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AI Summarization About Fallen Angels Discussion Fascinating

The following is part of series of experiments using AI for transcription and summary of YouTube videos.

Data and logic used in this analysis:
Medium Whisper Model using Python (See Screenshot)

Prompt used: Please summarize the following transcription giving 5 key points of discussion in outline form with a detailed conclusion at the end :

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Summary Output:

This appears to be a recording of a conversation between two individuals, likely discussing spiritual or biblical topics. The conversation touches on several themes, including:

1. The importance of faith and trust in God's plan, rather than relying solely on facts or evidence.
2. The concept of being "stiff-necked" and how this relates to the Bible story of Paul, who was once a persecutor of Christians but later became a follower of Jesus after his conversion.
3. The idea of seeking truth and understanding through research and study, rather than simply accepting things at face value.
4. The importance of considering the context and sequence of events when interpreting biblical prophecy.
5. The need for humility and openness to new ideas and perspectives.

The conversation also includes some personal anecdotes and reflections from one of the speakers, who has undergone a significant transformation in their understanding of spiritual truths.

Some notable phrases and sentences include:

* "Sometimes us with God, like the laws of God... designed for life and life to the full."
* "If you want to be a Christian, then you can... and it's truly a journey."
* "Take what's being said here and then go do your own research."
* "God, thank you for Gary... great men who have been diligent and they've seen it."
* "Thank you that everything that you say and everything you record is perfect at the end when we understand how important. we are right now is to you."

Transcription Output:

Speaker 1:
giant could throw back an arm, or the head wasn't severed, he could repair himself. The worst death you could give a royale in the ancient world was a beheading. Why? Because they would not be able to go to the place they wanted to go to after they died. I am blown away by this guy. Nimrod is saying that if God gets out of line again, he's going to go into heaven and kill God. AI is part of this

Speaker 2:
Hey before you hop into this one, we have a special guest for you today and I would just want to let you know Our we have two episodes with this person He's in Nashville. We convinced him to leave his comfortable home and come to the fridge winter snowstorm that's happening in Nashville right now. And we talk about all sorts of crazy stuff. I'm just gonna warn you right now. I somehow like forgot what I was supposed to ask him and started asking him about weird stuff. And it's fascinating. So we're going to like go where I wanted to know about, for some reason, vampires and crazy stuff. It's all based in in biblical history and he validates as such a, a high. all the stories we read and sometimes we go... what they mean, the intricacies and how it puts together a chronological picture of where we are today. There is a switch that we did in the order of these. So here's what that means. We're releasing this one first for several reasons and there will be a more in-depth backstory and background where we're going to go way deeper specifically into old history, the Nephilim, the flood. Today, what we're talking about in this episode is really just kind of all of it together. His name is Gary Wayne. You should check out his books. They're online. You should buy them. They are. fascinating. But before we do hop into this episode, let us know if you have any questions. Love you guys! places but if you want to go high you

Speaker 3:
deal. What's up guys welcome to the channel.

Speaker 2:
We got a treat for you Jake how you feel? So good. Are you excited? Pumped. You ready? I wish you know what that means, right? I know what Wheaties are. Okay. I just like the sugary kind. Oh right. We have a again with us, Gary Wayne, Canada, Gary's the bestselling author of two books. They're both on Genesis six. The first one, what you would the first genesis. is more of a primer and then the second one goes way deeper. They're both deep. How do you?

Speaker 1:
the two. I would delineate between the two as book two is specifically targeted at Christians. So if you want to understand what's really going on in the Old Testament from the Old Testament perspective, you want to know how that's going to connect into end time prophecy, you want to understand the hierarchy of the invisible ones and the visible ones. This is going to take you deeper and show you more of what you've never been talked about. for, but show you how it makes sense. And it's going to help you make sense of this world based on what Bible is telling us. Beautiful.

Speaker 2:
I've read the first one, now I have the on my reading list you're a Christian contrarian, which I love. Canada I don't know how you fit in with your peers up there your contrarians are that seems a little lit. Do you get fights often?

Speaker 1:
bar fights, you just. Well, when I was old I might have. Yeah. It's been rumored to be that way when I was younger, but no, I think, you know, in Canada, it's, a topic that is discussed a lot. There's no churches for Christians to go to. There's no real organizations on this sort of topic. So Canadians who start to dig deeper into the Bible will tend to look across the border. And they're always looking for how do we connect more with people who have the same type of interests. But, It's slow to catch on. Yeah.

Speaker 2:
leading the charge and you're here. Um, is different about you as you've read every pretty much every single religious text from the Quran, the Bible.

Speaker 1:
And I would advise people to, if you do that type of research and reading, put on all the armor of God, because you're going right into the dragon's den so to speak, and you're reading their literature and it can be seducing. in a way that you can relate to the Bible in terms of being seduced away, and it sounds good. But if you dig deeper, it becomes a little bit more inconsistent and it's always about the pantheon of gods, and it is something that starts to really sink in that this is the of unimagined proportions done inexplicably. around the world that isn't accounted for. And so it's a realization. So yes, learn more, but make sure you're ready for it. Um, because you're going to need it. And, uh, if you're reading that sort of stuff, you spiritual attacks because you're opening a door

Speaker 2:
you have to be able to close that door. Or if you're not a contrarian, just watch the deep end and we'll just give it to you. Yeah. Um, let's talk about, I'm about to jump straight into the, any, anything you need to say. How do they show up in modern day? you talk about World War 2. even the like him and who he wanted to be. Can you give us.

Speaker 1:
context into how we can start seeing this puzzle. Yeah, so if you look at Hans Harberger, he's one of the spiritual sort of mentors and theorists. not regime. And he's really taken in under... of the night because he wrote a book that basically traces the genealogy back to giants from the German race. So it becomes... and a significant sort of peace for it. themselves Aryans and Indo-Aryan, Indo-European is the term for the that's used in the secular and gnostic world regularly as they're talking about it as more of a history. perspective both before and after the flood. So there's a direct connection there and they're drawing on blonde hair, blue eyed Arians. And, giants had blonde hair and blue eyes or red hair and hazel eyes as the common nature. And there's another one that I talk about too that are the dark-haired giants. Those are the predominant traits. And that... from an Atlantis-like civilization who described those giants the same way in that mythology and mythos. And so, when we look at how they look at giants, they look at the Arian's being degraded over time through intermarriage. And this is talking about a post-Diluvian scenario with giants that show up after the flood. So, ways that we can sort of get a little bit of veracity system of modern giants being royals and being a significant part to the sponsorship of the socialist regime in Germany. understanding that they keep genealogies. They keep their genealogies as royales all the way back into prehistory and back to a specific Nephilim or Raphael patriarch into a specific fallen angel or a celestial mafia godfather. I like to talk about. cheek. How do they even find it? Well, they've been keeping the records all the way through. It's part of their cult, it's where they fit in the hierarchy of bloodlines all over the world. So, King Charles, for example, formerly Prince Charles, he's on record as talking about from Vladimir the Great, or I'm not val… sorry, not Vladimir the Great, Vladimir the Impaler. the Romanian Transylvania region. And that's interesting because he has those genealogies that go back through the Hanover dynasty. names from Hanover to Windsor in World War I. And it goes back to the individual that Dracula, meaning son of a dragon or a seraphim is named after, A B in the suffix for a son. And that it doesn't stop there, that that blood line takes their genealogies back to a Scythian tribe or an Indo-Aryan tribe after the flood. That's called the Agri-thi. And there's another branch that is scion in there back to her. Who's the son of Zuhua? who married Elk-Manny, a human female that produced Hercules. And that's part of the Herculides bloodline or the Gyges Kings after the flood and it's this royal bloodline. and genealogies to back this up. So, I was asked several times early on is, you know, how do we know that's true and do I'm going, it doesn't really matter whether I believe them, it's what they believe that matters and it's what they do with that belief system that we need to be. interested in. because they're working on an agenda based on that belief system. So roll this forward back to the Nazis. They take their and are trying to recreate the Superman, which is a superhero, and heroes were giants in Greek mythology, the demigods. And they're trying to recreate that genealogical history in their the new man, in other words, for a new Nephilim. And they're going to do that going forward in the Nehemiah regime by eugenics and through intermarrying so that they can somehow recreate this spark of the divine that they're looking for en masse. We might know that in the New Age lingo and political speeches as a thousand points of light. It's a spark of the fallen angels, of that counterfeit can look at World War II and the Nazis as a end time archetype for us to look at. analogy to look at. It has all the essence of what's coming. They were trying to create a modern, which is going to be part of the end time somehow, someway, with what we had just talked about. The Fuhrer is introduced in their literature from Wagner, or from the literature that they study, and that it wasn't Wagner, it's another artist that doesn't really matter, but Fuhrer is their Messiah as it's raised to. So he positions himself as a Messiah. They will be trying to set up a world their religion is Gnosticism, so it's just an extension of the same thing. So, Freemasonry and Rosicrucian is a significant part of the formation of the political complex for the Hegemony in Germany. And you're going to have people like von List who's going to create the Arnament order in the Norse and German mythology that Böler is going to be initiated into. So you have this complex work. We could go into a lot more details, but I'm just trying to lay the table of what we can look for the end time. that they're looking to put this world government in place with this. theist ancient form of the religion that goes back to before the flood in control. To recreate it. Yeah. To bring in a counterfeit millennium. And then you have a holocaust of the Jewish people. So roll that forward to the end time as well with the tribulation of the saints and the great tribulation. And you. seeing a similar kind of thing that we can...

