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Alcohol's Dark Spiritual History: Unveiling the Hidden Truth

Do you know about alcohol's dark spiritual history? Let’s explore the often-overlooked aspects of alcohol consumption. Despite its prevalence in our society, most people fail to pause and consider the dark side of drinking alcohol. Spiritual practitioners have long recognized its spiritual harm and its ability to lower one's vibration. Why then, is alcohol legal, mass-produced, and promoted across all aspects of modern society? Many religions, such as Islam and Buddhism, warn about the detrimental effects of alcohol consumption.

The Historical Roots of Alcohol

To truly comprehend the harm caused by alcohol, let us delve into its history. The word "alcohol" originates from the Arabic term "alkyl," meaning "body-eating spirit." Interestingly, the current Arabic name for alcohol is another variation of "algol," which translates to "demon." It is also associated with the star known as Algin, meaning "the Demon's head."  Algol is also known as a variable star revered by the ancient Egyptians. Its period were known and used for divination about three millennia earlier than was previously thought in the “Cairo Calendar”.


The early Alchemists, who sought to extract the essence of liquids, discovered alcohol distillation. They believed that all matter contained a living essence and that alcohol could serve as a means to extract this essence from other materials. Symbolically, alcohol has always been regarded as a way to extract the soul essence of an entity. Remarkably, this parallels what occurs when we consume alcohol ourselves.

The Dark Effects of Alcohol

Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol leads to a state where our soul essence is seemingly extracted. People who consume excessive alcohol often experience blackouts, unable to remember what transpired during their intoxicated state. In this vulnerable condition, our bodies become susceptible to the influence of low-vibration, negative entities. Individuals who go dark after consuming alcohol may find themselves unwittingly possessed, resulting in the manifestation of dark acts, including violence and low-level sexual encounters.

Spiritual Master Paramahansa Yogananda, in his book "Man's Eternal Life," describes similar observations. He recounts encounters with malevolent spirits in the presence of intoxicated individuals. The physical harm caused by alcohol should not be overlooked either, as it depresses the nervous system, kills brain and liver cells, and weakens the immune system.

Society's Support and Promotion of Alcohol


Despite its known detrimental effects, alcohol continues to be heavily promoted and supported by society. It is no coincidence that certain alcoholic beverages are referred to as "spirits." These telltale signs may be the elite's way of alleviating their karma for misleading us. The question arises: why is alcohol so widely embraced despite its dark history and harmful consequences?

The Path Forward

For those who enjoy alcohol, moderation is key. While there is little harm when drinking is kept in moderation, it is essential to be mindful of one's consumption. Personally, I have chosen to abstain from alcohol for years, opting for alternatives such as juices, tea, protein shakes and a nice joint now and then instead.


Now that you are aware of the dark history behind this intoxicating substance, it becomes evident that alcohol's spiritual and physical repercussions are significant. No wonder the controllers of this world make sure there is plenty to go around at all times. Understanding this key fact is paramount.
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