to reproduce but to make something of or bring something out of an original.
[Image: 0952597d08b9ec355da8df26d1def539.jpg]
Dualism at its finest.

[Image: 64453630c806e74aa38d17afba7fba80.jpg]


[Image: duplicity-ipredator-disinformation-onlin...-image.png]


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