Speaker 2:
for the end time. So theosophy just for people who haven't heard that says is a philosophical spiritual movement that seeks to explore the underlying truths of existence blending insights from religion science and philosophy emphasizing the search for divine wisdom. the unity of all life and transcending the boundaries of individual religions and beliefs.

Speaker 1:
would hermeneutics or Kabbalah be examples of a theosophic. It's all part of it, so theosophy, you can break that down, Theo's God and Sophia, the mother goddess. So you're actually getting a male and female dualism that's in the pantheon within that word. And it would also be understood the wisdom of God, but in their understanding, it wouldn't be God.

Speaker 2:
Paulie D is a, is a, knowledge cult. So now that we're on the top of the to you. By the way, you're going to have to wrangle control from us if, cause he just talked about world war two and I know we were going to do it quick, but. I wanna like go into it. - Let's go into it. - It's Gary's fault really. (laughing) Yeah. It seems to me that. having help the technology. grading. I mean how they didn't bulldoze. I think that either God intervened or Hitler went crazy or some sort of both.

Speaker 1:
But do you see that in history? Like he was getting downloads somewhere, something was giving him stuff. They are having information provided for them and they said that they received the knowledge from their celestial white brotherhood or spirit guides or aliens or however you want to describe them. communication, and that's where it's important to understand how the secret society sort of fit into the creation of national socialism, which is a left wing movement, not a right wing movement that's been re-imagined so that people get sort of confused. And so when we look at the help that they were having, how do we know that? Well, it's A, they said it, B, they wouldn't let them talk about their occult beliefs in the because they didn't want to allow the ability to have them plead insanity after putting that on the table. And so, Winston Churchill and the prosecutor said, "No, we don't want to allow that." Oh, wow. And so, when you look now at where did they get in information for to create the Tiger and Panzer tanks, which is the same format of tank that's used to this day, that was way ahead of any other technology around the world. And is so far superior. If they could produce enough of these and other weapons, they would have won the war. They received jet engine technology. They received rocket engine technology. They received whatever this bell shaped technology is. at least on the declassified records as to what happened. Where did the blitzkrieg? strategy come from out of nowhere just in time for all. new technology and because Hitler you can look at as an antichrist wannabe and biblically we're told that the antichrist spirit has been as the Epistles of John talks about, and it's always lurking, always looking for a possible antichrist figure. So we see beast empires that rise up through the world in the post-Diluvian empire. And so whether or not it's Nebuchadnezzar that begins with the prophecies in Daniel 2 and 7 and 8, and we'll extend into Revelation with the 7th Empire, you have Antichrist wannabe, Alexander would be another terrific one. And we sort of get an understanding with the inference that is with Michael in the book of James. the beast empires, not from them coming, but just to fight against them and seemingly, it seems to be to prevent the Antichrist to come before the ordained time. So when Antichrist rolls to the end time, he rises to power at the midpoint of the last seven years. abomination. In Daniel 12, which is talking about the last three and a half years, Michael is seen sitting. So the implication is as he re-stands up again to do the war in heaven that Revelation is going to talk about with again. and a half years mentioned for the timing at the time. abomination after Judea flees to the wilderness. And so it seems like Michael is part of what's restraining or the complete restrainer, but certainly is working actively to make sure the Antichrist doesn't come. And he's withholding as it's described in the KJV Bible in those accounts about Michael. And so, all these Let's call it "being". best versus being an avatar of an avatar. are. Because I think it's too soon, so.

Speaker 2:
pained to a divine timeline.

Speaker 1:
Well, they don't want to be, but they are. That's the idea is like, at some point the time is, is, is appropriate. And when the next possession or whatever happens, the Michael is no longer restraining. Yes. And they want to bring about what I call the rendezvous with destiny in book one. They want to bring about the end time before it's ordained time. And they keep doubling down. always frustrated. There is an ordained time when he can come just before Jesus comes, but not till then. And we want to be careful as well. It's too easy to call it, "Oh, no." that comes along in antichrist. All we do is we lose our credibility when we get ahead of ourselves on event chronology. And Jesus specifically warned us and... of John reminds us. and worked some perfect harmony with Jesus said that there will be multiple antichrists in the end time. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't anticipate an Antichrist coming, but there's going to be many that we're going to have to be concerned with. I feel like when I look, I haven't studied nearly as much as you have, but when it seems like...

Speaker 2:
Uh, the third rec was potentially the closest, like, even the form of Kia that they were, they had access to. I don't I'm sure you've read about. is the nerve agent, chemical nerve agent that they had that some.

Speaker 1:
they just never used it. They had so many different opportunities. And so that had to have been fed from somewhere, they wouldn't have. It advanced too quickly and out of nowhere. So I think it's akin to what we're seeing today. I do think we're being fed a ramp up of knowledge to get us to the level where we will believe. can stand against as a human race against the evil God of the Bible as He's portrayed by the polytheist forces. And that if they don't get us to that level that is destruction by fire of planet capability, and even beyond that which is going to involve I think inter-dimensional aspect to the technology. people won't say this makes sense to do this and so I think it's just part of the overall strategy.

Speaker 2:
Jake, you good? You alive? There's so much context, I still don't have. So I'm kind of just listening and trying to process all at once as I'm listening. They basically could have killed the whole world.

Speaker 1:
Good to know. Yeah. The missile technology they had was so far ahead of his time that it's, it's almost shocking when you look through history, it's shocking that the allies were able to even win. Yeah. They were developing a technology with the missiles that over a little bit more time could have gone intercontinental, but, and the ramp up was getting close to be able to do that. So they're also working on atomic energy and they had the chemical aspect to it as well. this in the understanding of the knowledge that they were being provided is. much understated in the official records. But they're researching in all different branches and pharmacaya. I think that you're kind of referring to pharmacaya, pharmacous and Revelation is the sorceries. And the sorceries is what Babylon deceives the world with, which is the church, Ariosophy religion. Oh wow, this is from Europe. Yeah, to bring that about. So it's going to be part of that. And Babylon deceased the world through pharmacaya, through sorceries. And it can mean not only magic spells, as it's also translated into English, but it also means pharmaceuticals, which is the Greek etymological root for pharmaceuticals that we biology, yes, but also seducing the people in terms of drugging them that prepares them to accept.

