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666 and the Last Generation of Humans

Speaker: Timothy Alberino

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Transcription from 666 666 and the Last Generation of Humans

from The Eternity he rises creating armies on either Shore turning man against his brother till man exists no more Book of Revelations predicted at all judgment is Unleashed upon the Empire of the Beast and at the end of this Jesus the son of man returns to the Earth of the armies of Heaven to confront the beasts at Armageddon this is a kinetic War the armies of the Beast are post-human Legions and they're they're operating advanced technology it is a kinetic and there's a lot to be said there but the point here is that my name is Timothy albrino and you are watching end times Productions [Music] oh Jesus said at the end of the age is the age in which we now live the age of Pisces [Music] would be like the days of Noah and he said that people would be eating and drinking and marrying and giving a marriage and then destruction would come suddenly but there's also I don't want to use the word inconspicuous I'll say it but there's also an inconspicuous illusion there to other things that were happening in the days of Noah namely the Advent of the Watchers and the Giants so at the End of the Age I believe that we will see to some degree a repeat of the events that transpired Before the Flood of Noah we will see the birthright of mankind usurped by hybrid beings in the same way that it was usurped in the Genesis 6 Affair but this time it's not just going to be a group of Watchers in my opinion who copulate with human women and produce hybrid offs that produce hybrid sons who who take Dominion of the earth rather this time it's going to be the Dragon and his angels who take human wives who copulate with them and who procreate through them human hybrid offspring who will become the Kings and rulers of the Earth I believe that this event this is very complicated and we don't have to get into the details I do go into them in my book I believe that this event is Illustrated in the dragon and the Beast from Revelation the seven-headed dragon and the seven-headed Beast from The Book of Revelation the dragon standing on the shore of the sea presiding over the rise of the Beast the Beast basically mirrors the dragon seven heads and so forth and I believe again it's very complicated it's detailed in the book but I believe this is indicative of the fact that the dragon and his princes are going to are going to procreate with human women hybrid Kings we're going to govern the Earth for a Time usurp Dominion of the Earth from the sons of Adam they're going to be human enough to appropriate the birthright of Adam that's the key that's why they have to be hybrids that's why they had to be hybrids with the Watchers that's why they have to be hybrids at the End of the Age they have to be human enough to appropriate The Authority the Dominion to to to appropriate the Dominion of Adam the birthright of Adam and they're going to use serp Dominion of the earth and they're going to rule for a time this is of course the Antichrist and his Empire at the End of the Age he's going to preside over a post-human paradigm on planet Earth in other words the majority of the citizens of his Empire are no longer going to be human so while we're losing our Humanity the devil and his angels are are procreating hybrid children that can assume the governance of the earth legally legally appropriate the birthright of mankind so that they can do exactly what the Watchers did they can govern the Earth and and the dragon and his angels rule by proxy from behind the Thrones of their hybrid sons and I believe that the devil doesn't do this until he knows he has a short time because when this transaction uh when this transgression happens he knows he has a short time because the mechanisms of judgment will be put into motion just like will be set into motion just like before the flood he knows that so this is the final card he's going to play at the End of the Age so I concur with many others many of my colleagues who believe that the Antichrist will in fact be the hybrid son of the dragon with a human woman and furthermore I propose that the Ten Kings who are reigning at the end of the age are also going to be hybrid Kings and the reason why I believe that is because and again we won't go into all the details they are in the book is because of Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the statue that have the the different segments of the statue are cast in different metals and and and and at the the bottom the final Empire that will rule the Earth before before the kingdom of the Son of God destroys it crushes it pulverizes it which is what happens to the statue that final Empire is a hybrid Empire it's the the leg it's the feet of the statue which are made of iron mixed with Clay it's a hybridized Empire and how many toes do a normal pair of feet in 10. how many kings Arise at the End of the Age 10. I believe there are 10 hybrid Kings just like the five twins hybrid twins of Poseidon who ruled over Atlantis there's going to be hybrid Kings The Offspring of the dragon and his angels the dragon princes who are going to govern the Earth at the End of the Age who are going to usurp the Dominion of mankind the birthright of Adam so that the Earth is once again thrown into this