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Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano calls for resistance against New World Order


New future disasters may include ecological and Internet Emergencies.

Economically squeezing every man, woman, and child.

Creating a religion of humanity

A Meta Monad!

In other words a Leviathan machine to rule the world.

He calls for a return to Christian morality, family values, and real education.

Mentions Neo-malthusian project

He also calls for an international congregation of economic, labor, university, and health care leaders to come together and form a body to counter the NWO agenda.

There's a split in the NWO of things! lol
Either way, that's the wave of the future.
A Modern Magna Carta type of world government.
Or a corporate technocracy.

Vigano has been villainized by the mainstream media for years. Even the Vatican has thrown him under the bus for doing his job. He was behind the uncovering of the massive corruption going on at the Vatican Bank. Including a massive child sex ring, major real estate fraud, and scams using the Catholic Church as a cover along with heavy-duty mafia and underworld ties spanning the globe. Unfortunately, much of what was uncovered by him was silenced on multiple fronts by a myriad of shady principles involved. This included murders, poisonings, and blackmail.

Nobody knows the true extent of everything, how vast the sums of money involved are, and the scope but it makes even government black operations look like child's play. The sums of money being scammed run into the hundreds of billions just on one deal. And there are many.

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  Order Out of Chaos In Government & Science statusquo 0 61 01-26-2025, 08:42 PM
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