Speaker 2:
- You catch it? Well, we can't say it but it starts with a V and ends with... we can say that. Yeah, we can say that. Or like, um, um, talking about fluoride in the water. He ain't paid.

Speaker 1:
I'm trying, he's going to catch up. I'm really trying. We need to get you a notebook. Yeah. So that's all part of that technology and that technology is being fast tracked into digital technology that can be administered through technology that can change. anything, but not just at the gene level as they're going to advance. quantum level.

Speaker 2:
Um, Jake, how much time do we have left? back to you in a second. People are going to get mad. treat you that way. Oh, you got it. Oh, you. The last rendition of this... which was the pandemic. Can I follow you on a thread for a second? Sure. So, okay, let's put the third rike in a box for a second. and we'll come back to it. I just have an off the cuff random question. Vampires. - Yeah. - Did vampires come from the Nephilim? They real like? - Well, vampires are real in the occult. Dracula...

Speaker 1:
is a more modern type of the literature that's going to hold the belief system and their history within it. So you have Dracula. people as a son of a dragon, it goes back to Greek for Dracont and Draconta, which means watcher as in watcher angel. Really? Yes. What the crap, man? It's everywhere. People just don't recognize the links of it. And of course the giants both before and after the flood and secret societies, probably at the depth level even today would drink blood and they were drinking blood to, it could after Genesis 6-3 shortened all life span to 120 years. And they also use that secondarily to... provide additional cognitive abilities. And so, they preyed on humans not to eat them before the flood, but to drink their blood. And then after the the flood, they had to do things a little bit more in secrecy as they were needing humankind to survive because they had a fertility issue after the flood and they required to not go extinct to intermarriage. So they have to do a lot of this in secret but blood rituals has been part of polytheism right from the beginning and at the adept level still is. So now you have the drinking of the calling place for spirits. the definition of an oiketarian. going forward and live in the world going forward.

Speaker 2:
my leash right now. No, I don't have the, I don't feel like I have the requisite intellect to keep up, to try. You're doing great. Does the, were the. quality levels to the types of blood. For example, if there was a lot of epinephrine or trauma in the blood, then you would have to use a blood sample to find out. more valuable?

Speaker 1:
a hierarchy to the preference of the blood, the more innocent, the better. So you can imagine some rituals from the past where virgins were murdered. But particularly you take that all the way back to baby sacrifices, particularly which was common in the past. amongst the Balin council in the middle, in the covenant land region that they were practicing that. And that would be the most precious. that they believe that they can absorb that spirit because they believe and biblically, I don't believe that they biblically they can do this, but biblically it says the life is in the blood, right? So that's why they're trying to access to it. Blood drinking also has a significant meaning to them in terms of the matriarchal aspect and the relationship and the menstrual cycle and the blood thereof. They call that star fire in the occult. Again, to do the same kinds of things but for separate rituals. They are a blood cult and they call that within the National Socialist Regime the Vreal, which was a Rosicrucian concept that goes back to before the flood, which is again showing another representation of Secret Society influence the blood that def- consume that they could recreate again, in part the the super or the, or the demigods of ages past. So when we look at how blood fits into their ideology, it comes at the expense of humans. So it's a corrupted, uh, it's another counterfeit. It's a very evil counterfeit. Yeah. There's another allegory that goes with it. It's from the matriarchal side. So the allegorical bloodline on the male side is the dragon bloodline or the Raven bloodline. the most common. On the female side, it's the fairy blood or the owl blood, and fairy being more common on the matriarchal side. Now, they have a process in the occult called the quickening, and they sort of take that from the Bible in terms of the cave G.V. language when Jesus was crucified and was raised back. into heaven. And so they use that as a quickening as in if people are familiar with the old series, I don't know if I'm an ancient person, but there was the Highlander series of movies and TV series where they had the quickening and that's where they took the energy, the spiritual life force, uh, in that process after cutting their head off, which was a typical way you wanted to keep a giant dead because they had the ability to heal themselves. as you take that back to the Raphaim after the flood and the definitions of their name in the original Hebrew that produces the word Rapha, which is 7495, which is to heal or being a doctor, but mostly to heal, 7496 is the other. which is the disembodied spirit, the demon spirit. Those are the, we're giving us Strong's numbers, correct? Those are the. Those are Strong's and the Strong's concordance 7, 497 is the word giant. And then after that our. named Rafa which would be descendants of the giants. So we get the term Beth Rafa as a house a dynastic bloodline in the Old Testament as well.

Speaker 2:
I'm just saying that like the Bible specifically. like David cut off Goliath's head.

Speaker 1:
It must have been like the you just, you have to do that. Yeah. We look at all of the details. So he took five stones, not because. You thought he was going to miss, but Goliath had four other brothers and he's Goliath was also the king of Gath. And there was a pentapolis of five cities, of the city state complex. He thought he might have to kill either four of his brothers or four other kings that day. So he took five stones. So he chops off the head with Goliath's own sword and then raises it up, not only does he… And the sign's saying, he's officially dead. He is not coming back. And it's the worst death you could give a royale in the ancient world. beheading. Why? Because they would not be able to go to the place they wanted to go to after they died. So if you look at most of the polytheist rituals, the Ugaritic text is a good one, Egyptian text is, but they're all kind of similar with a few nuances. So, in the Ugaritic text, when a Raphael dynastic king giant died, he would be paraded into the other world or Sheol or Hades by the other Raphael kings to be delivered to live with the gods. And then their belief system to be like a god, just as Osiris is an allegory. Orion, where all the angels and the gods are. He would be raised to god-like sort of status after his death. So in Egyptian, in the Middle East, in Egypt, in Egypt, the ancient Egyptians, the people, stories and and research. boat that sailed on a river, Greek had a similar one of this river that went into Hades and Sheol. So if they had their heads chopped off, they were either going to roam the earth as in dry places, as Jesus describes these devils, which is poorly translated in my opinion. The word is daemon or the Greek word in the New Testament for demon. Not diabolos which is the word used for the devil for satan. It's a distinct word. word translated the same way. But we should understand these as the same as the evil and unclean spirits that Jesus is deep possessing and these are not fallen angels, these are the disembodied spirits. And so, when we look at where they could go, there would be what Jesus describes as like being in dry places and needing a body to go into to have rest or to interact with Avatar relationship would be more symbiotic, where they're adding power and wisdom and stuff to them in that belief system. When we look at where else they would go, we should go to Ezekiel 32. We have other references that would be in like in Isaiah 14 and elsewhere. But it's talking about the terrible ones, who did terrible things to humankind, in the time of Nebuchadnezzar who is the terrible of nations. And the terrible ones, which are described as the mighty ones in the sides of the pit prison in Sheol or Hades are talking to Pharaoh, another terrible one, and Arroyal, along with the mighty which is the Hebrew L in that translation, where their gods are. And the other scary thing to keep in mind, these terrible ones are ones that are coming out of the pit prison just before the midpoint of the last seven years with the opening of the pit prison in Revelation 9, along with the fallen angels who did the most horrible things to humankind and violated the laws of creation. and would have blasphemed the Holy Spirit as being coming like a mother goddess would be one of those sins, because in polytheism, their cognate. being for the Holy Spirit and those are all coming out of the pit prison just before the midpoint of the seven years and just before the end of the seven years. That sounds bad. It sounds unimaginable what that implications are. And the only way we can learn is what happened in the days of Noah both before and after the first century.

