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love thy neighbor

Quote:its just like these moslems. they make up things and dont understand. it has nothing to do with disrespect. im trying to get somebody that is neutral that understands the koran.  the men dont respect the woman in the moslem religion.  there is no such religion as man. they are all equal in most religions.  man and woman. except the moslems.

Infidel!  Allah will burn your ignorance clean with His wrath.  


CBD Distillery Quality Products

Quote:Infidel!  Allah will burn your ignorance clean with His wrath.  

they cant do that here in america. theyll be sentenced to death themselves.  there is such a thing as freedom of speech. every moslem is a potential isik. you don't see any christians joining isik. yeah let them in. put them in tents so they can check them out for disease and everything else.  like in ellis island you dont know what these people got.  they have to understand that they cant put people to death because of what they say against a particular religion. have to get that through there minds of the freedom of speech over here.

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