dystopia nightmare that was the the antediluvian age it's going to mirror that and there's going to be no hope for Humanity because their Birthright has been usurped and they can't get it back because the majority of mankind is going to be in a post-human condition not all of mankind there will be a Remnant who are not but the majority of mankind would have transitioned into a post-human condition and this is why I believe that at the that in the Book of Revelation when John is in heaven and he's beholding this vision of heaven and he's standing there and he sees the father sitting on the throne and the father has a scroll in his right hand an angel is proclaiming a loud voice who is worthy to take the stroll and open its seals who is Worthy to take the scroll from the right hand of the father and open its seals and no one was found worthy in heaven or on Earth to take the scroll and break its seals and John says and I wept bitterly and I always was perplexed why is John weeping over this scroll it doesn't make any sense why is this scroll eliciting this deep profound emotion from John why because that's scroll is the deed of the Earth it's the birthright it's the deed and because mankind has lost Dominion of the Earth they have forfeited the birthright because they transitioned out of Adam and into a post human condition and the dragon The Offspring of the Dragon has usurped it and it's a hopeless situation just like in Genesis 6 and John is weeping because he's looking at the nightmare unfolding on the earth and nobody is worthy and why isn't anybody Worthy because only a son of Adam can take the scroll it's the birthright of mankind only a son of Adam can open that scroll and John is weeping because nobody has the authority to do it but the angel says to him do not weep for the for the the Lamb of God or something to this effect has triumphed and he is able to take the scroll and so John sees a lamb that looked like it had been slain and he took the scroll because he was worthy to take the scroll and he began to break its seal so what are we seeing here this is what we're seeing even if there is not a single son of Adam left on planet Earth there is still a son of Adam seated at the right hand of the father Jesus is our Kinsmen Redeemer he is a human being and because he is a human being because he is the son of Adam he is worthy he has the authority to take the birthright of Adam the deed of mankind the Dominion of the earth that was given to Adam he is a rightful heir of that Authority he is worthy to take that scroll and break its seals and that is exactly what he does and he begins to break the seals and this and as each seal is broken judgment is Unleashed upon the Empire of the Beast and at the end of this Jesus the son of man returns to the Earth of the armies of Heaven to confront the beast at Armageddon this is a kinetic War the armies of the Beast are post-human Legions and they're they're operating advanced technology it is a kinetic war and there's a lot to be said there but the point here is that like the late rust isdar used to said Jesus is the hero of humanity he takes back Dominion of the Earth for The Offspring of Adam because he is a son of man remember when Jesus said all authority has been given to me in heaven and on Earth why because as the Son of God he has all authority in heaven and as the son of man he has all authority on Earth and that is why he is worthy to take the scroll and that is why only he can rescue Humanity from The Nightmare that's going to unfold at the end of the age and that is precisely what he does he returns to the Earth and he vanquishes the Beast and the armies of the Beast and he sets up his kingdom and he rolls and he reigns from his father's Throne David from David's Throne so this is the scene at the end of the age and so I believe that what this speaks to what this Beast speaks is a scenario in which mankind has lost his Birthright lost Dominion of the Earth in the same way that he lost it during the Genesis 6 Affair hybrids are ruling the Earth The Offspring of the Dragon and his princes and they are assembling an Army against the king of Heaven to make war with him because this is exactly what they do by the way this is Psalm 2. this kinetic war with god with the Son of God the returning King the rightful heir of his father's Throne on Earth Throne of David which is by the way the Throne of Adam the rightful rule of Earth this war that's going to uh break out at the end of the age kinetic war between the armies of the Beast and the armies of the Kingdom returning to the Earth Christ returning the second Advent is portrayed in psalm 2. why do the Nations rage and the people plot a vain thing what is the main thing that the people are plotting the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together that's two separate groups the kings of the Earth and the rulers and we'll talk about that in a minute the case of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together that's two separate groups the Kings and the rulers against the Lord and against his anointed saying this is what they're plotting let us break their Bonds in pieces and Cast Away their courts from us in other words they're saying we will not have this man rule over us we will not submit to the king of Heaven the response from the father he who sits in the heavens shall laugh the Lord shall hold them in derision then he shall speak