Speaker 2:
Got it. Okay. Vampires are a real check. Been waiting a couple of years for that one. So. How are you? You good? You caught up? Sufficiently caught up? Just hanging? you want him to talk about or you want to ask? I'm really curious on AI from Gary's perspective. Are you? Sure. Yeah, I'm very interested because you have said things like you think Nephilim are involved with AI. and I'm very happy. And what is happening? How are Nephilim attempting to mess with us now? What are the modern day tactics that are happening right now, including AI?

Speaker 1:
Well, let's just look at AI as a separate thing. just sort of connect it into the larger notion that it's the royales from more of the back rooms now that are controlling everything. They'll become more visible because you're going to have 10 kings that are going to rule. end time government before Antichrist comes to power at the midpoint of the century. So they come first and Antichrist rises up between those horns. 7 refers to and Revelation 17. And so these are the descendants of the Beast Empires. These are as Daniel 2.43 is they're going to mix their seed. These are the ones that in Psalms 21, 8 through 10, he's going to remove their fruit and their seed from the seed. in the end time, in the time of his fiery wrath. There's a seed line here that's been with us all the way through, and these are the terrible ones that are also destroyed on a mountain, which is likely Mount Hermon, in the end time, at the time of Armageddon. of this angelic technology. about and no matter what anybody says just watch a Terminator movie and you know AI is probably not good for you. tongue and cheek, but we need to understand that it's not the knowledge, it's how it's And it's always a double-edged sword. And AI is going to be a coming together of several technologies, I think, that includes quantum computing. dimensional and the cryptocurrency they're currently working on the aspect of, from another dimension to be able to prevent the decryption of cryptocurrency. So the Royals off the books, money is safe. And so this is all being worked on. In fact, even at the Davos meeting last year, they're quite disappointed that AI is not up the speed yet to implement their chip system that So now we roll that for, what do we know in prophecy about… that looks like an AI and we get an image of the antichrist in the end time. And this is speaking. And this is very interesting language because in the Old Testament they talk about idols, and one kind of idol is a talking idol. Now where you see the word idol, it doesn't always go back to Terafim, so you have to be careful. And it's not always transcribed. are just, teraphemes are just translated as idle. So it's not really consistent sort of translation, but terapheme were. family idols that could speak in seemingly inanimate objects. This is an inanimate object that's going to be able to speak. That generally means there's a demon that's in that. So one and capability within the AI programming, just as whatever these idols were, like with what Rachel took from her father that had to be returned, that was it's translated as idols. as you take a talking idol, a talking idol, yes. And so I think we're going to have demonic spirits in there. now, and they're working at the behest of Antichrist. At the time of Armageddon, he, false prophet, and Satan are going to have demons come out of their mouth. But you could also translate that out of the Greek as "they're commanding the demons." So, in this case, you could look at those demons he would be commanding through his image. And guess what that image does? All who do not… or worship Satan or worship Antichrist will be beheaded. Because some of them have rivals out there. I mean, some of them, they have the anti-cariots will have rival bloodlines out there who don't want to submit to His kingship of the world, so they're going to make sure those ones are going to stay dead. That's why the beheading. And so the AI is this coming together of the mark of the beast that comes in to play. this implant chip system that works. will also give contact to the Divine Envoy. or the atma particle that is... about in the subcontinent of India, also called... the Brahma. and this is an invisible particle. that they're looking for that you can't measure at the quantum level. that contains all knowledge, that through quantum entanglement sends all knowledge worldwide, universal-wise. all dimension wide, instantaneously known as quantum entanglement. And this is the knowledge that they want to tap into because they have to be able to offer immortality. unlimited knowledge. of the oath and the mouth. with the mark of the beast. So this is technology.

Speaker 2:
Prevent Memorial Hallooooooooое guys it's that theft was solved Did that answer your question? I think so. We're good. Hold on. Give me a second to change. just process that.

Speaker 3:

Speaker 2:
[BLANK_AUDIO] Yeah. Um, what the C E R N. Yeah. What is that again? It's a one of the, major quantum location. Yeah. Is it Switzerland? Yeah. I've heard that there are. Strange artifacts, statues, things that are like on location, almost like they're trying to. energy around those that can construct. We're going off into conspiracy land because I don't. haven't studied it, but I'm sure you've studied it.

Speaker 1:
leading edge of that right now or are there others? It is. It was the source of... net, for example. Really? Yeah. Most people don't know that. I didn't know that. Yeah. And. and it's a contrived acronym. So, when you see Shiva involved, which is a destroyer god, I understand that Azazel is his name. in the book of Enoch taught all the arts to He's understood and is degraded to 7% of the earth's surface. God love you. us as he's worshiping. cult as a goat god and that Apollyon and Abaddon mean destroyer in Greek, as the one who comes out of the pit prison. Ezezal is the Hebrew word for the word scapegoat, and Leviticus 16 for the second goat that's on the day of atonement that sent into the worldliness without- explanation, because the first one is for the sins of Israel, we're not told who these sins are, seemingly with the connection of Azazel, for the sins of the antediluvian world, and cern is an Indo-Aryan word. with a C. is in CERN, or it could also be pronounced "Kern," K-E-R-N, just as in Hebrew you get "Karen." That seems to be a source out of the Indo-Aryan which is RE and for horror. Okay. at horned gods around the world, and we understand goat gods are horned gods, so Odin would be like a goat god. There's an equivalent of Odin in English, Celtic, and Irish occult US in the proto-Roman civilization which is the Etruscans which is branch of the Indo-Aryans, the giants before, they actually have a god in their top nine gods as mean cern, C-E-R-N. So, mean in Indo-Aryan, it means a horned god, a horned headed god. These are satyr gods, just as Pan is a satyr god, just as Bacchus is a satyr god, and numerous other names, and Baphomet worshiped by the Knights Templar is a horned god, and likely Azazel as they honor Azazel in their religion for providing them all the knowledge. And in fact, Roslyn, by the Sinclair's recreated Freemasonry, as an angel hung upside down with a rope in shape of a Zed, with the pearls of wisdom hanging from the neck as the representation and he's hung upside down. that's the representation of Azazel in that chapel. When we look at CERN, it's closely associated with the technology. was here before the flood and with Azazel who's in the pit prison and in the book of Enoch, he is the leader of the watchers that was sent to the pit prison. interdimensional technology, you can do a couple things. One, you could go into heaven, as Antichrist will in Daniel 8 10 in the end time, and throw some of the starry hosts down on the and do what Satan tried to do in Isaiah 14. That's the same time as the war in heaven in Revelation 12. Christ comes to power and Michael stands up and Michael fights against the angels and throws the earth. And when we look at the other thing that he can do is he could go into another dimension because it's thought that Sheol in Hades is in the same space as the inner earth, that tear guard, you would have to go in there and free them up. and free the parent gods out likely as well. And all the demons, the terrible ones and that they could bring about the end time before the ordained time. And we would have all of those walking amongst us beforehand. They just go in and release them, force the timelines. Now, this will blow your mind a little bit too. at Nimrod, he is applying knowledge that he shouldn't have. And that as people working as one nation one language, nothing is going to be prevented from them from doing if they choose to do it. And in the version of the Polychronicon and the secret societies and in the version of the book of Jasher, although I know it's Apocrypha as well, he threatens God and speaks hubris, which an antichrist figure would do, so he's like an antichrist. Antichrist archetype ruling over all of the Noahites at that time. And that he imposes this Enochian mysticism on him and Babylon is sourced in the root word "babel" that Nimrod introduced that religion on, which is from the antediluvian world, and that he is utilizing this knowledge of the knowledge from the antediluvian world that's delivered by Hermes to him. And he initiates a thousand masons in that sort of process. So Josephus talks about some some of these events as well. And so as you triangulate it sounds like there's a technical problem. do things. Now, the occult understanding is that pyramids, ziggurats, and towers were essentially used for the same purposes, and that they were a technology. Now for this over to the Akkadian version, and where you have E-A, It is transliterated into other languages. AL or IL or ILU. So the Akkadian version calls it Babalu but they don't define Babalu as confusion of languages. They understand it as ILU as a god, and BAB as in a portal or gate. So now, in that translation, from the occult understanding, he was creating a technology there to build a portal into heaven, or a portal into Hades or Sheol. the pyramid was stopped or the ziggurat was stopped. Now, you'd have to be a madman if you think you could use mud bricks to build a pyramid or a tower into heaven, let alone into another universe. mention, it makes no sense. But if he had that technology, he could be like the anti-Christ, and again, poses him as another anti-Christ figure. And of course, an intercession by God to ensure that all the names in the book of light are in place.

