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China's Space Program is Booming.

China's booming space program might put the US and Russia to shame

Benson Honey Farms

Chinese Space Rocket to Send 320 Thousand Astronauts Into Space At Once
[Image: chinese_space_rocket_599527111.jpg]
“We have designed a rocket that can hold 320,000 Chinese astronauts to travel into space all at the same time. You can imagine the rocket boosters on the space vehicle. We are a nation of 1.6 billion people so we do not do things in a mediocre fashion,” Mr Hi said.

Benson Honey Farms

Personally, I would like to see a greater interest in the private industries of the world to spread the idea of exploring the outer ideas of space. Private industry should create avenues of public industry in this endeavor. Expanding outward outside of our planet is the best way to create new resources outside of Earths echo-sphere. It's best to leave the planet to it's natural state. Clean it up and look out to the solar system to create the experiments in human enterprise. Sometimes these experiments in science and economics are destructive. Outside the sphere these destructive tendencies could be conducted within a safer atmosphere. So to speak! 


Benson Honey Farms

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