to them in his wrath and distress them in his deep displeasure look what he says yet I have set my king on my Holy Hill of Zion in other words he's saying to the Antichrist to the man of sin who I believe will be named Apollo son of Satan you think that you will be the lord of the earth that you will occupy the Throne of Adam but I am going to set my son on that throne and this is the Prelude to Armageddon and so I always tell people Armageddon is not merely a war with Israel Armageddon is a war with God it is a war a battle against the king of Heaven it is a preemptive strike against the king who is returning to take back Dominion of the Earth for The Offspring event that's what Armageddon is at the end of the age and it's a kinetic war that means it's a physical War it's a technological conflict and of course Christ vanquishes his enemies at Armageddon and returns with the with the armies of heaven and train so that is the culmination of where all of this is going that's that's where trans humanism is headed it's headed to a post-human condition on planet Earth why because just like Esau we are going to trade our Birthright sell our Birthright Dominion of the Earth for a bowl of stew and what is that bowl of stew you shall become like the Gods forfeit the biological trademarks of Adam that make you human that make you human forfeit those trademarks transition into a post human condition and you will have extended life impervious to disease all the things that go along with being trans human you will become like the gods and who are the gods that you will become like just like in Genesis 6 the Gods will be walking among men and those gods are going to be the hybrid offspring of the dragon and his princes and the the Beast Apollo what does he do because the dragon the dragon imbues Apollo his son with his authority The Book of Revelation says and what does the Beast do in turn what does the Sun do he causes men to worship the Dragon this is Genesis 6 all over again it's the Watchers and their sons but this time it's the dragon and his son the dragon princes and their sons this is a different topic but I believe that there are in fact seven Dragon princes but so they're imbuing their sons with their Authority and their sons are leading mankind to worship them the dragon to worship their fathers the dragons the the Angelic reprobates who have made war with God and so this is a this is a scenario very much like Genesis 6 to come full circle as in the days of no The Sinner very much like Genesis 6 it is a Faustian bargain again to legally usurp Dominion of the Earth for mankind at the end of the age and remember what it says regarding the Beast he is permitted to rule for a short time permitted by whom by God just as The Offspring of the Watchers the Giants were permitted to rule for a short time because they have legally usurped the birthright of mankind they have done it legally just like the Watchers in the in Genesis 6 and so what follows is you reap what you sow and Mankind is going to reap what they sell they're going to Forfeit the birthright about them by becoming post-human and when they give it up when they relinquish it somebody else is going to seize it and that somebody else has to be human enough to appropriate that Birthright and that is why they have to be hybrids human mothers but their fathers are the dragon princes there's reasons why things are happening at the end of the ages don't just the Kingdom of Heaven is a kingdom of order it's not chaos it's order you can't just do whatever you want the devil does not have free reign to do whatever he wants people say the devil cheats no he doesn't there's no such thing as cheating in the Kingdom of Heaven you have to play by the rules and that's what the devil does he plays by the rules when he came against Israel he could never just wipe Israel out all he could do was get Israel to sin against God to offend God and then what would happen God would wipe Israel out in judgment the devil had no power to do that all he had was the power to tempt and that's what he does at the end of the age that's what transhumanism is it's the bowl of stew we're coming to the end of our genetic rope as I said in the beginning we only have we and we have checked this technology at the same time that is just coincidentally in place for us to transition out of Adam it's a it's it's it's a in my book I call it the pitfall of post-humanism it's a trap it's a trap to transition us out of Adam to transition us out of our Birthright to get us to willfully relinquish Dominion of the Earth meanwhile the hybrid sons of the Dragon are usurping it that is what's happening at the end of the age and that's what I try to convey in the book that's you know so everything we've talked about today everything is in the book is in Birthright in much more detail and I try to be very scholarly with it and I provide a whole lot of scriptural references all the way through through all these things that I'm saying there's references that back all of this up or at least from my perspective not saying everything I'm saying is right but at least I provide what I believe are references are scriptural references and historical references that undergird the things I'm saying that's all provided in the book and all of these concepts are expounded with much more detail and what I try to do is is to is to tell that Story from beginning to end again that story