Speaker 2:
that opportunity to leave it in or not. So the organization of... CERN. You could extrapolate on that and say it's essentially, um, this is why more of a one world order is required to get that off. Like imagine if every. every country in the world was united and working together towards just this one thing. And that's what you have in Babel. Yes. Like it's not just the languages. It's also like they're, they're not fighting like they're all trying to do it.

Speaker 1:
page. They're doing the same thing together. They have the same religion. They have the same goal in mind as to what they're going to do with this technology. It's the rebellion against. in the Masonic accounts is that Nimrod is a line again, he's going to go into heaven and kill God. What? And more anti-Christ will be.

Speaker 2:
Wow, okay. Anywhere you want to go? Or you want me to keep going? You keep going. Can we talk briefly like. Where are the end time prophecies? yet to be fulfilled and things that you're looking at. Cause there's so many prophecies in the book of Daniel and just so many have been in fulfilled, but somebody haven't. Yeah. Um, where are we and how does that play? to where we're going. Yeah. So.

Speaker 1:
We are in I think the Fig Tree generation. Which means we're close, but not there. Yeah. And we don't know how long a generation is. Yeah. We get several different numbers. We get 40 years in the wilderness. We get 70 years in the book of Psalms. years in Genesis 6-3, and you have to be able to pay when the beginning... of the fig tree generation is to start that sort of countdown. So one thing that we do know is in Old Testament prophecy, without getting into too much minutiae, is the Northern Kingdom, the Lost Tribes, were called divine in prophetic allegories. Just as in Hosea 9, for example. And in Jeremiah and other passages, you have the southern kingdom called the figs or the fig tree. So, just before Jesus goes into the temple, and just before He gives His - all of that, of the time, he's going to go up to a fig tree and he's going to grab a fruit off of it and he's going to kill it, the fig tree, and the disciples are going to wonder why, say because it no longer bears fruit, and they are about to totally violate the Holy Covenant and reject their Messiah. So, now He is going to use that as an allegory for the fig tree generation, and the people of the Southern Kingdom, which is Judea, they are going to understand that. disciples exactly what that means. They may not understand that they're going to be dispersed at this. But they should because it's written into the Holy Covenant. You violate it enough times and enough, and you're going to be dispersed. And you had the example of Babylon with the Southern Kingdom and the Northern Kingdom that are still lost to this day, who have not awakened yet. have to happen. And Babylon will come back. Right. So after, you know, not Babylon, the Northern tribes will awaken, called by name in the end time. has not happened, it hasn't even begun to happen yet. But what we do know is that the Southern Kingdom has to be back in the covenant land, and I would argue specifically Jerusalem, where the fig tree was killed, in the end time for it to kick off. And they got control of Jerusalem in 1967 and declared independence in 1947, fought their war of independence in 1948, but the declaration was 1947. those two starting points, but I think you have to be in control of Jerusalem because it's an epicenter. for end time prophecy, and it has to be sort of in place. So, if we are in the fig tree generation, I would use that as a start. I would rule out the 40 years, I would say 70 or 120 years. If we are in then we might see. quicker, but it could be longer. So we want to be careful with this. So some of the major events that happened yet is A, we haven't seen the declaration. of the covenant of death in Daniel 9.27 that kicks off the last seven years. That's reserved for the end time. And we haven't seen Babylon rise, this universal religion, that's going to be in place, I think, before the ten kings rise. And she's going to control the ten kings as she rides the empire of vices, of present and past in the time of John, and controls hour at the ordained time, and it's an important hour of a lot of things. We won't go into all of that, but it's a key word to understand in biblical chronology for people for the end time. And in that hour, they're going to have their power over to Antichrist. They're going to destroy Babylon, and then he's going to implement the Mark of the Beel. mixer alone is superkun Doug Smith. rise. start of the sacrificing on a wing, on extremity, or an over spreading of the temple, depending on which English translation that you're reading in Daniel for their sacrifices to be reintroduced. You're going to need the Babylon religion that's going to control all other religions around the world, including Islam, to make that happen. So that has to happen.

Speaker 2:
woman here talking about Sophia.

Speaker 1:
- Yeah, I think she's gonna be represented as Sophia, but you can... Queens of Heaven as an allegory. We do get Queen of Heaven as a term biblically in Jeremiah 4, where they're given... rituals of sacrifice and cakes off to the Queen of Heaven as being offered at that time. And so, when we look at the woman, the woman is the Babylon religion. This is the mother of all harlots. So it's the mother religion and could be the original mother goddess that religion would from. The Old Testament uses a term called the daughters of Babylon. as offshoot religions of... Babylon that dominated... all of the Beast Empires, but this is going to be something that's going to be significant and a return to the mother goddess. as part of the worship process of the end time. So... I would assume that that's a theosophy type religion, correct? Yes, we, we would from a, from a Western perspective, such as.

Speaker 2:
Or like Christ the consciousness like the. what qualifies as a religion. I'm trying to figure out what it is.

Speaker 1:
religions in the world. Monotheism and polytheism. And so all of these religions are based on the old religion before the flood or the religion at Babel. in terms of what Nimrod imposed. The most polytheistic religion.

Speaker 2:
is going to be new age because it believes that we're all going to...

Speaker 1:
Yeah, well it's the same belief system. in Hinduism, it's the same beliefs. That's true. Yeah. So it's going to follow some sort of. In fact, New Age borrows a lot of Hinduism and Buddhist terms into their vernacular.

Speaker 2:
[BLANK_AUDIO] >> That's a big real- >> [BLANK_AUDIO]

Speaker 1:
Yeah, and Christ's consciousness is their belief system of the coming Christ, not the coming... Messiah. Messiah, not the coming Messiah. Messiah. Yeah, not Yahweh, not Yehovah, not Yeshua, not Joshua. mean, several different names that you could apply there for the same being. This is their counterfeit that's coming. Right. Just as they've sent many on the way in their belief system, whether it's Confucius, whether it's an avatar of Vishnu. the Avatar to create that religion. the wisdom. And this will be, as they understand it, the New Age, an incarnation, which is a term that's used in some allegedly Christian works. Incarnation that we should be very, very careful with because Jesus isn't an incarnation. Can you explain? Can you break that down? So in an incarnation of a Christ consciousness? It is a Angelic being that's going to come into an already born human being that has a host, but it's symbiotic resistance. is a demonic possession. And it's going to add additional power. So just as Satan enters into Judas, the gift of the Spirit of the Spirit, the gift of the Spirit, to betray Jesus, that would be the biblical analogy of that concept. And also understand that Satan is going to receive all the power from Satan.

