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Fat poultry for the homeless

Ever work at a church that feeds the homeless. Well, it ain't all it's cracked up to be. I go and do my good work for the hungry sometimes, but it just gets frustrating. At our church we give away free clothes and extra cans and bread to go along with whatever is served that day. We get a lot of people coming in too. I notice that most people are overweight. I keep asking myself how the hell any of these people are starving. I'm not talking about the real homeless people who come in for help. I'm talking about the fat blubberbutts who come and suck down everything in site. 
Some of these fat fuckers grab 5 or 6 loaves of bread and leave nothing for anyone else. I've seen fights for pies and cakes that are unbelievable. The greed of some of these lard asses is unbelievable. Some shovel the food in so fast and grab seconds even before anyone has a chance to stop them. They come in with their fat kids and gobble cupcakes and pies like they deserve them. I always get ready beforehand. I keep the good stuff behind the counter and pass it out to those who look more deserving than a 300 pound porker looking for extra to fill their mighty gullets.
Why the fuck should my hard earned taxes go to pay for any kind of medical care for these overweight pests sucking the life out of society. If they can't control themselves I see no reason why hard earned dollars should go in providing any kind of care whatsoever. 

F*ck you! You're nothing but a prejudice piece of shit. I've been trying to lose weight for years. My metabolism has always been big boned.


Why Are Homeless People Fat?
Obesity in America is a major health problem and one that affects millions of Americans. There's all different types of obese people out there and homeless people are no exception. While there's plenty of skinny people in the homeless community as well, it's fairly common to see those who are fat. Many people who have never been homeless often wonder how anybody without a home can be obese. It's really not that odd, and actually makes sense, since there's even more reasons for a homeless person to be obese than your average person who has a home and a job. So if you're curious what factors could cause a person to be both homeless and obese, here's a short list with some of those reasons.

Quote:F*ck you! You're nothing but a prejudice piece of shit. I've been trying to lose weight for years. My metabolism has always been big boned.

Bullshit, you're fat because you can't control your sugar intake. How many soft drinks do you have a day. How about all those cookies and lard cooked in McDonalds have you inhaled this week alone?

What about Obamacare. Why should good taxes go into keeping bloated meatsacks alive at all. Drugs, therapies, procedures, all that shit costs a ton of money. Fat pigs just sucking on the social attitudes of society. If they're too fat to get fit then let them rot in hell.



Quote:What about Obamacare. Why should good taxes go into keeping bloated meatsacks alive at all. Drugs, therapies, procedures, all that shit costs a ton of money. Fat pigs just sucking on the social attitudes of society. If they're too fat to get fit then let them rot in hell.

I bet they're all signed up for that load of crap. Look at the psycho blubber butts. They're probably on all those psycho drugs that make people fat. 


How to serve man!
How do you like your legs and thighs? BBQ? How about all the extra meat on the buttocks!? Fry it up into strips and serve it with different kinds of sauces.

It might be a nutritional problem. Most churches and food shelters get what they can. You can't be picky about organic when donations come in. People give what they can. Usually what they get from the store.


The homeless just don't have access to decent food. People more likely starving are the poor working ones. They go out everyday and do the jobs to pay for a dive to sleep in and all the other costs of living. Food pantries and other government services don't provide much help with poor people who go out work it out for themselves.

Fruits and veggies are cheap to buy at the store. Cooking for yourself can certainly help for nutrition. Too much fast food and carbo foods along with all the sugar intake does not do any good for the body at all.


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