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Charms for inspiration...

An Art form of great Quality
Choose to click or not click!

That is the question....

Regarding the enchantments created by the medium in which I call like to call 'The Flickers'. An old term. A 'magic' word used by people long since dead when Magic lanterns became something more...

I'll try to get to more on magic words at the end of this post.

The problems and dangers of time travel. Sometimes, it's real hard getting back to the future. Ah well, I guess that's just the pro's and con's of hitch hiking. The guide on the galaxy is pretty good for that. All this led to a bit of visual psychology. You know, the hypnotism of the flickers. Symbolism of imagery combined with sounds and music. Looking at iconography and how it can be used for enchantments. Showing major contentions in the psychological injections of ideas and fantasies into our minds and ultimately our human spirit. These injections include both positive and negative stimulus.

Which ingredients for enchantments are the best kind? We could use humor as an example. Divide it in two. One side comedy, the other satire. Comedy is positive. Satire is negative.

Visuals in black and white. Silent film era...Positive and negative flickers of thought! Yeah, I know these are old flickers of enchantment, but, I think they're pretty good. Those old enchanters really knew what they were doin.

Harold Lloyd - Satire

His films seem to mock the human condition and enjoy doing it. Extreme situations of danger and personal catastrophe . Master at editing and clever camera work. Willing to do own stunts at great hazard.

[Image: Myq3.gif]

Charlie Chaplin - Comedy

Comedy with etiquette and finesse. Positive in a world of suffering. The tramp should never talk. He says enough by his genius at silent lucid gesture.

Can this be a magical word of enchantment?

In those days your subtitle count was the measure of your art...

Now, I gotta ask, is this really good etiquette at the table?

[Image: KzZbZW.gif]


Subliminal flickers in the frequencies of light and sound. Blasting the insular vortex with contrived frequencies from outside sources. Inhibiting critical thinking with flickering media to create hyper awareness using charisma and cinema. Creating all sorts of mannerisms, gestures, acting techniques, and other forms of etiquette to induce mass hypnosis.

Magic words! Again, with the magic words. They are important. Be they headlines, subtitles, and sub divisional categories of all sorts. Each with their own name. Know the name. Know its power. The Magic of Politics...cheer, baby, cheer...non stop! All hail to the charismatic image! When confronted by charisma the brain seems to turn off its critical thinking skills. I see a magic word in process today. Right this very minute! Working its insidious weave within our minds.

[Image: DO5ogo4.jpg]

I can't say whether it's good or bad. But, I do know the name of TRUMP is a charismatic word of enchantment!

[Image: quote-in-america-all-too-few-blows-are-s...117748.jpg]

(09-01-2017, 11:05 PM)Guest Wrote: Scripted prophecy. Nothing more...

Scripts! Yes, scripts. All well and good to have a fine story.
Still gotta set the stage and practice the scenes to get it right.
And pick all the right players! lol

Chuckle Chuckle 

[Image: 4c81dq.jpg]

John Ruskin: The Seven Lamps of Architecture - A playlist


Aphorism 4. All architecture proposes an effect on the human mind, not merely a service to the human frame.

1. Architecture is the art which so disposes and adorns the edifices raised by man for whatsoever uses, that the sight of them contributes to his mental health, power and pleasure.

It is very necessary, in the outset of all inquiry, to distinguish carefully between Architecture and Building.

[Image: ef63cc2fe12de113c29b1cb665f90d2b.jpg]

Lighthouses are great inventions. They lead us to safety out of terrible storms! The idea of Alexandria and its glorious library are a beacon in history for all of humanity to share. The encouragement of higher learning decreed by the Great Alexander is a worthy achievement for human beings to grow and share knowledge with each other. For me it is the single greatest endeavor for all mankind to acknowledge and glorify the great unknown. That whole idea is the greatest work of Architecture I've ever seen. Strange how it's destruction was so filled with hateful disregard. Ever since then its suppression has been filled with much prejudice. May this grand design for a city of cities be built again.


So it shall be written, so it shall be done! Yeah.......right.......lofty dreams!

[Image: EL8cXIC.gif]

He who smiles at lofty schemes. Stems the tide of broken dreams, is you.

- Roger Hodgson

Be wary of the enchantment. Stepping in time is a good thing for the show! It's also good to step out of time from time to time. So says the mime!

Gotta clean those chimneys. Don't forget to wear your flue shoes.

[Image: funny-cock-with-funny-shoes.png]

The John Ruskin links are interesting.


Useless adornment? I'm thinking otherwise. Adornments can be used as containers filled with symbolic meaning. Look at Egyptian architecture - All designed as books. The artistic endeavor was not useless in this sense.

Especially this one:


Forbidden Knowledge of Luxor Temple in Ancient Egypt

Forbidden knowledge, which is different from secret knowledge, is used to describe forbidden books or other information to which access is restricted or deprecated for political or religious reasons. Forbidden knowledge is commonly not secret, rather a society or various institutions will use repressive mechanisms to either completely prevent the publication of information they find objectionable or dangerous (censorship), or failing that, to try to reduce the public's trust in such information (propaganda). Public repression can create paradoxical situation where the proscribed information is generally common knowledge but publicly citing it is disallowed.

The temple in man is built to glorify who?
Built over a time scale of 30 Pharaohs contributing to its design. Then came Akhenaten the monotheist.....


Grand Illusions The Story of Magic

These six episodes take you inside an alluring and enchanting world. It's all here, from the mechanical automata of Robert-Houdin to the elaborate illusions of Penn and Teller, from the death-defying escapes of Houdini to the bizarre and tragic feats of the sideshow performers.

Give this a watch - It's worth your time!

Mnemonic Mind Control - Who Owns Your Thoughts?
Quotes from the film "Mnemonic Mind Control - Who Owns Your Thoughts?"

"The subconscious mind is the data storage center of the brain. It recognizes simple shapes and colors and takes in any information the conscious mind cannot figure out. The subconscious is not just a storage center, however; it is in control of our five senses and it makes important decisions even before the conscious mind becomes aware of them. The subconscious mind is what determines our view of reality and how we manifest it."


"Sigils are everywhere; our subconscious mind recognizes the meanings of the sigils, having seen them over and over again. Sigils that have been around a long time have more power, especially if they are seen by millions of people every day. This is why advertisers and others who want to program your mind with their wishes use sigils on television, in the movies, on cell phones, on the Internet, in video games, on billboards, in magazines everywhere."

"The neural pathways of the brain are constantly reforming themselves, based on the information that comes in; the pathways are set according to what your daily habits are. When you change your habits or just change your mind, you begin to form new pathways; you can actually “train your brain this way. However, if you are allowing someone else to train your brain, you are giving them the ability to reform and reshape the neural pathways of your brain for you. You begin to accept new perceptions as your own, not realizing it was an outside source that programmed your thoughts."

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