Speaker 2:
the disciples in the upper room. Would that be incarnation or is that a different word? Yeah, I'm not sure quite what you're asking in terms of the upper room. the apostles, you know, when Jesus is like, I'm going to leave and I'm going to send a helper, it's better that I go. And then they're like filled with the Holy Spirit. careful with incarnation is that that's. I'm trying to figure out how that applies to whole

Speaker 1:
Holy Spirit fills you up. When the Holy Spirit enters into you. Yeah, that's. Yeah, that's the Spirit of God. Okay. So that's okay. Okay, got it. I was like, dude, oh no. As opposed to a spirit of a fallen angel. Got it. So now Polytheist would say, I don't see the difference. there is a difference because we receive our spirits from God through the Holy Spirit, okay, right? And the fallen angels have corrupted their spirit and rebelled and rejected things. So when they do that they're trying to recreate a similar situation that is distinct as with Jesus when He becomes flesh. So in that aspect. you have the Holy Spirit that's going to come and is going to create the seeds for the Oikatarian without sex to create a soul and a body so that the word that body as his body. to be able to overcome the world and be sacrificed for the world.

Speaker 2:
atheistic fallen angels, they haven't figured out how to recreate

Speaker 1:
Yeah, yeah. Okay. They don't have that ability and there's only one spirit in Jesus. Right. Okay? So there's a distinction there that the... brainwashed us. as an incarnation, which has two spirits involved as a minimum. You could have more spirits.

Speaker 2:
than that. Yeah. This is like, um, this is like 10 steak dinners in one podcast. Yeah. I'm going to go make some coffee for both of us. We're going to do an intermission that we'll come right back. Sure. Wonderful. He's looks so Overwhelmed I'm gonna have to watch this it like point seven five, and then I can't wait to make shorts I think I'm gonna learn what you're saying on this episode from making the shorts from this I don't know if you can tell but like I be best friends, please. Sure. I need someone to call when I'm so confused. I feel like what we just did is we just. and now you're Jake and you're Taylor. Yeah. And I don't know what I am anymore. I'm just, I'm just here. So I'm almost, I'm, do you like sugar in your? Sorry. Do you like, you like, do you like, do you like sugar in your? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. It's okay. sugar in your coffee. Just scream. Okay. I'm gonna go make. but I do want to say something. I almost feel like this episode should be the first episode. Really? And then the one we just did before should be the second. Okay. We hit so fast in this episode. I don't know how you feel, but we're like, boom, intercontinental ballistic missiles. (laughing) Hitler like if I'm in front of Gary Wayne, yes, I'm watching the first episode. I'm going to watch six, seven minutes. I'm going to save it for study on the weekend. Right. I'm going to pull over on the side of the street and finish it. That's so fast moving. know. So, I mean, because we talked about in the first episode, filming a second one. So, this is the second episode, and then we'll release the first one later. - Yeah, we'll put a trailer, it's fine. - Yeah, that's great. And then I'll just figure out-- - Yeah, like I said, just feel.

Speaker 1:
to go wherever you want to go.

Speaker 2:
this guy. Okay. I want to-- Keep going on this. where I want to end, but I'm. When you look at pre-flood, post-flood, we've gotten a lot of comments about people who specifically on Timothy Alborino's episode when we're talking about and it's in the stars and they're like. the the Earth is..

Speaker 1:
Is the Earth flat, Gary? Well, a lot of people believe that to be the case. I am agnostic on it. It would take a lifetime of research to figure that out. I lean slightly against it. It's not a faith issue, but it certainly has a life of its own within the Christian community. So I think, if I could just give a little bit of a little bit of a summary of what I've been doing, I would be very happy to see the results. how we get there for a flat Earth, and I'm not against the idea of it. I think the language that's used for The understanding of flat earth could just as easily be understood as a three dimension. description within the larger context of those paths. it's being used in. But I understand how you get to a circle. But that's... necessarily all of the passages that are used in the Hebrew language for that description, but you can still make an argument for a flat earth. I think as a qualification on the other side, I'd speak regularly against science and how it's being dictated by the polytheists to run a polytheist campaign to lead people away do. And so, I'm not giving the globe people a complete vote of support either, although I would lean a little bit that way. But, to the Effi people would be that we need to be able to, if we want to make that argument, we want to make sure that we can answer phenomena that isn't really covered within the theology or the theory of the flat earth. So... Couple of those things are 24 hour light and darkness, one at each side of the poles. I'm from Canada. I fished under 24 hour sun in the Arctic circle and angle at that point in time. And it's real. And I've also been up to, I flew up to a place in the edge of land at the end of the Mackenzie River called Tuk-Tayuk-Tuk. I had to look at a claim in December, like mid-December, so it's already 24 hour darkness then. and there is no light period. It's dead night. So, it has to… those two aspects going on at the same time, twice a year based on the solace. So I would encourage the FE theorists to... continue the research, not for me, because it's a lifetime worth of research to do, but continue. try and incorporate in all the examples of the world. eclipses that aren't accounted for. Some of them are, but some of them are not. And, If we can't then that's… still believe in an F-E. the flat earth, we have yet to resolve. we should be able to do that. and not trying to shoot down anybody who might have seen us. that they would disagree with as being... misinformation or... like that. So I would just encourage you to do that. a more. tolerant approach and continued the research. That doesn't sound like a contrarian. Well, they need to verify it. They do have to verify it. OK. What about occult symbolism? Like how do you can you see the Nephilim influences on culture and society today the same way that you could see it back then? Sure. I think so. I mean, it's within, you know, our language. as it's used in for the mighty men of the end time. That's Megas and Megastranes, which goes back to Indo-Aryan Meg meaning for a tall J. And grandee's is another extension out of magus and megastron, he's meaning a large, tall man. And each of those words mean sort of giant. So starting with the word giant, you have a number of connections that are there. So anything to do with something that's larger than a normal species is sort of rooted in that whole Nephilim sort of concept. So when you're building mega projects, who are you building it for? in terms of the size and grand sort of nature of it. So when we look at the worship of the giants, which is part of this Zoroastrian, Enochian mysticism religion, we need to look at how we swim in that today in what they call wheel worship. - Wheel worship. - Wheel worship, yeah, and that's what we do. is the Hebrew word Gilgal, which means an ophan as we've talked about, meaning a circuit, or they would do a pilgrimage in a circuit, just as judges or doctors used to work in a circuit in the same sort of way. And that they have eight Sabbaths in the year of using a solar year versus a lunar year that the Israelites used. worship, Nephilim, religion based, and those eight Sabbaths, you won't be too surprised to find out that four of them have happened on the two solstices, the two equinoxes, and then six weeks in between. So as we go through this, the last one is December 21, which is the winter solstice, of Christmas which is... the hunting god Odin as it comes out of German and Celtic. God of the 12 days of Christmas of Yule, Yule being a name for Father and Son and Father, as Odin is understood as the father of the gods and this is a time of the birth of Mithras on December 25.

Speaker 2:
was the birth of mystery. Yeah.