that that began to that began to ruminate in my heart back in the Amazon and came out of me when I was writing this book and I believe that it's a very Timely book because we are in fact living at the beginning of the end of the age and that doesn't mean that the end of the age is tomorrow in fact I believe we can calculate and in fact by calculating the End of the Age I mean we can calculate the number of the beasts which we're told to do in Revelation the number of the Beast is not 666 or 666. the number of the Beast is the number of a man six why is the number of a man six because God created man on the sixth day the number of the man is six so it's not 666 or 666. well it is 666 but it's not 666 is a whole number it's six six six so when you have three numbers like that six six and six and you're told to calculate those numbers what do you do and it's Universal by the way mathematics Universal across the globe when you have three numbers like that and you calculate them you always multiply them six times six times six two hundred and sixteen which is a derivative of two thousand one hundred and sixty which is the exact number of years that it takes to complete one age one processional age which is how the Ancients measured the ages Christ his birth corresponded with the age of Pisces again inaugurating the age of Pisces that's why Jesus was represented fish because the fish is a symbol of Pisces and the early Christians knew that the age of Pisces had been inaugurated with the the birth of the Son of God with the birth of the Messiah and so Pisces the the fish became the symbol of Christ in the early church it was the age of Christ the age of Pisces and Jesus said at the end of the age what age was he referring to this one this age the one in which he was born at the end of this age these things would happen and then in Revelation calculate the number of the b66 6 times 6 times 6 216 again in the ancient world you could take that zero off and it still represents the same number 2160 it's the duration of a processional age so so literally the beast when is the Beast going to arise at the End of the Age of Pisces when is the end of the age of Pisces two thousand one hundred and sixty years from the inauguration of the age of Pisces from the birth of Christ who was born sometime around 4 BC so you calculate from the birth of Christ 2160 years we're in the year 2022 so you add on the the four BC because Jesus wasn't born on 180 he was born probably around four to five BC so that puts us around really 2026 with thereabouts so 2026 25 years since the birth of Christ in an age has 2160 years we're getting pretty close but it's not tomorrow right people get mad at me for saying that but it's not tomorrow it's at the End of the Age of Pisces the transition into the age of Aquarius so and what's really fascinating is that you have you have Yuval Noah Harari out there the famous proponent of transhumanism who's like those who's like the spokesperson for the global Elite as it pertains to transhumanism and and Harari is out there saying that we are the last generation of homo sapiens in he says 100 to 200 years from now the Earth will be populated by post-human species is it coincidental that harari's projections correspond to the end of the age and Armageddon in the beastmaking war with God the post-human Army it's not coincidental that at the End of the Age even according to these futurists you know so if we're in you know let's say two thousand two thousand 25 years from the birth of Christ and and the End of the Age isn't isn't until 2160 years then harare's prediction about the end of humanity and the rise of a post-human species puts us right at the end of the age when we know the Beast is coming according to the calculation of the number of the beasts six times six times six so this whole thing of 666 is the net no it's six times six times six see it's the precessional number of an age the age of Pisces we know when the Beast will Arise at the age of Pisces so are we at the End of the Age yes we are we're at the beginning of the end of the age and in in the end of these ages is always a a very chaotic disruptive transitional period and we're already beginning to get into the Rumblings of this disruption and so everything is like culminating toward the end of the age of Pisces this isn't astrology this is astronomy and this is how the Ancients calculated the ages including the ancient Hebrews who used the metzeroth and the matseroth was the zodiac this is not astrology making predictions about your life and so forth that's astrology this is astronomy and indeed I would say to to confirm this position for those who don't think that using these kinds of predictions based on procession of equinox and so forth is biblically valid I would challenge people with something that nobody yet that I'm aware of has has realized regarding the birth of Christ so the birth of Christ corresponded with the age of Pisces the inauguration of the age of Pisces what most people don't realize is that there is a prophecy in the Old Testament that tells us exactly when Christ would be born and it's no wonder that the that the the the astronomers from the East the wise men from the East knew that Christ was born and this is part of the reason why part of the reason why why the where the great king the Eternal King had been born because they were watching the Scotty these astronomers these