Speaker 1:
the god of Mithirism. in the Roman most popular religion along with Sol Invictus, which is also encapsulated within the Christmas season. I won't go through the complete overlaying of everything on it, but just to give people to understand who Mitra is. look at it as Baphomet that the Knights Templar worship, which means Father Mitra. In Sanskrit, Indo-Aryan Mitra was called Mithra. a chief God, and it's defined as a bond or an alliance. as Antichrist Creates the Covenant of Death in Daniel 9, 27. And Mithra, Zoroastrians, and Mithra is a god who incarnates at the end of every age to destroy that world and then start a new world. Shiva does, which would be sort of similar to Azazel as you make some of those connections. is a name of... was used in not only the Mithra religion as Father, but we've adapted. into the ministerial. Monotheist religion of Christianity. we call ministers fathers just as they were father in Mithraism. And so you have a constant that's sort of happening in the world, the polytheist usurp Christian holidays. them into polytheist holidays. Now, you should celebrate Jesus' birth every day of the year, but He wasn't born on December 25. That's the date that Constantine, who created Jesus, nation of Mithraism practices with Christianity to create a state-sponsored religion did to utilize that for control over the empire. Now God, like he used Cyrus and others, He'll use individuals. to get Christianity out or the Word out and other things throughout our history. But if we look at the details of when Jesus is born, He's born likely in mid to late September, of the birth of John the Baptist, and the priestly order and the times that they did their orders. in that accounting. within the temple. And when you find out for the pregnancy... where Jesus is going to be born about six months later. So that... I'll get you to March 13th to shorten the story for the birth of John the Baptist, which is going to put Jesus' birth sometime September 13th and maybe a few, up to a few weeks. details that we get with the birth of Jesus is just amazing. Um, and when David, not David, when Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem for the census, there's no room in the hotels, but there's room in a stable. Well, that's odd cause December 25 is the rainy season. Nobody, there'd be plenty of rooms. There wouldn't, yeah, and there, and. They wouldn't be able to stay in a stable. There wouldn't be a stable that's open. Yeah. They'd all be used and when the angel goes they're in the field because it's not the rainy season. So you get these cross-referencing details. suggest that this day was made up, and again I have no issues with... Jesus on December 25 or any other day of the year, but we ought to understand we're not given the birth date, but that is the birth date of Mithra. When's the, do you know when the census was? I do, but not off the top of my head. I have a document all about the census I can send you. Okay. I haven't looked at it in a few years.

Speaker 2:
So when we talk about calendars, have you done much research on like how the calendars were changed? the from Gregorian? Yeah, like the scene calendar that they kept and then it was changed to the Gregorian. It came off

Speaker 1:
And I would go back saying that's important to understand, but we should really be trying to focus on the Jewish lunar calendar that's associated with the feasts that would be a better of when the birth of Jesus was. the Passover, which would have been part of the story. there's a fiction date. even have an accurate crucifixion date. we ignore details on the crucifixion where Jesus said clearly as the sign of Jonah he was going to be three days and three nights in the grave and there's no on a Friday and be three days and three nights in the grave. But if you follow the Jewish feasts you understand he's not crucified on the Friday. Passover happens and then immediately after you have the feast of unloved and bred. And feast of unloved and bred you have a special Sabbath so without... too far into the detail. you have Passover the special Sabbath and then you have... So now you understand that in terms of the face. You get three days and three days. in the grave, because the Bible can't be in conflict. of God would not make a math error. But yet, we are not even if we were to have the right, we'd still be, we'd still be on the wrong date. - Right.

Speaker 2:
Um, like this may tie into calendars. It may not, but it's going back to. some of the older history. You had the Babylonians and you had like the the Persians. Where do you see a... And then the third, also is in the Persian Empire. So what were, how are these, where these empires really just being run by fall? And then they, through history, what we're seeing is where they're trying to merge together.

Speaker 1:
about world government. So... we had an incident that happened before the flood. And then I'll finish off on the point. So you had a flood that was brought about because of the violence and the corruption. And I speculated that I think they were going to destroy the world by fire. We've talked about, and when I look at some analogies of that and polytheism, I look at Atlantis as being probably the best case because it's an allegory. that the polytheists use for the end time as the new... golden age, the first time, this will be the second time, I guess. And in that understanding you have Poseidon who married. and creates ten demigod kings and the Atlantean empire, that's in multiple locations, not just the island of Atlantis or the continent of Atlantis. And they're trying to take the world through military might that's recorded in Plato. to set up this world empire. And that's what stopped. So there'd be an empire, an empire of the universe. antichrist type figure. So when we look at having that as a sort of a backdrop for nothing is new under the sun and what was will be again, then we should be looking at similar types of events after the flood, right? So now you have a restart after the flood, a re-start. after Babel, and you have the... which are empires of- the Nephilim and I would say Raphael post-Deluge. and bloodlines of the…and these are beast empires of beasts that come out of the sea, and the Antichrist figures of beast spirits because the… and allegories perfectly consistent throughout the Bible, as we understand that. And these beast spirits are the ones who slander celestial beings and God, because angels are too smart to do that, right? They're using some, they're using a proxy. Yeah. So all these beast empires are attempting to bring, to build the new Atlantis, to consolidate everything in the world, except They don't have the technology to do it. Empires reach a limit. they can actually supply and fortify. And they're all about the same size, and they just run out of that ability, which is again, why we have to have... technology to be able to bring that all of us. doesn't stop them from And so you have "addichrist wannabes" through "art" and "migratory". in his ep AND which we'll see again with the 7th Empire within.

Speaker 2:
amongst the horns. the death and resurrection of Jesus. Three days, three nights. Let's go into that for anyone watching who doesn't know the the deed. Cause you read the Bible in a way that is fascinating. to look at every word and what all of it means. Does Jesus go to Sheol or Hades? What's happening there? That's a great question. And we get a

Speaker 1:
to that in 1 Peter, 1 Peter 3 and. in the grave, he goes to the pit prison. Where Azazel is? To talk to the spirits. He goes to Tartarus. He goes to hell as the language is used there in the Greek with Tartarus. And this is where not only the fallen angels are, including Azazel, but also the terrible ones in the sides of the pit my speculation, but he's visiting while he's still in the grave. And the context I think there is kind of similar to what he would have done at Mount Hermon when he announced Peter to be the one he's going to build his church on. He's actually... where the Council of the Gods would rule for the world. and the entrance to Haiti. Baal would go back and forth through in the cave there. And this is a similar one, now he's gone to Hades, and at the time of Mount Hermon, I think he's announcing that he's going to build his church. And you will, your rebellion is going to be a success. You just don't know it when he goes. I talk with my hands a lot. When he goes to the prison, he's confirming your rebellion is over. when I rise, your fate has been sealed to go to the lake of fire. And I think that if we now layer in 1 Corinthians, where it's talking about the princes of the world, which is the Greek word archons, for high end angels, if they had realized that there was going to be a resurrection, crucified. They backfired pretty. So they didn't know about the resurrection. You did me in. live here, obviously, by killing me and you tried when I was a baby and... this because it's part of our resolution to your rebellion that when I resurrect, your rebellion is officially over and humankind no matter what you do going forward are going to reach their destiny and are going to be raised up to be like angels and then they're going to judge you for the crime humanity.

Speaker 2:
That's dirty.

Speaker 1:
serious moment. landmark moment and if it's ever read in public or in churches, you never receive the context. Who are these spirits that he's talking to? Why would he be in Tartarus or Sheol and to where Spirits are imprisoned. Who are those spirits? None of those questions get asked. So when it says that he took the keys of death, yeah. What does that really in reference to? Well, it's offered to those who believe in him and believe in God and believe in the Holy spirit that death will not have a grip on us. Will we sleep? Yes, we will sleep and our spirits will return to heaven as ecclesiastics nine talks about, but it has no hold on us. weren't taken, who are still alive, who are going to be killed for holding to the testimony of Jesus in the last three and a half years. And you also have a resurrection in Ezekiel 37 at the time of the second Exodus with the reconciliation of Judah and Israel for time for the supper of the Lamb in Revelation 19 so the bride is complete. And so, death doesn't have a permanent grip on us and we're not going to be dead like the angels or the demons are going to be considered. Now, is there actually a death for us? for sure it's punishment in the- coming out. Same with those who take the mark of the beast. not all humans will burn for a living. the ones that take the mark of the beast. There may be other allowances for others, for there we don't get that biblically. But those who aren't going to be resurrected into eternal life, they will go to the lake of fire, but it's instantaneous second death. What, okay. I love this moment. When, how do you, what's the difference between purgatory, Abraham's So Abraham. comes from a parable that Jesus talks about. And he uses... of parables to explain point- moral of the story that he's trying to explain. debate amongst the Pharisees. as to whether there's a. and... solution they have is this. like place that's Abraham's bosom and but the moral of the the narrative of the story. is that even if somebody came back from the dead, To tell you what it might be like, you still wouldn't believe it. on this. He raises Lazarus from sleep, not purgatory, from sleep, which only he can do, and they don't believe him. And then even more so, Jesus comes back from being crucified and they don't believe him. details that go with the video. teach a lesson that if you're not going to believe in God, you're not going to believe in God.

Speaker 2:
not going to believe. Right. I've never thought about it that way. That's interesting.

Speaker 1:
Bible says use the... and hundreds and... of times. But people will go to, "Well, there's got to be this purgatory, them, except he's not quoting it as fact, he's quoting it as a fact.

Speaker 2:
as a parable on a belief system that they have. So they would understand the message. Why, why would somebody like after all that you've studied, why would somebody not pick Jesus? Like why would, why are there people who, why is that the case? Cause Jesus doubled Knowing all of the facts and all of the data.

Speaker 1:
are there still people who are just like, nah. Nah, that I don't want to believe in Jesus? Yeah, no, I don't want it like. Well, we're stiff necked. I'm stiff necked. type of... and we're sentient beings and we may not have the discipline to handle things as well as we ought to, but that's because we try and do things on our own. And if we were to believe in God, we could handle things better, not perfect, but better. And there's no way we're ever going to be able to handle things on our own, which is why when we're going to be resurrected, God is going to write his laws on our our arrogance as a species. And it's also showing us that no matter what, we're just like fallen angels, where they were created already immortal, but up to a third would rebel. And that's a large number. just the 200 that people would might associate it. with in, in Daniel eight and the book of revelation he uses a number 10,000 times 10,000 that's a hundred million. So up to a third, according to revelation 12 are going to rebel. You could calculate that 33 million or 50 million, or it's an allegorical number. Do you want to go with an allegorical approach?

Speaker 2:
that is still a big number.

Speaker 1:
where they were worshiping God. 100 million around the throne. Yeah. So there's a lot of angels that are fallen that aren't. So they rebelled with intimate knowledge of God and knowing how powerful God was. have a lot of knowledge and so what's it's more of a temptation for us not to believe than it was for them and then we get a special time that is set aside to prove that prove to us we need to be And we're just like the fallen angels, so we get a period where Jesus is going to rule for a thousand years. And at the end of the thousand years, Satan is going to be released and he's going to cause a rebellion in a very short period of time and march on Jerusalem to war with Jesus. of Jesus and God. We will have a significant amount of people rebel. And that's to humble us to say, we are through faith because we had to… knowledge to get our emergency. We have to understand, and that's the final sort of thing to the free choice. nail down for eternity that God only wants people loyal to them who and that he wants to take all of those seeds and ability to go wrong out of the way before moving forward.

Speaker 2:
with God just a couple of days ago. I like I'm I'm arrogant and I'm And I think I know better. And so I think sometimes when people are like us, Contrarians. Jake, are you a contrarian? I feel like you're just very obedient. Really? You probably never tell God no. I mean, I try to be obedient the best I know how. Jake's like, I still get frustrated with him though. Jake's the perfect archetype for just like a soft heart, like obedient to God. And I'm like, I'm just terrified of something taking me longer to figure out than it needs to. But for business owners, like. or just driven. sometimes it's hard to the submission game is hard like to do what we're instructed to do. You use the word discipline and add this image of like my. Harrison, who is you met him earlier. He's just a little bitty kid, but he was like standing and there was a like a wall that was maybe four feet tall and he couldn't see on the other side of it. something dangerous on the other side I was like don't go this direction I was telling him like don't go around this wall because it's... It's good. to get hurt if you do that. And. He can't see it and so he just decides to do it anyway and then he gets hurt. And I almost had this idea of like, this is sometimes us with God, like the laws of God. designed for life and life to the full. They're designed for us to live in that and in a good place, but we can't see over the wall and so on. And I think a lot of people are like, God is just trying to rule me.

Speaker 1:
if we don't have the intelligence to know what to do sometimes, and I think the stubbornness is what gets us. Yeah, it's the understanding and the evidence portrayed during these generations of Adam, that is a testimony not only... angels, but for us to go forward on is there's only one way that doesn't lead to destruction. Right? Because everything's been played out. Right. Right. So can you imagine. after being part of the generation that crucified their mother. And then persecuting Christians and having them killed with his Damascus moment, then converting and living with that stiff-neckedness of what he did, what his people did, of their people did and having to contend with that and put out such great teachings, obviously, with the help of the Holy Spirit and to do what he did, even onto death. It's an amazing story, but for me, people like myself, it gives me hope that- use his be, I'm a bit obsessed. He's, he would have been considered a zealot. Yup. I think from a, from a Jewish perspective in terms of the laws that he was implementing, that we can, if we work on it. ourselves to be more on faith than fact driven. Yeah. Um, and I am. and I've had to learn faith that over time I'll learn more. if I have the faith to do so. I'd also throw in, I would encourage people to be like the Bureans as in the. The brains verified everything that... Paul was preaching about in the Old Testament before they accepted what Paul said. Really? Oh. So if you want to be a Christian Christian, then you can. and it's truly a--

Speaker 2:
Wow, I didn't even, I haven't, I'm going to have to go study that. I love the Briens. He was like, you got, he was like. - Financial discernment was such a big problem back then. All right, what do we miss Jake clean us up? I feel like that's, you just did. I feel like the ending, that was a great way to end it. I thought that was perfect. I still have questions about the flat earth, but I'm going to let it go for now. No, I think, I think that's a beautiful way to end it. more of Jesus. Thank you. take what's being said here and then go do your own research. Yeah, go dig. Yeah. Like you did in 1981. journey. That knowledge obviously pointed you to the truth. And once you, I would imagine once you saw it, you couldn't unsee it. No you cannot.

Speaker 1:
because you can't know what you just learned. Or you're going to resolve that and there's only one way to resolve that. I would also find that be a little bit more like Paul in the sense of, but everything around what Jesus said, and everything's gonna make sense. And if you're saying that you're going to resolve that, then it's going to be a little bit more like Paul. with prophecy, start with what Jesus said and not vice versa like a lot of people do. of events that he gets is in a sequence and it's top. The language doesn't say that. It says, and then that's the Greek word TOTA. And it means exactly that it's a. the next thing it's at that time. And so he's given us. with an abomination in the middle and a reference to read about Daniel to understand all about that period and the events leading up to it. If you put everything around what Jesus said, all your

Speaker 2:
in prophecy disappear. Listen there. I love it. Cool. Can we pray for us? You go with that? God, thank you for Gary. Thank you for great men who have been diligent and they've seen it. and shared their findings with us. God, thank you for Jesus, thank you for caring enough about the creation that you made and the humans to send a savior. Thank you that everything that you say and everything you record is perfect. at the end when we understand how important. we are right now is to you. We're in power.


artificial intelligence, giants, nephalim, faith, fallen angels, prophecy, spiritual transformation

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