ancient Middle Eastern astronomers I should say these these near Eastern uh ancient near Eastern astronomers there's a story in the Old Testament very famous story of of Abraham and Isaac in which Abraham takes Isaac to sacrifice uh um to make a sacrifice to God and Abraham doesn't realize that the sacrifice is going to be his son his only son his beloved Son and when he finds out that the sacrifice that God is requiring of him is his only son his beloved Son his only begotten son so Abraham takes his as The Story Goes Abraham is told to to go and make a sacrifice to to Yahweh and he had to go and make this sacrifice on Mount Moriah and so he takes he was told to take his son Isaac and go make a sacrifice and of course originally they're thinking oh we're going to go and we don't we don't have any anything to sacrifice what are we going to sacrifice but God wants us to sacrifice something and of course Abraham realizes that that sacrifice was going to be his son but because Abraham was faithful to God and he knew that it that God had given him that son because because Abraham's wife was Barren apparently and God brought her womb to life miraculously to produce Abraham's son his promised son remember God had promised the son to to Abraham and what I'm trying to do right now is to cause people to make the connections between Abraham's promised son and the promised son of the father Jesus right would become our sacrifice so because that's what this story is depicting it's a play acting it's play acting the gospel it's predicting the gospel um it's it's I'm sorry it's predicting the gospels the message of the gospel and so Abraham takes his son up to the mountain and of course prepares The Altar and when it's time to make the sacrifice Isaac says where's the sacrifice and you can imagine where's the animal that we're going to sacrifice and you can imagine Abraham with tears streaming down his face you're the sacrifice in Isaac loved God loved the god of his father and and just like a lamb of course again drawing parallels to Jesus like a lamb going to slaughter willingly submitted himself to this sacrifice okay so so he lays him down on the Altar and and and Abraham raises his hand to plunge his knife into his son's heart so that he can become a burnt offering and just as Abraham is about to plunge this knife into Isaac he hears a voice don't do that stop and Abraham to his surprise discovers that God had indeed provided a sacrifice and it was a ram and the Rams horns were stuck in the bushes okay picture this Ram with his horns are stuck and the Rams caught in the bushes and obviously to Abraham's great relief God had provided a sacrifice and it wasn't Abraham's son of course it was his son and that's what that Ram represented I always wondered about that story and I thought Jesus is called the Lamb of God over and over and over why was it a ram and not a lamb why was it a ram and the answer turns out to be very intriguing because that Ram with his horn stuck in the bushes was a symbol an astronomical symbol of when Christ would come when God when the sacrifice that God was providing would show up when his son would come to become to be the sacrifice for the sins of many through the sins of the world and how does that prefigure the coming of Christ and and pinpoint when Christ will arrive because it has to do with the procession of the equinox and I'm not going to go into the whole procession of Equinox here but you know the Earth is tilted on an angle and it wobbles and that wobble which is very slow takes 26 000 years to complete a whole a whole procession very slowly turning on its access and and that and that wobble takes twenty six thousand years that's called the great year but the Ancients had divided the ages into the signs of the zodiac 12 signs of the zodiac and so those were the those were the the processional houses the the ages each age was divided with a into into 12 houses and each one of those those periods of time those ages were designated by a symbol now people say well that's just that's Pagan that's the zodiac no because the ancient Hebrews had the same exact calendar but it was called the matseroth it's the same one okay so it's not pagan remember that that the Book of Genesis says that that the that the stars and the heavenly bodies are given for times and Seasons that's what we're talking about so if this gets a little complicated so I'll try and I'll try and condense it but the way that you determine what age you're in is based on the vernal equinox and the vernal equinox is the Spring Equinox during the Spring Equinox when you look due east Rises the sun rises in the East sets in the west right when you look due east about an hour before Dawn you will see a constellation hovering on the horizon right where the Sun is going to rise so you have a constellation is is coming up over the horizon and right behind that constellation is the Sun right where the Sun is going to rise about an hour or 40 minutes before Dawn you're going to see a constellation sitting on the horizon that's slowly rising and right behind that constellation is the Sun but the sun has not yet risen so as the sun rises and you're looking right where the sun is about to rise there's going to be a constellation sitting on the horizon that slowly Rising the sun is coming up right behind it this is how the Ancients determine what age they were in that constellation corresponds to one of the signs of the zodiac or the natural in Hebrew that sign delineates the age in which you are currently in whatever whatever sign that is right now if you look due east on the vernal equinox you're going to see Pisces because we are in the age of Pisces so that's how you determine the age in which you're in now that's the the eighth the marker of the H behind this constellation is the previous Age The Sign of the previous age so that previous age is below the horizon and whatever that previous age is it's being covered as it rises by the sun the sun is now here so you can't see that constellation okay it's being consumed in the Sun all right and the Ancients including the Inca and all different uh cultures around the world considered that constellation that's Rising covered with the Sun to be a sacrificial sign it's being sacrificed in the sun in the fire of the sun indeed they would say that it's that it is affixed to the sacrificial post why because as that constellation Rises you can't see it because the sun is consuming it so you have the sun consuming the sacrificial sign right and above it you have the sign indicating what age you're in so going back to the story of Abraham and Isaac God provides a ram a ram as the sacrifice rather than Isaac rather than Isaac for Abraham so why is it a ram why is it not a lamb Jesus is called the Lamb of God over and over again why is it not a lamb because that Ram is a Time marker during the age of Pisces at the dawning of the age of Pisces when you looked due east on the vernal equinox and Pisces is rising above the horizon Which Constellation do you suppose is affixed to the sacrificial posts Aries the ram Ares the ram is being sacrificed during the age of Pisces so the Ram that God had provided to be the sacrifice that represented his son Jesus Jesus of Nazareth that would come to be the sacrifice for our sins which was being play acted in Abraham and Isaac that ran Not only was the sacrifice that Abraham used as the burnt offering but it was also the zodiacal symbol of the age in which the Son of God would appear on the earth as the sacrifice for mankind and it was a ram it was Aries and so if you were an astronomer and you understood that story you would have it interpreted it because it was meant to be interpreted you would have interpreted that story that the sacrifice The Father's son was coming the sacrifice for our sin was coming at the dawning of the age of Pisces when the ram Aries was affixed to the sacrificial posts and being sacrificed by the Sun it was a time Locker based on the procession of the equinox so you would have known had you had you been in ancient near Eastern astronomer and familiar with the story of Jacob I mean of Abraham and Isaac you would have known interpreted that this King this son of God would show up at the dawning of the age of Pisces when was Christ born coincidentally at the beginning the inauguration of the age of Pisces right on time right on time as it was prefigured in the sacrifice of the RAM and the in the story of of Abraham and Isaac and now there's a whole lot of stuff like that all throughout the Bible see it's a strong it's astronomical and when you say astronomical what you're dealing with is time time so it's just a beautiful pre-figuration not only of the story of the Gospel but also it's a Time marker when the Son of God his beloved Son because God tells Abraham take your son your beloved Son right and so God is saying I'm going to provide my beloved Son I'm going to send my beloved Son to be the sacrifice for your sins and he's coming by the way I'll tell you when he's coming the age of Pisces when the when the age of Pisces when Pisces is rising above the Horizon on the vernal equinox and the ram is being sacrificed in the sun that's when my son is coming and Jesus says at the end of his age Pisces the Beast is going to rise and all these things are going to happen on the earth and then in the Book of Revelations calculate the number of the beasts and what do we get six times six times six is a precessional number of an age we get to 216 2160 the Beast is coming at the End of the Age God is telling us when all these things are going to happen right but we don't understand because we forgot how to use the celestial timepiece but the astronomers from Mesopotamia didn't forget they showed up when Christ was born because they read the signs and the the dawning of the age of Pisces was just one of the signs or some other things going on as well that indicated that Christ was going to be born and they didn't even know exactly where he was going to be born they had to get that information from Herod who said to them oh according to the scriptures Christ was going to be born in Bethlehem and so what did Herod do he tried to kill all the all the children one to three years old or whatever it was uh to eliminate this King this Messiah who was being born and of course that is prefigured uh or not prefigured that is depicted symbolized in Revelation in the dragon waiting to devour The Man Child that's going to be born from the woman that's a whole other topic that's that's discussed in the book and again all of this is very intricate and uh hopefully I recalled um all of this this information and details accurately and if I didn't I'm sorry it's very difficult for me to keep all of this straight in my head  thank you

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